
Chapter 65: The Runaway

"AN: The narration here will be pretty complicated so try to focus and Keep up"

*Salomeh, capital of the Adrun empire and the most envy city in the world. Recently, the kingdom of Adrun had reduced its military operations abroad, promoting trade and exchanges between peoples. Even their rival the Osmandi Empire had cease the opportunity to do business while the king was still reasonable. That day at the royal palace in a secret room a man was being violently tortured. He was chained to the wall shirtless. The tendons in his ankles had been severed so he couldn't move. Beside him his torturer a burly man with a balaclava who didn't seem to take much pleasure in his session. Sitting on a chair in the corner of the room was a handsome man with jet black hair in a purple tunic. He had crossed his legs and was reading a book quietly while the other man started screaming. It was Prince Elfinn 1st hier of the throne

- Please... Your highness, I implore you. I did not do anything. I swear to you that whatever you've been told about me is untrue.

*The man had a pleading look but Elfinn had his heart made of stone*.

-I haven't accused you of anything yet, so why are you claiming your innocence?

- But... I... You're not torturing me for fun, are you?

*Elfinn made a sign to the executioner who sighed then grabbed a pair of pliers before putting it in the man's mouth. This one started shouting while begging crying all the tears of his body*.

-I beseech you, majesty, have mercy.

*The door suddenly opened letting in a new person. A blond, handsome, well-groomed young man with a neatly groomed beard. He wore trousers over his boots and a simple tank top*.

-Yo Elfinn.

-Emvis. *He tells him calmly*. How was your day ? GOOD ? Take a sit.

*He leaned back against the wall and stared at the other man whose blood was gushing from his mouth*.

-I'll stay up. You invite me alone to the last level of the palace dungeon. Should I be suspicious?

- If I wanted to kill you, you would already be dead.

-Your Highness... Please. *begged the man*.

-You know him ? *Asked Elfinn who closed his book*.

-No why ? What did he do to you?

-Nothing that concerns you. Jerome grinds his tooth.

*The man used the pliers but rather than pulling it out he used pressure to break the tooth inside his mouth. The process was slow and painful and the man let out a cry which was muffled by the hand of the executioner. Emvis watched the scene with some empathy*.

-Hey man I don't know what you did to him but Elfinn rarely tortures people for no reason so hurry up and tell him what he wants your death will be brief.

- But I don't even know why I'm being tortured. *He said crying*. He didn't ask me any questions in an hour.

*Emvis arched an eyebrow and looked away*.

-I didn't come to talk to you about that. *tells Elfin crossing his fingers*.

- What do you want to discuss with me then?

- You and I are not kids anymore. We know what to expect if it ever gets out of hand between the two of us.

-I will have the advantage in a direct confrontation. In fact, I'm even sure to win. *Said Emvis with a smirk*.

*He looked at his brother who was not smiling at him at all*.

- But I know you, you are deceitful and you hide an Ace under your sleeve. Let me see. I have the relics, Emory has the Killicks and you have ????

*He watched his face for a tic that could betray him but there was nothing*.

- You're not funny Elf.

-Let's talk about Emory and his Killicks. I want you to tell me a little more about them.

-Oooh, so it was that.

* The day had just started and but it will going to be eventful. Someone enters Emory's room, a young tanned teenager. His hair was dark blue and he had a braid that fell down his left side. He wore fancy clothes that made you think he was local royalty.*

- Up, it's morning. *He said removing the sheet*.

*The youngster underneath was completely naked. He got up and saw the Killick in front of him staring at him with his usual look*.

- Shit what are you doing Kaleb? I'm naked. *he shouted*.

*He picked up a piece of sheet and covered his lower body*.

-I already told you to stop sleeping naked. *Said Kaleb annoyed*. Don't tell me Dagur took you drinking again.

-Dagur? *he wondered aloud*. What did he put in that glass again?

*Kaleb threw his clothes in his face and gave him his back*.

-Kaleb. *says Emvis*. He's Emory's right-hand man. He trusts his more than any other member of the group. But if you want my opinion there is more between them.

-More like?

*While Kaleb's back was turned Emory jumped up and whispered in his ear*.

- You liked what you saw don't you ?

*But Prince Killick remained stoic. He turned around and saw Emory's smiling gaze then pushed him away before putting his clothes back on.

-Dress yourself. We have a scheduled visit today.

-You're not funny. *He sulked*. But that's why I like you. *he whispered*.

*The prince exited and closed the door behind him. In the corridor he met Elfinn whom he avoided with his gaze. This one, on the other hand, stared at him insistently.*

-Kaleb is probably the strongest among them. He oversees most of their activities and takes important decisions especially on the battlefield. He's in charge when Emory is away.

-He really became a handsome man. *says Elfinn moody*.

-Hey ho. I have nothing against your questionable tastes but try to keep up. *says Emvis snapping his fingers*. Then there is...

*After showering and changing young Prince Emory arrange his hair. He pick um a sword and went to the meeting place as agreed. It was a vineyard near one of the local rivers. There were hundreds of slaves working and the young prince was walking in the company of a slightly older young man, around 20 years old. A young brunette with a little shy air. The two men were walking across the field*.

- Again, a thousand thanks, majesty. Thanks to you, my family's vineyard was reborn from its ashes.

-It's normal Marduke. After the tragic loss of your father, I know your family has gone through difficult times.

-Yes and thanks to you I can finally feed my family properly. *He says cheerfully*.

*As they walked there were among the workers, 3 of them who had covered their faces. They raised their sickles in the direction of the prince then charged forward. The first took a stone that made a hole in his skull. Seeing him fall to the ground Marduke jumped in fear. The 2nd was intercepted and his sickle was torn from him and pushed into his mouth, an elbow strike in the larynx exploding his throat. The 3rd received a blow in the knee which broke his whole leg. He passed out in shock. The one who had done that was also a Killick, a follower of hand-to-hand techniques, he had practically made no effort. He wore a crimson chest piece and pants as well as combat leggings. At his belt his animal skin loincloth that he had had since his childhood. His red hair was styled in mohwak with one side of the braided skull*.

-What... What... What just happened there? *Asked Marduke scared*.

-The weekly attack. It happens twice a week.

-The weekly attack.

-Oh yes. Had to see when I was at 6 a day. You're really bored right now Sheehan?

-No comment. *He said with veiled anger*.

-My... Majesty I swear I have nothing to do with this attack.

*Emory stared at him with a smile*.

-I believe you. You wouldn't have any reason to attack me in the middle of a field when we're only the two of us, would you?

*Sheehan suddenly appeared behind Marduke and his palm covered the back of his neck*.

-Unless you learned that it was I who killed your father, didn't you? After all Councilor Malonus was your father.

*The kid's eyes tilted but he was helpless as Sheehan was about to blow his skull off*.

-Sheehan. *says Emvis*. A Jenobach warrior proud of his roots. He's Emory's watchdog, and he's damned effective. On the battlefield he is called upon for duels and all other matters requiring combat. Sheehan the "blood hand" we call him. Apart from that he is rather reserved and does not talk much.

- It's just a simpleton then.

- Think again. This kid is good at probing the real nature of people. I think that's exactly why he's always on the sidelines.

*Emory approached Marduke all smiles then suddenly looked him in the eyes with a scary look*.

-Tell me Marduke. You didn't try to get revenge, tell me?

*The Prince's gaze terrified him to such an extent that he trembled*.

-N... No. I swear to you.

*Emory found a smile immediately*.

-I believe you.

*Sheehan let go of him and young Marduke felt life return to his body*.

- On the other hand, you have an idea of ​​who fomented this attack, am I wrong? *Sheehan insisted*.

*Madurke jumped up and stared at the Killick in surprise. Emory moved closer with a curious look*.

-The other two are in a different category. *Explained Emvis*.

- Different category?

*Somewhere in a mansion in a nearby town of Salomeh many people had just died. There were only bodies left on the ground, servants, horses, pet dogs, everything was gone and most of them in a lamentable state. In one of the rooms was a man and 2 women, one of whom was his daughter, begging for their lives. In front of them a duo composed of a young man and a young girl. The girl had short, curly dark hair. The man had blue hair swept up in the back with a flyaway over his right eye. Both wore cloth suits and baggy pants over boots. They also had a long brown coat with a hood. The boy had two sabers in his hand, one of which he held upside down and the girl a long curved dagger*.

- Malonus' brother huh. Why didn't we think of that sooner? *Asked Varken*.

-He make himself quiet for almost 6 years, we couldn't know.

-I sent elite soldiers to these fields, how did you eliminate them? *the brother asked*.

-elite sold... ?? *they said out loud*.

*The duo exchanged a look before laughing*.

-I didn't remember their names *Says Emvis* but these two are the reason why people fear Emory more and more these last years. They are in charge of the darkest missions ranging from torture to Kidnapping.

- Here are children that I would like to meet.

-They are Killicks so you will have to pay for their services. *Said Emvis smiling*. I'm sure they'll give you a king price.

- Stop your useless sarcasm.

*Adali tore the man's eyelids off as his wife watched and his daughter cried. She mutilated his body to the extreme but kept him alive*.

- Please... Kill me but don't touch my family. please.

- Please spare our childrens.

-chidlren ? *Varken wondered*

*Suddenly a cry disturbs the place. It was the cry of a boy. Varken and Dali found themselves in front of a cradle to contemplate a newborn baby*.

-Oooh look how cute he is. *says Dali toying with him*.

-Please don't hurt him. *begged the mother, clutching Varken's leg*.

*He wanted to smash her but he heard the baby next to him laughing. He stared at Adali and sighed*.

-Ok... Do you know a good Orphanage?

-A what ?

-You're deaf, I'm asking you if you know a good orphanage.

- Hey yes yes but...

*He took a piece of paper out of his jacket and put it on the table*.

-Note it. Write down the address. We can't spare you, but the baby will have a chance.

*The initially confused mother sat down and began to note with a certain renewed hope. Varken also posted a new page*.

-Write it down.

-What... What do I write?

- A letter. *Said Adali*. That he knows his parents loved him is all important. A spirit of revenge must not inhabit him otherwise he will come back to us.

- And we will have to kill him. *Complete Varken*. So

-T... Thank you... For what you do..

*Varken looked away embarrassed*.

-It's professional, it's nothing personal.

*While he was looking away he saw the older girl stuck a knife in Adali's side. Although it was without noticable effect or damage, Varken exploded in rage and ripped his head off with a sharp claw. Seeing her daughter die so brutally, the mother uttered a cry of horror*.

- Varken no.

*He split her skull in two. The blood spattered the baby who keep laughing. Who could blame him, he didn't understand what was going on. The blind and furious father started screaming cursing them but Varken thrust his blade in his mouth to the back of his throat. Adali sat up and took off her clothes leaving just her top. Her wounded closed slowly*.

- Who the hell is going to write the letter now?

-Sorry, I got carried away. *he says*.

-I don't blame you. Look at this adorable baby. Now he is alone in the world.

*He approached from behind and hugged her tenderly*.

-We could adopt him, what do you say? Or even try to have ours.

-Stop It Ken, we said not on mission. *She said pulling his arm away*.

-He's a hundred kilometers from here, he won't surprise us. In fact he can't. And look, we have a bed just for us.

-I said no.

*He stopped insisting and went to pull his sword out off the man's throat when he was suddenly pinned against the wall. Adali kissed him languidly and he returned her kiss. She then pushed him against the bed and took off his top. He took the opportunity to grab her breasts and she leaned in to kiss him when he stopped her.

- Wait... Wait.

-What ?

-There's a baby watching.

*She sighed then returned, turned the cradle away and gave him a kiss before returning to her business. A few hours later in the afternoon the duo found the prince at Marduke villa *.

- You took your time. *Said Emory annoyed*.

-We had to face... Unforeseen events. *Says Varken*. Lots of contingencies.

- But it's settled, isn't it?

*The two of them look at each other*

-Isn't it ? *Insist Emory*

- Obviously we are professionals. *says Adali*. By the way where is Sheehan, I thought he had to babysit you today

-Sheehan said he was pissed off. After the visit to the Marduke vineyard he totally disappeared. He left me with the Praetorian Guard.

*Indeed there were about ten human guards in the Villa*.

-That's hiding something. *Says Varken*.

-Everyone is hiding something. He's probably in town feeding a family of stray cats behind our backs.

-I hope he don't feeds them with his blood. Or we'll end up with very big cats on our hands.

*Sheehan was actually in town feeding sure, but not cats just kids from the poor neighborhoods. In the middle of them there was the silhouette of a young teenage girl who smiled at him but he himself remained in the background. In face he was just shy to talk to her*.

- By the way, you wouldn't know where Dagur is? *asked the prince*.

-Sorry, nobody saw him highness.

-Weird. Kaleb didn't see him either.

-And I haven't seen Fryr in two days. *says Dali*.

-And where is Kaleb?

-With Dion in Arguson domain.

-What now ? *Varken wondered*. I thought he had I quote "nothing more to learn from the master".

-Your impersonations suck, Ken. *Said Dali jaded*.

-It's for another matter that he's going to see Arguson and not Bauer.

- If you say so then.

*Meanwhile in an office inside a young man seemed overwhelmed, he kept giving directions as he tried to read a book in front of him*.

- This one is probably the most important. *Said Emvis*. He is the mastermind of all their activities, no decision is taken without consulting him. He mainly deals....

-I heard about him. Alvaces took him under his wing and since then the political sphere has been in turmoil. *Explained Elfinn*. I would dream of having such a talented kid on my side.

-Isn it ? He's almost as good as you. But the political sphere does not seem to be his only ray of knowledge.

-As far as I know he stands aside unlike to the others. He rarely participates in battles, isn't? What makes you think he's different?

*Emvis crossed his arms and stared at his brother seriously*.

-His name is Enrik Enrikson.

-Enrik... Enrik. *He repeated*. Enrik like... The same Enrik that General Aguilar has... This Enrik? *he said surprised*.

-I only met him once and I still get goosebumps while I sleep. *Said Emvis*.

- And it would be his son huh.

*Enrik tried to grab a book above a shelf but he fell. The book was caught by a young girl below. Enrik was just wearing leather pants and a T-shirt. His blue hair had grown long and Spiky so he had made a ponytai with it. The girl with him was Diana who had become a beautiful young woman, she wore a tunic like that of the palace scribes. And she now spoke their language better than native speaker*.

-Diana? What are you doing around here?

*She handed him the book and he thanked her*.

-I finished writing the reports regarding the latest mining adjustments. And I also reorganized the treasury budget.

-What would I become without you? You are saving my life.

-Oh but it's normal between friends. *She said smiling*.

-Between friends huh.

- By the way, have you seen Dagur? I wanted him to show me this restaurant that recently opened on the main square.

*Enrik went back to his chair and started to read the report ignoring it*.

-Hey Enrik? I'm talking to you

- Oh yes yes. *He jumped*. Sorry I don't know where he is.

*At the same time at Philotas' home the atmosphere was rather electric. Young Brett Rickart had just woken up after a night of excessive drinking. His head was spinning but he was hanging on. He stood up then put on his gear before hanging his sword behind his back. He staggered out of his room and then arrived in the courtyard where he heard shouting*.

-It's out of the question, I won't let you go. *Dagfinn shouted*. If father crossed them off the list, it's for a good reason.

- I only go there for business. Only one I do not ask you to accompany me but to let me go.

-This is out of question. Who's gonna protect you if you go, huh?

-I have Brett and he's already doing a great job.

-Brett...Brett. Do you hear yourself talking? *he sighs*.

*This one came out of his corner and interfered between them*.

-I don't know what you're talking about, but as long as it's about protecting the princess, I'm in.

- Shut up. *they yelled at the same time*.

*Normally it would have offended his sensibility but the hangover had rendered him numb. He just obey and went to sit down in a corner where he passed his head under cold water. He had a vague memory of last night. He remembers going secretly drinking with Dagur and Prince Emory. Where it gets fuzzy in his mind is where he saw Dagur kissing the prince in front of him and then leaning in his direction*.

-Not there is no way that happened

*Phina had grown up and had inevitably become very beautiful. Her beauty has earned her dozens of suitors, some even from other countries but knowing her ambitions she has not chosen any. That day she wore a green dress with a brown fur coat. She had put her hair back in black and it worried the staff of the house because they knew she is back in aggressive mode again. For Brett it has always been like aggressive mode. Dagfinn hadn't changed too much, his hair had become slightly longer but he had cut it at the nape of his neck. That day he wore sleeveless purple T-Shirt with square patterns on it and pants over his boots. He also had a silver ring on his finger. He too had suitors and he got along well with some of them, but he preferred to keep his distance*.

-Rickard. *She says*. Come let's go.

-Is the fight over?

- These are not your mattrr. I want my boat ready to cast off within the hour.

*Who was Brett to object ? He had his gears ready and within the hour they had already set sail*.

-Oh hey Emvis. You only told me about 5 of them. Someone is missing from the team.

-Oh that's right. Well the one let's say that... *He looked his brother in the eyes*. It is the most dangerous.

-Dangerous ?

-If Kaleb is his right arm then Dagur is doubt the left arm. He is the one who oversees all the dirty work. He is deceitful, vicious, ruthless. He is cruel even with his allies. Your soul mate among others.

-Is this a joke?

- That's all for today kids. *He says laughing*.

*Gets up and heads for the door*.

-One last thing.

-Yes ????

"How do you know all this about Emory's faction?"

- Because he told me. *He answered with a mean smile*.

*Phina's boat was far from the shores of Salomeh and the sea air had finally brought Brett back to his senses. He approached Phina still angry and spoke to her seriously*.

- Does your brother know?

- What are you talking about moron?

- That you steal a boat?

*She didn't answer and just stared at the horizon in front of her. Brett sat on a barrel with his hands on his head*.

- Damn I'm going to get killed. Phina, Dagfinn is going to straight open my belly.

- To hell with him, I don't want to hear about him anymore.

-That's mean. *Said a voice coming from the barrel*.

*Surprised Brett rushing to his feet, the barrel opened and all covered in grapes and wine there was none other than*.

-Da...da...da... DAGUR. *she shouted*.

-In flesh and Efrat.

-You idiot, what are you doing here?

*He got out of his barrel and approached the young lady*.

-Well, I'm like you. I run away.

-Get out of my boat, you jerk. And you stink damn it.

- You argued with Dagfinn again, right?

-He still treats me like a kid, I was fed up. To hell with them

- That is well said. *laughs Dagur*.

*In 6 years these two have become closer and have become very close friends. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Dagur was her best friend. He remained relatively small around 1m62 almsot the same as Phina. He also got androgynous look,, long hair that fell in his back, physically he looked like Sephora. He then turned to Brett*.

-Hey, I see you've recovered from the previous night.

*He had flashes from the night before*.

- Oh crap Tell me none of this happened. I didn't do this with you.... Not with you....

-I don't know what you imagine but it was surely much worse.

*Brett vomits overboard immediately*.

-I'm kidding you passed out before we could do anything. You're not funny....

.-You don't reassure me there. *says Brett*. On the other hand I wouldn't want to break the atmosphere but where are we going?

*Phina let out a sigh but Dagur smiled*.

-I already have a destination in mind.

*End of chapter*.

*In Emory's room at the bottom of a drawer the young prince discovered a letter which he read to the others. It clearly said: "I'm leaving for Adje, Urgent Family Reunion, I leave the command to Enrikson. Ps: I'm taking Fryr with me*.


Author Note: Ooook... so there is lot of confusing part in this chapter most of the time due to the fact that i imagined it like an episode and not like a chapter. Also a little recall about the characters and their relationship

Elfinn Adrun:

Firstborn first prince and also legal heir. Got a Crush on Kaleb but keep distance with him. He basically Run Adrun since the King don't give a f** since 6 years now. He is now to be reluctant to the military use of the killicks that's why the Cult of Azuros try to Recruit him. (they fail badly)

Emvis Charibes d'Adrun:

Sephora's student (the guy she peg in chapter 2) and 2nd Prince but since he is the first born of another woman (Elfinn Mother being Kinda dead) there is tension about the fact he must be the heir. He got no interest in that and prefer battlefield and Women (lot of Women)

Emory Charibes d'Adrun:

The 3rd son of the king and beloved brother of Emvis. The Young prince learn the hard way to deal with politic and manipulation, so he got promising killick (Most of them future elit) as Body Guard. He is Almost in love with the Killick Prince Kaleb but he not sure the feeling is Mutual.

Dagur Hyverson:

Sephora Adopted and brainwashed son. With him growing he almost become a bit liker either physically or in their behavior. Dagur is also immune to the enslavment Seal in addition to be very secretive even to his closest friend. All his year with Sephora turn him into a dangerous psycho and Sadist. He also seems to got an Interest for Both Emory and Phina.

Kaleb Damsil Adjest:

The prideful (very pride) Prince of Killicks. He is the peak of his generation in term on fighting ability and yet the boy now his limit. Aside Fighting political matter and History seems to got his interest too. The education he got his mother polsih him to be the perfect weapon but also a scholar ruler. Nobody can actually tell what are his personal ambition all we know is that he seems to care a lot about Emory and also value his friendship With Dagur.

Dagfinn (Hyverson) Gottwald: Dagfinn is an Albino, Marignalized among Killick and abandonn by his biological parent. He now next to nothing about them aside some stories here and there. He train to litteral death (His heart stopped) to unlock his Efrat. On Dagfinn was constantly battling to get respect but getting adopted by the Gottwald made him realize he don't need that. Now all he care is about getting his family (Phina and Philotas) Safe and expanding their business. Like Dagur he is also Immune to the enslavment seal but that's another story.

Sephora Hyverson:

I don't think I need to present her but i still put her name here.

Next chapter