
Kanto - Viridian City

Referee, "Machamp and Primeape are unable to battle, this match is a draw. Both sides have only two Pokemon remaining, please choose your fourth Pokemon."

Blue, "Return Machamp, thanks buddy."

Ash, "Return Primeape, get some rest."

Blue, "Three draws Ash, last time we did not even go past one. Maybe you can beat Red after all."

Ash perked up, "You think so?"

Blue nodded smirking, "Yup.... So gonna be a Champion?"

Ash picked Pikachu's ball, "No, I don't want to be stuck in one place like Red was. I'll defeat Red one day, do not doubt that but I will not be a Champion. I want to see the world."

Blue hummed readying his pokeball, "You have always been a curious one, I remember you were grounded once for wandering into the forest."

Ash blushed embarassed, "That was once, just once! Yeeeesh! Let it go already."

Blue, "Nope, let's go Venasaur."

Ash, "Let it go, will ya! I swear to sanity, you and Red are perfect for each other with your trolling and over protectiveness. Pikachu, I choose you."

Pikachu, "Pikapi?"

Ash, "Nothing, let's battle."

Pikachu nodded chirping, "Chu pika."

Venasaur sighed at her trainer's over protectiveness, "Saur venasaur."

Pikachu gaped, "Pi pika pikachu?"

Venasaur nodded, "Saur saur venasaur."

Pikachu gave Ash a look which left him confused, "Pi pikachu."

Lucario, 'Meema attracted trouble before we met, why am I not surprised!'

Referee, "Begin."

Blue, "Magical leaf."

Ash, "Agility to dodge the attack."

Pikachu ran around dodging the attack leaf after leaf trying to get closer but being pushed back everytime. Pikachu frowned type wise this was a really bad match up, he was at a disadvantage but speed wise he knew he had the upper hand. Ash had been training one on with him on his speed and stamina, as long as he doesn't get caught, there is a slim chance he can win this battle. Pikachu nodded to himself determined to win or at least weaken Venasaur so Lucario can win.

Ash, "Use Iron tail to return three of magical leaf."

Pikachu saw the magical leaf coming in a row of three towards him and he used Iron tail to hit it and return it to Venasaur. The large grass type was taken aback by surprise at the sudden attack, or rather at her attack being returned to her. Despite the fact she was a grass type the attack hurt a bit when it hit, after all she trained to battle against other grass types. And boy despite the pride in her attack being powerful it still hurt to be in the receiving end of it.

Blue, "Venasaur aromatherapy."

Ash, "Oh no!"

Blue smirked as Venasaur used aromatherapy to heal her wound and got ready to battle again. Ash frowned they would have to defeat Venasaur before she healed herself and they would have to move fast while doing it. He came up with a quick strategy and hoped for the best.

Ash, "Use agility again followed by swift."

Blue, "Vine whip catch him!"

Ash, "Use iron tail to return the attack and jump around."

Pikachu ran around Venasaur avoiding her vine whip by using iron tail to retaliate or jump around the older Pokemon. Venasaur was no slouch either and kept trying to catch Pikachu using her vines and after the fifth try finally caught the fast mouse. Pikachu struggled to get his leg free as Venasaur lifted him up.

Ash, "Pikachu use surf first."

Pikachu nodded and dumped a wave of water on Venasaur who looked at the little mouse shocked.

Blue, "Venasaur use poison powder."

Ash ordered, "Thunder wave through the vines."

Blue's eyes widened as Pikachu sent a very powerful thunder wave which affected Venasaur very badly. Pikachu sneezed from inhaling poison at zero blank range and struggled to stay up. Both Pokemon fainted, one from the shock and the other from the poison.

Referee, "Venasaur and Pikachu are unable to battle. Please choose your final Pokemon."

Ash, "Pikachu!"

Blue, "Venasaur!"

Brock spoke up, "I have a few Cheri and Pecha berry here."

Blue, "Thank! Here pretty girl, eat, you will feel better."

Ash, "Thank you Brock, here Pikachu eat it buddy, you can get some rest too."

The two Pokemon were still a little weak despite eating the berries but felt a little better than before. Blue and Ash returned them to their pokeballs so they could get some rest and stood up ready to battle the last round that would decide the winner. Lucario stepped up and Blue chose Blissey, his first ever Pokemon just like Lucario was Ash's first Pokemon.

Blue, "Despite taking a berry, Vena is still weak, you really trainer your little mouse to be a powerful demon, didn't ya?"

Ash grinned, "I only trained him, his power is his own."

Blue, "If I had not known how powerful Red's Pikachu is, I would have accused you of drugging or something like that."

Ash looked affronted, "Excuse you, I'm not that desperate to be powerful."

Blue chuckled, "No you are not, which is why I have high hopes for you."

Ash grinned, "I won't let you down."

Blue nodded to the Referee, "I know you won't."

Referee, "Begin!"

Blue, "Blissey mega punch."

Ash, "Mega kick Lucario!"

The two attacks collided and the two Pokemon grinned at each other, it had been a long time since they battled. Jessilina and Brock watched the battle attentively, she had a Blissey of her own and Blue's Blissey was very popular because of not just her ability to heal but also her strength. The two had been the poster boy and girl for healers who wanted to be battlers as well. It was not a secret that Blue learned healing using acupuncture treatment, from Dr Abbey and his Pokemon took intensive Pokemon healing classes in Kalos. If anything, they were prime ideal examples for healers, who wanted to add other professions to their careers, especially since he was a healer who was also a Champion.

Ash, "Lucario fire punch!"

Blue, "Thunder punch!"

The two attacks hit each other Lucario grunted from the force of the punch while Blissey hissed from the heat. The two separated and Lucario used his steel typing to let the electricity pass harmlessly. Blissey used heal pulse to heal the burn off, both Pokemon looked like they had not broken a sweat before they both went at it using fire, thunder, ice and mega punch to fight each other. It had been a while since they fought and going all out against each other was always fun.

Ash, "Now shadow ball and aura sphere."

Blue, "Disarming voice."

The disarming voice deactivated the aura sphere however the shadow ball remained and hit Blissey hard. The healing Pokemon shook her head before she defended herself from Lucario who was using bone rush. She countered with double edge and brick break, the two Pokemon were left panting hard once they separated from each other.

Blue, "Heal pulse."

Ash, "Heal pulse."

Both Pokemon healed themselves and stood up again sizing each other up. Blissey had to give it to her younger brother, he had come a long way. Lucario looked at his sister with respect, she had become stronger than last time but no matter, he would win. He had to win in order to prove to himself he has become stronger than before.

Ash, "Sword dance."

Blue, "Copy cat."

Lucario and Blissey attacked each other using sword dance and the two went at it again.

Ash, "Now bone rush."

Lucario added bone rush into the sword dance making Blissey wince a bit.

Blue, "Blissey aromatherapy."

Ash's eye glowed, "Don't give her an inch, Lucario now vacuum wave."

Lucario's eyes glowed as well as he used vacuum wave and hit Blissey hard making her fall.

Ash panted a little, "Lucario follow up using extreme speed and metal claw."

Blue, "Take down now."

Blissey got up and rushed towards Lucario to use take down on him but Lucario used extreme speed to dodge the attack and hit Blissey with Metal claw. Blissey fell to the battlefield a second time this time not getting back up again as Lucario and Ash both panted from the exhaustion. Misty and the others looked at Ash worried, he had once again used aura to give Lucario support, Meowth half wondered if Ash even realized what he was doing.

Referee, "Blissey is unable to battle, Lucario wins the match, Ash has won the Earth badge."

The moment the Referee finished saying that both Ash and Lucario fainted getting alarmed shouts from everyone. Blue returned Blissey and rushed to check Ash and returned Lucario to the Cherish ball that was always around Ash's neck. He checked Ash's pulse and found it was stable before he got up carrying him and motioned for the others to follow him after telling one of the trainees, she was in charge. The trainee gaped as her leader who could never be bothered about anyone but Red carried the young trainer in his arms out of the gym. This started another new gossip about their relationship, they were already talking thanks to the fact Blue used three of his original team members in battle. Now they wondered if the kid in his arms was someone special.

Blue, "From the looks on your faces, this is not the first time it happened, is it?"

Brock, "No, last time it happened was when he was fighting against Blaine."

Blue, "Oh! Tell me about it."

Misty, "Ash has been actively using aura since the last gym..... I don't think he even realizes he is using aura."

Blue sighed, "I figured as much but what happened with Blaine and does he know about this."

Jessilina nodded and launched into an explanation of what Blaine had discovered and the notes they had compared with each other during the time they spent at Cinnabar Island. Blue hummed as he looked through the notes and nodded, he had seen what Yellow and Riley could do and it looked like Ash was a combination of both. He made a point to call Yellow and Riley to talk to Ash at one point and have a word with his fellow gym leader.

Ash woke up in the centre bed next to his Pokemon who were looking at him worriedly, "Hey guys."

Lucario poked his head, -You were using aura again Meema! I thought you said no usage of aura without training.-

Ash's eyes widened, "What do you mean I used aura? I didn't.... I wanted to win this battle on my own accord without aura."

Blue, "Well you didn't realize you were using it did you?"

Ash shook his head, "I would have stopped if I had realized it."

Blue, "Well the Earth badge is still yours, there are no rules against Aura users truthfully speaking. In fact it is considered a very high honor in the league tonight have an Aura Gaurdian battle at one of the gym."

Ash spoke quietly, "I'm not an Aura Gaurdian."

Misty, "You are the closest among us, though, give yourself some credit Ash."

Brock nodded, "It's not a bad thing you know, just please be careful. Also you were out only for a few hours this time unlike last time. I bet you are hungry right?"

Ash nodded, "Hungry and tired."

Jessilina walked in, "I got the food."

Jameson came after her, "You're awake Ash."

Blue, "Let's eat first after dinner, we will talk."

Ash laughed nervously, "Yes, big brother."

Blue nodded and after dinner the others left the two of them alone to talk about what happened earlier during the battle and at Cinnabar Island. Blue talked to Blaine and the two had agreed to keep it a secret for as long as possible for Ash's sake but in return Ash had to talk to Yellow and Riley about it. Ash agreed to talk to them soon as he realized they would know more about aura than anyone else but he didn't want to be an Aura Gaurdian. They attracted way too much attention from unwanted groups around the world, groups Ash was not really ready to confront yet. He barely faced Team Rocket in Kanto thanks to Red and Gold's work on handling the Jhoto-Kanto region.

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