
Chapter 8: Selection

* Dagur *

* D-day has finally arrived, the day of selection to decide which social class we are supposed to belong to, has arrived. As a result of some it will gain or lose in social status. At worst they will just stay at home or their parents will take pity on them. The few days spent with Bérenice have been more than productive all I have to do is live up to the challenge. That morning I woke up very calmly. One foot after another, a spoon of faith, a restorative shower. I put on sky blue pants and small leather boots. I wore a sleeveless black turtleneck and a black glove on my left hand *.

-Béreniiice? Hurry Up. * I announced *.

* I left my room and joined the tutor who was waiting for me in the living room. She still looked serious but I don't know why I felt a certain excitement rising in her *.

-You are perfect young man. * She says *

* She walked over and gave me a last comb through my hair *.

-More than perfect.

* We therefore go to the place where the selection was going to take place on horseback. It was located in the forest at the foot of the mountain a little far from the colosseum. When I arrived at the scene I was surprised to see such a crowd. There were Killicks from the four corners of Adje, some came to watch the event, others came to accompany their foal. I even thought I recognized some elite warriors in the crowd. Having said that I saw another very familiar group and I ran to them. It was Ralph's group overseen by Sephora. In the meantime they had gone up the slope *.

-Hey guys.

-Dagur? * Said ToB *. What you grew up my boy.

* He took me by the armpits and lifted me up, spinning me in the air before resting on the floor *.

-How are you boy?

-And not just a little. I am much stronger today. * Say I put my hands in my pockets *. I will bend this test fissa.

-It's nice to hear kid. * Said he smiling *.

* Just behind I saw Lerch approach with his usual mean smile. However, he was wearing a shirt for once *.

- Seems like the time spent with that witch has made you look like a Bonhome. * He said provocatively *.

* At this moment Berenice arrived and stood in front of me *.

-Please step aside young man, these people are lower rank warriors. * She says *.

- Looks like my presence is disturbing someone. * Said Lerch sarcastically *.

-Always the tongue hanging out as well Lerch. Like what, we do not remake a dog.

-You said a lot of good about that tongue when it passed over your body and penetrated you.

* She frowned and put her hand to her sword, but a hand held it back *.

-That's enough for both of you. * Said Ortega *. We're here to see Dagfinn and Olena's progress. If you want to lose yourself, choose another day.

* Lerch smiled at this intervention and winked at Berenice who withdrew her hand from Ortega's grip *.

-He is right. * Said a young boy who had just arrived *. Contain your urges Today is like no other day.

* I look him up and down and recognize him right away. This way of speaking and walking, his hair that pulled towards blond, his mixed skin. It was Dagfinn and his expression was much more mature than it used to be *.

-Hi. * say I *. I see that your ear is back. I hope you won't cry this time.

-It will be different this time I learned from my mistakes.

-Said the one who could not beat a tied kid.

-I just regret that my mother is not there to see me crush you.

-If that can reassure you, mine isn't here either. But I would crush you anyway.

* The animosite did not even have time to settle between us as Visra arrived clapping her hands *.

-That's enough for both of you. Seeing yourself bickering like that, nobody could guess that you're cousin.

-He will have my respect when he will prove to me that he can be a worthy warrior. * I said *. In the meantime I refuse to breathe the same air as you, you loser.

* I walked away from the group, staring at Dagfin with an arrogant smile. In truth, if I provoked him this way it was to push him to the limit and force him to give everything he came to meet me. As I returned to my corner I saw a carriage arrive, escorted by two death horses. A young boy with black hair and a piercing gaze appear. No emotion visible on his face I knew immediately who it was *.

- Looks like the star of the day has arrived.

* Because yes if there were so many people it was for one reason. Prince Kaleb. Our king is approaching his 80s and Kaleb is the only child he has had. Killics start to age from their 70s if they are to reach that age. And the king, feeling that his life hangs on a candle, decided to be born *.

-He's as famous as you. * Bérénice told me *. It seems that he is a virtuoso of the fight and that he excels in the control of Efrat. He is destined for a great future within the court.

-Is that so ? Seeing him like that he looks like he's bored in his ivory tower.

* That said he had a fine habit worthy of his sounded. A brown tunic with gold stripe and red sleeves. To give it a try, I waved my hand at him and he stared at me surprised to see me before looking away without saying a word *.

-I like it. * I said *.

* It was then that a man in uniform came back. The guy had blue hair so an expert *.

-Candidate approach. We will discuss the modalities of the test. * He announced *.

* He went near the entrance to the forest where there was a sign clearly mentioned to be careful. By his thin silhouette he was not very impressive but the aura he gave off froze us all in place. One of the assistants stepped back and put a box at his feet *.

- My name is Dagger and I will be blunt. This year there are a lot more applicants than usual. I'm talking about the many * bastards *, * and he insisted on the word *. Who dare to come forward in the hope of having a chance. Since I am responsible for organizing everything, I decided to get rid of it as soon as possible

* He plunged his hand into the box and took out a seal marked with an emblem *.

-Each of you will have to draw an emblem of any color at your convenience. You will hang it on a visible part of your body. The goal here is very simple. Each of you will need to collect 10 emblems. And that does not matter the color.

* Everyone looked at him surprised when they heard the number 10. With 500 candidates available if each of us had to collect up to 10 emblems there were barely 50 * left.

-Slyyyy. * Said Lerch amused *. Like that the vermin quickly squeezed the ejector.

* Dagger stared at us all, casting a murderous aura on the assembly. His eyes were wide open and it made him look creepy *.

-There will be no mercy for the bleeds and the weak. * He said in an icy voice *. You have 24 hours. Those who don't have their badges by then cannot expect an average warrior life. This year is placed under the sign of excellence and there will be excellence. Word of Dagger.

* Chills ran through my whole body, the examiner was a really scary guy but I worked so hard to get to where I am. No way to disappoint my mother. I took a step forward and walked over to the box where the emblems are developed. At the same time as me Kaleb had followed suit and on drew our emblems at the same time *.

-Oh ... On the same. * I said *.

* He reengaged his emblem and took another of a different color before staring me straight in the eye *.

-I don't want to fight you. * He said *.

-Me neither.

* Dagger stared at us with his big scary eyes and said *.

-Are you sure you don't clash? The goal of this ordeal is to eject all the others.

* I shook my head and hung up my emblem *.

-Sur and some. * I said *.

-In addition, he's scary. * Kaleb added *.

-The power respects the power. * He said with a smile *. I will respect your choices.

* The rest of the participants rushed in and each got an emblem. After that we were prepared at different starting points and each of us was released into nature to deliver to ourselves. From there it is eat or be eaten*.

- Let the test begin.

* To be continued *

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