
Heartbeat alert.  

'Can I go ahead with my talk now system?'

< Yes Liam you can >

The system told Liam confidently. The system was ready to hear Liam's talk. 

'I dunno what is wrong with me, but the thing is that I don't like Bella really, but whenever the time is here I just think about her. She is pretty and I don't want to even argue with that but that doesn't mean that I am in love with her? I don't think of her in that way but still, here I am, thinking about her.'

< Those are the hormones that change in your body, you are at that age where your hormones change drastically and hence making it difficult for you to live your life >

< But trust our words, when the time is over, Being young is the most beautiful movement of your life so enjoy it while you can >

'Thanks for that system but that is not helping me a lot, you know? I want to get out of it right now. I don't want to fall deep in this.'

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