
51.3 Defense Club

"You need to see things from my perspective, Cedric. I was in danger. There was a madman roaming the corridors petrifying the students, trying to get them killed." Kaiser said in an even voice. "I was scared. I started looking into spells that would give me the best chance against the monster. That's when I thought of the Killing Curse. But now I realized how silly that was. Monsters generally have high magic resistance, and spells like that hardly work against them." They all seemed to buy that explanation except Daphne, but her cold facade never wavered.

"I didn't look at it that way. I'm sorry for doubting you, Kai." Cedric apologized, looking ashamed of himself.

"Don't let it bother you, I understand. I'd probably do the same thing if I was you." Kaiser waved his hands off dismissively, telling him it wasn't that big a deal, contrary to what he believed, and Cedric was grateful for that.

"Let's go back to the subject at hand. Let me inform you, Cedric, that the head of the DMLE has already received a legitimate copy of our memories of the events, so she is aware that the 'Dark Lord' is alive." Cedric nodded again, accepting his explanation.

"So, you have a plan to deal with him right?" Fred asked excitedly. "That's why you called us here, isn't it!"

"Horay! I've always wanted to kick some a dark lord ass! Definitely adding it to my resumé after the fact!" George supplied. They laughed at their antics, happy to leave the previous mood behind.

"As much as I wish that was true, it isn't what I had in mind." Kaiser said. "You see, I was thinking what made him so successful in his previous war efforts, and after asking around, I came to a conclusion: the lack of resistance is what made them so scary in the eyes of everyone. Whenever there was a Death Eater attack, even in small numbers, people completely forget they have a wand on them, choosing to run the muggle way when the Anti-Apparition wards are up. Even when Diagon Alley was attacked, very few chose to raise their wands at the death eaters, choosing to escape instead, even when they had the advantage of numbers. Even worse, the amount of wizards that cannot even cast a correct shielding charm is embarrassing."

"So what do you propose?" Michael asked the most important question everyone was itching to know the answer to.

"Assume the worst, hope for the best." Kaiser said, but that didn't do anything to clear off their confusion, only deepened it. "If the war ever comes again, we should prepare for the worst case scenario: Voldemort wins against the ministry, or his reign of terror continues. But if that ever happens, it would take years. So our best bet, is to prepare the current generation for what would come, though I hope it doesn't come to that."

"You want to teach them how to fight?"

"No. I want to teach them how to defend themselves, and how to escape hairy situations." Kaiser corrected. "I do not expect children to start fighting off trained killers, just to escape with their lives intact, or buy enough time for the Aurors to arrive on the premises. I propose we start a defense club here at Hogwarts."

"That's an amazing idea!" Hermione squealed. "We should definitely do it! It will be like the Dueling club we had in second year with professor Flitwick!"

"We concur." The twins said in unison, and everyone was in agreement. Though some still had doubts about the success of this endeavor, namely Daphne and Cedric. They understood that it wasn't as simple as that, convincing people to 'learn' wasn't as easy as it sounded.

"This is going to be very challenging, however, and will require a lot of work from everyone." Kaiser said.

"Don't worry!" Hannah said. "We Hufflepuffs never shy away from hard work!" Susan and Cedric both nodded at their house motto.

Each began voicing his own ideas in the matter, thinking about what they should be taught, what would be useful and how their club should operate. Several issues came up, including how blood supremacist at school will not like this, and will try to sabotage the club. They agreed to limit the members to trustworthy acquaintances for starters, until they are up and running.

"Guys, we still have to decide who the president should be." She said. "In the school rules, it says that any student club should have a president from its members, along with a teacher that supervises its activities."

"I think professor Flitwick would be happy to mentor us." Michael chimed in. "It also helps that he is a former dueling champion." They all nodded in agreement, but there was still an issue of who the president should be. Everyone turned to Kaiser, since he seemed like the obvious solution, but Kaiser beat them to it.

"I think Cedric should be the president." He surprised everyone by his declaration, especially Cedric, who didn't think Kaiser would suggest something like that, even more so after their earlier confrontation.

"It's your idea." Cedric shook his head. "I think you should have the honor."

"This isn't about me, Cedric." Kaiser said. "Besides, you're the best candidate for the post."

"Right." Cedric snorted. "You've already passed three O.W.Ls at your age. You have no idea how impressive that is. Not to mention how you're one of the youngest enchanters, and already have inventions to your name. And also fought You-Know-Who when you were thirteen a won."

"That still doesn't mean I would be good choice for a president." He shook his head. "For starters, I don't believe any of the older years would be willing to listen to instructions from me, so by choosing me, you'd already be losing on a lot of possible members. I am not as popular, nor do I have as much friends as you do. You've been here at Hogwarts longer than I was. And, you placed tenth in the European Dueling Championship."

"Besides," Kaiser continued. "I will be leaving Hogwarts' for a while very soon, and the club will need its president during its early stage."

"Wait, you'll leave Hogwarts?" Harry asked. "Why?" Apparently, he wasn't the only one who wanted to know the answer, as everybody was looking at him curiously.

"A project of mine will be finished soon, and I need to make sure everything is in order before its ready for production." He shrugged.

"Aw, we're gonna miss you." Michael said, opening his arms for a 'hug'. "Come here."

Kaiser's eyes opened wide in 'horror', and darted behind Daphne: "Not gonna happen." While the latter just gave her signature eye-roll at their frivolity.


The rest of the week was spent re acclimating to school again, while doing some research over the subjects they'd wish to focus on. They went over their lesson plans for the first month, as well as their recruiting strategy. They have even compiled a list of people they'd wish to approach, after discussing whether they'd make good first additions or not.

But before putting their plan into motion, they need the headmaster's approval. Kaiser was adamant that they do not meet him right away, and convinced them to meet him Friday, when they've prepared enough, to which they agreed. Cedric and Kaiser would be meeting the headmaster to ask for his permission.

It was Friday morning at breakfast, when professor Flitwick would relay their request for a meeting to Dumbledore.

"Albus, two students of mine ask if it is possible to meet with you at six in the evening, after their classes. They seem to have something to discuss with you." Filius said. "Cedric Diggory from Hufflepuff, and Kaiser Lunar from Ravenclaw."

"Hm? May I ask what is it about?" Dumbledore asked calmly. "We do have a meeting with the professors afterwards."

"I told them, but they promised me it wouldn't take long." Filius said with a smile, expertly dodging the original question.

"I see. I will be waiting for them at my office then." Albus nodded with a smile of his own. Though he was internally frowning, looking over the two students in question. He did not like being caught unaware, which was exactly what's happening here. While it may seem trivial, but that would've been true if any other students were involved, not when it concerned crimson eyed wizard.

He could use Legilimency to read their minds, even without eye contacts, but that increases the odds of being caught exponentially, especially with someone who already practiced Occlumency, which is why he never tried it with Kaiser. He seemed aware of his mind reading abilities from day one, and unless he left him no other choice, he shouldn't force it. Especially now that he has an immense backing.

He wondered why they'd want to meet him in the first place, but could only believe it was because they had a request of some kind, as Kaiser made it clear he didn't want anything to do with the headmaster.

(To be continued)

And here you go, that's four chapters this week, 6000 words total. I may or may not post another one tomorrow, but I'll definitely post on Monday.

Thanks for the powerstones, everyone, they are a great motivation!

TatsuyaShiibacreators' thoughts
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