
The Utilities of the Fire-Fire Fruit...

Chapter 26

Title: The Utilities of the Fire-Fire Fruit...


Sabo spits out a handful at this, having taken heavy internal damage from Ace's full-powered punch. He had used Armament Haki also to protect his stomach, but due to Ace's Armament Haki being stronger than his, then he still took some heavy damage.

Though in a lot of pain Sabo takes this chance and he points his palm at Ace's face, drops his spear, and uses his now free hand to grab into Ace's wrist. 

"FIRE BLAST!!" Yells Sabo as he shoots a point-blank beam of heat and fire at Ace. The latter has a calm look on his face and imbues his whole body with Haki. And uses his knee to kick Sabo's hand towards the sky.


A pillar of flame shoots towards the sky, Ace then uses his hand to grab Sabo's arm with the intention of using his strength to break his arm. But Sabo releases flames from his whole body, so Ace has to hold his breath so no fire gets into his lungs. 

Though he feels the heat, it doesn't hurt him as he resists the flames with his Haki. 

'Sabo, he has learned to control this Devil Fruit so well with only one week of training.' Ponders Ace as he does some fast jab hits to Sabo's stomach, bringing his friend to his knees. 'If he can achieve awakening in the future…'



This fight between them continues on for nine hours and night comes about in the island, but everything can be seen as bright as day in the island as it is on fire. Deuce and Cat had gone back to the ship and had to keep the ship from burning, while Sabo and Ace were still fighting. 

Sabo has heavy injuries all over his body as Ace used his sword to make some cuts along his body, though Sabo could still defend himself with Haki so the cuts weren't too deep. 

Ace on the other hand wasn't injured at all, he was only breathing slightly heavily, while his friend could barely stand up. Sabo's eyes finally close and he falls on the ground. Ace doesn't say anything at this and only a slight smile appears on his face. 'Devil Fruits, now I definitely need to get one myself. The exponential rise in power that Sabo experienced is something else, I actually had to be careful and was almost immediately one shot multiple times.'

His fist clenches and he looks at his hand with a smile on his face. "Stronger… I need to become stronger… way stronger…"

As Ace says that he reminisced at how he considered himself relatively strong, but he was comparing himself with east Blue rabble. And there still exist many Devil Fruits that can make one powerful, Sabo used to consider it a win in his book if he could last even five minutes against Ace. 

But now that he got the Devil Fruit, Ace had a small chance of winning this fight, from the way he saw it this was more like a draw. He didn't win against Sabo, this doesn't feel like a victory to him at all, if his friend had more stamina, then the fight could have gone both ways. It was a wake up call to Ace, that even though he is strong… he isn't that strong… he isn't nowhere close to where he wants to be at least.


-Ace POV-

In the end I just picked him up and carried him over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes, I also put my sword back on it's sheath and picked up Sabo's spear. I sigh a little as I look all over me and see the burning island. 

Well, it was just some brittle wood so there was nothing of value in this sh*t hole so it doesn't matter. I better start planning my next move now. 


I arrive at my ship and I put Sabo on the deck, I then push the ship away from the waves and have to swim and drag the ship out of here. 

Then I get back on the ship as I pull down the sails and let the ship sail around a little. I then take some ointment and put it in Sabo's wounds, so he doesn't get any scars from his cuts. Also I take out a threat that looks normal but is actually called a liquid medicine thread. This way I don't have to pull out the stitches now. This world's medicine is truly amazing, there are all types of herbs along this place as long as one is willing to pay quite a bit of money for them. 




Five days pass and I look at Sabo and smile as I am building two propellers to the side of the ship. Then there is a tube at the deck of the ship and Cat, Deuce and Sabo look at Ace confused. 


"Hup!" I jump in the ship and tell Sabo. "Use some fire through this tube." I point at a tube in the middle of the deck. Hopefully this works, that would be cool as sh*t and I have planned this engineering machinery for quite some time and even had the confirmation of some of the best carpenters to see whether they thought it would work.

As I say that Sabo pulls up to the rail and punches some fire in the tube, which is as wide as his fist.


Immediately I feel a force push me backwards and smash into the deck with Sabo and Deuce stumbling back too. While Cat holds onto the railings with a terrified look on its face. 

"Woah! What was that?" Exclaims Deuce as he takes out his book and a pen, ready to write as he comes towards me. That was unexpected, I will need to put a limiter on the propulsors, together with putting a thermometer to tell how fast we are gonna be going. 

"Hahahahaha, this is my new project. Hopefully I will be able to make the ship fly one day, that would be cool as hell. Bahahahahaha…" I tell Deuce as I give him a glimpse of what I plan for this ship, with Sabo's fruit which literally would be a type of infinite power generator, there are endless possibilities. I got the inspiration from Ace's small mini ship during the canon timeline. 

Deuce writes down at incredible speeds what I say, I explain to him how I plan to use Sabo's fruit to create flying ships. I know that he will only write parts of that in his book or otherwise it would be boring. 

"That would be really amazing." Sabo on the other hand is excited at a flying ship too. Cat on the other hand holds into the railing of the ship as it is too scared. *whine*

I go to Cat and pet it to make it relax. A smile appeared on my face, I knew just how much of a difference a ship could make on the Grand Line. We could survive most storms and natural catastrophes if we have a good ship.

"Where are we gonna go next captain?" Asks Deuce, I look at him and blink once. We have been at sea for five days and now he asks a question like this? We just met and he has this much trust in me that he doesn't even care where I take him? Or maybe he was too dumb and excited for getting off Sixis Island.

In the end though I decided to answer his question. "Well, we will be going to…



In a fight Ace outclasses Sabo in every way from, Speed, Endurance, Strength, Haki, Strategy and many things. But that Logia Fire fruit closes that distance quite nicely, and Sabo will only get better at using it from now on. So Ace will have to learn and advance too...

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