
Chapter 9

Ulric's black boots stepped onto the dirt path outside of Brevell for the first time in his life. The sun was up, shining down on the rogue man as his cloak remained around him, the hood down, however. He was unmasked, revealing the craggy look on his face. He seemed tired, but excited and thrilled at the same time. This was the beginning of a new life, a grin across his face. Ulric was a man of split personality, enjoying the fun loving moments in life whilst basking in the tragedies. Outside the kingdom walls was a small stable, holding a multitude of horses. Ulric had all his money on him, and he should have had more than enough to get a horse.

Ulric entered the stable, a bell ringing as he entered. It was attached to a wooden beam just above the door, the ringing causing horses to neigh throughout the barn. The hostler of the barn, the person who takes care of the horses, approached Ulric with a small grin. She wore a red gown with a smile on her.

"Howdy!" The gal said to him, a chuckle leaving her mouth as she looked at Ulric. She had a blonde ponytail, brown eyes, and slight freckles across her cheeks. Ulric had tilted his head at the greeting, having never heard the word "howdy" before. He shrugged it off, looking at the hostler as he began to speak.

"Hey. Uh, I'm looking for the person who sells the horses here." Ulric explained, causing the girl to break out in a fit of giggles with a large smile on her face. Suddenly, she thrusted her fist out to him with her thumb up, bringing it back in and pointing at herself in the chest.

"Ya lookin at her! You're standing right here in Brevells one and only Horse Stable!" She said with a large grin still on her face.

"Ran by yours truly, of course!" She said, giggling as she began to speed down the stables, her infectious laughter causing a confused but genuine smile on Ulric's face.

"Just pick one and I'll let you try em out!" She said with a slight accent in her tone but Ulric didn't know where it was from. He began to walk his way down the stable, seeing the horses as their neighs filled the air. He saw a multitude of different horses from all sizes, brown and spotted horses, black horses that were short and tall. Each one neighed at him as he reached out to them. However, his eyes stopped at one specific horse that stood out far beyond any other horse in the stable. It was a stallion, pure white. No spots on him, no flaws. A fair size, not too big but not too small.

"Oh, you wouldn't want her. She's bitten everyone that's gone for her." The girl said, a look of worry on her face as she watched Ulric reach out to the stallion. Unlike the rest, the stallion didn't neigh at Ulric but instead let out a huff through her nose. Ulric gave a smile to the horse, placing his hand on her forehead as she relaxed into it, a look of awe on the hostler's face.

"I'll take her. How much?" Ulric inquired, looking over to the hostler with his hand still on her forehead.

"You know what? She seems to hate everyone else who comes here. Take her, free of charge. Just treat her right, you hear me?" She said, winking at him and tilting her head with a smile of mischievous intent. She knew the type that Ulric was, a wanderer. A vagabond. Guess it attracted the stallion. This would be a good pair. She soon opened the gate, allowing for the horse to leave its enclosure. It did so steadily, walking out of the stable as it followed Ulric.

"Guessing you don't need a leash, huh?" He asked the horse with a smile, the horse giving a quiet whinny in response. He walked over beside the horse, mounting it as he took a grip. He took a deep breath, hitting the horse gently with the heels of his feet.

"Ride off!" He called out, only to be sent flying off the horse onto his back on the grass. He was now looking up to the horse, and although it was a literal horse, he couldn't help but feel like she was mocking him. The stallion would turn its side to him, as if inviting him back on. Ulric couldn't help but chuckle, dusting his clothes off as he mounted back on.

"Alright, alright. Let's go!" He called out, the stallion speeding off on the dirt path that led to the civilizations outside of the Brevell kingdom, the small towns and villages. The wind from the speed had caused Ulric's hair to breeze in the wind, giving a "WOAH" noise at the speed. Eventually, it was replaced with laughter as he leaned in, balancing the control between him and the horse.

"We should probably get you a name, huh?" He asked the horse, running his hand through her hair. The horse had slowed down at this point, clopping at a regular speed now instead of the full on sprint earlier.

"What do you think of... Bessie?" The horse gave a loud bray in disapproval.

"Alright... Curley?" He asked. The horse didn't bray this time but shook her head to signify it's displeasure.

"What about... Pippie?" This time, the horse stopped completely dead in its tracks, almost causing Ulric to fall off. She turned her head to look at him as if daring Ulric to say that name again.

"Okay, okay. Scratch Pippie off." He said nervously as the horse began walking its way on the path. The sun was piercing through the clouds to give a nice warmth and great scenery for the pair.

"I got it! How do you feel about Athos?" He asked the horse. The horse in response picked up her speed, sprinting once again towards a town that was coming in view.

"Guess you like that, huh?" He asked the horse, now appropriately named Athos. The horse came into the town, returning to a slow clop as Ulric gave small waves to the local villagers. They responded with smiles and head nods, a couple of waves, and a few vocal hellos. Ulric led Athos over to a tavern, dismounting her as he chuckled.

"I'll get you an apple." He said, his hand getting a lick in approval by Athos. His hand playfully rubbed her muzzle, leaving her soon enough knowing she wouldn't allow anyone else to ride her. He entered the busy tavern, music playing in the background as he sat down next to a female who wore a red tunic with black woolen pants. She was a brunette with short wavy brown hair that reached her nape. She had brown eyes to match with her hair. Around her waist was a belt, the belt holding a leather flask, a pouch for her coins along with a hatchet. Much like Ulric, she too had a bag slung around her shoulders.

"Can I get some Ale, a water refill, and an apple?" Ulric asked the bartender, handing his flask over. Ulric, much like the woman, also held a belt. His belt however held his pouch, his flask, and his dagger in its sheath. The dagger had caught the woman's eyes, smiling as she sparked up a conversation.

"That's one fancy looking blade there." The woman spoke, Ulric turning his head to face her. She had a small smile, a wholesome one that showed no malicious intent behind it.

"Got it when I was a youngin," Ulric said, not noticing the small smile that reciprocated on his face.

"What about you, madam? I see that hatchet on your waist and I gotta say, that is some finely carved wood." Ulric commented, her smile turning into a small smirk.

"Oh, this?" She asked, reaching and pulling out her hatchet. She flipped it into the air, catching it by its handle. He noticed something, words carved into the handle but he couldn't make it out until she showed him.

"Ad Meloria." She said, showing the words carved into the handle. It looked like it was done recently, the shavings visible.

"I did this myself not too long ago. It means 'Towards better Things'" She said proudly, grinning. Ulric repaid the favor, pulling out his dagger. The intricate hilt and the words engraved on it. She raised an eyebrow, commenting on it.

"Wolf ruler? Ain't that a bit pretentious?" She joked, giving a small snicker.

"Maybe. But it is the meaning of my name." He said, sheathing his blade as she would do the same with her hatchet. His ale would soon arrive along with his apple, grabbing his cup of ale and taking a sip which the female giggled at.

"Meaning of your name, huh? Speaking of which, what is your name?" She inquired, raising an eyebrow and tapping the counter. He waited for a second, thinking about it before speaking.

"Ulric. Ulric de Montfort." He said, a smile on his face as she tilted her head in approval.

"Ulric de Montfort? Now that's a powerful name if I've ever heard one." She replied, grinning before speaking up again.

"Avice. Avice Purlles." She said, the two making eye contact. The tension was thick before suddenly being broken by a third individual, her voice coming between the two.

"WOAH! YOU GUYS GOT SOME COOL WEAPONS!" She called out, the two snapping their heads at this girl. She was looking with stars in her eyes at the blades that were strapped around their waists, causing Avice to break out in a fit of laughter. However, Ulric was examining the girl. She seemed quite young, not even old enough to be in this tavern.

"How old are you?" He asked the girl who had a bright grin on her face, the stars in her eyes disappearing as she focused back on the man. The girl was short, around 5'6. She had a black ponytail that flowed down her back, a long style indeed. A strand of her hair popped out in the front, visible in front of her left eye. However, it was only a few strands and her eye was still completely visible. She wore a scarf and multiple layers of clothing, a coat with a rope belt wrapped around her waist instead of the regular belts that Ulric and Avice had been wearing. Her coat was orange, a blue shirt tunic underneath it would seem, and red rope around her forearms. This was matched with baggy orange pants made of cotton, regular black boots at the end.

"Oh! I'm sixteen!" She proclaimed proudly, giving a thumbs up. He hadn't noticed until now but on her back was an extended weapon. A bo staff, seemingly forged by a professional with its metallic engravings.

"What is that engraving? I've never seen that animal before." He asked the girl in curiosity. She grinned, pulling her weapon out as she twirled it above her head, making sure not to hit anyone. She planted it into the ground, revealing the intricate details. It was immaculate.

"It's a mysterious creature. It's a winged beast with scales! Said to be as big as the royal castle itself! Even larger in fact!" She said with a smile.

"They're called dragons! No one knows if they exist but I believe, no. Scratch that, someone does know. I know they exist! And I'll find one!" She said with a cheery grin, placing her staff back into its holder on her back.

"Oh? And how do you plan to find this mysterious creature of yours?" Avice asked the girl, her laughter having stopped by now.

"I'll explore the entire world if I have to! I'll find them, even if it's when I'm eighty years old!" She still proclaimed with excitement. She was giggling, but it was abruptly cut off by a man bumping her shoulder. This man muttered something, something that had caused the girl's ears to perk up. She walked over to the man, tapping his shoulder before flooring him with a punch to the bridge of the nose.

"Watch who you call a little brat. And try to be more careful, or you might end up on the ground again!" She said cheerfully as if she was making a joke. Suddenly, around 5 more drunks stood up in the tavern. She pulled out her staff as Avice stood up, grinning ear to ear.

"So it's a bar fight!"

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