
He Took What He Wants Phase Two Continued


He continued to torture me with his hands as we drove into my street, we had to move at a slow pace so as to avoid mishap, then on my street we practically craw as the road was very bad.    

Finally he packed in front of the building I live in and eyed up the street, he thought I did not see the disapprover in his eyes but I did, he was good because he masked his feeling almost immediately but I have seen what I wanted to see, I began to panic if he did not approve of this area he will defiantly hate me by now.    

 I am sure he is contemplating on driving off because there is no assurance that is car will still be packed on this street if he ventured leave it there over the night. He socked in air and let it out slowly.

"You live here?" he asked and I nodded "then lead the way" I let out the air I was holding. He is not going to give up and abandon me, his he really that into me, or is this all just sex? All this runs through my head as I led him toward my room.

I leave in a house with six rooms three rooms in a roll and the other three facing the others if you understand what I mean. There is a hall way that separate and cuts the six rooms in half, my room is the last on the left. Now I must say this the hall way is never kept clean all manner of scrapes is duped in this hall way all I have ever done was to make the front of my own room clean. Looking at the hallway through his eyes is so devastating. This was a terrible idea, the drink I had must have been too much, there was no way I would have brought his this way if I was in my right senses.

"so sorry this is a bad idea" I tried to walk away from him, but he place is hand on my shoulders and moved me closer placing his lips on mine. The kiss was brief.

I do not think I want to give your neighbors a free show so lead us to your room." He said with gestures, so I led us to my room.          

Once we were inside I dropped my clutch on the DVD. He walked into the room taking in his surroundings but didn't say anything and his expression was so unreadable just plain so I said, I was so unsure of myself, I lack in totally confidence. So for the love of just making out communication; I said    

"Will you like to have your bath?" he shook his head I do not blame him, I won't too If I was in his shoes; the bathroom is so far from my room and so kept unclean it will be extremely wrong to offer it to anyone at all talk less of him who is used to luxury.

That was a dumb move and I am grateful to God he didn't take the offer. He brought out a pocket sized expensive hot drink from his pocket, took some and offers me the rest. I downed it because I am just too nervous; I needed something to bust my confidence   

I smiled as the drink went straight to my head, and I felt my body began to relax, I looked at him he was smiling too so I felt all is ok. I walked to my DVD and plugged it in, and then slut in slow oldies, dragging him to a dance with me, I noticed all this time he was standing. I tried to figure out if he was uncomfortable, but he gave nothing out so show he was not; so I relax more, placing my head on his shoulders  

He held my waist and started moving to the music I felt his body began to relax more; he lowered his head and took my mouth in a slow magical way as our tongue joined in on the dancing excises. 

I closed my eyes enjoying the fine taste of the hot drink he just drank. As we kissed he gently raised my cloth up all the way to my shoulders and takes it over my shoulder, we parted briefly as he gentling easing my gown over my head and dropped it in on my cupboard almost at the same time removing my wig. I kick off my shoes quickly and he worked on my bra removing it with care, his mouth back on mine. 

Once I am gloriously naked before him we stopped kissing. He removed his own clothing one after the other, I offer to help be was declined.

"Don't worry dear I got this" He called me dear, my mind lipped for joy.

Once we were both naked I will be justified to say he moved in for the kill. In a twinkle of an eyed I was on my bed, pushed in it by him; thank god the foam is thick or I would have broken something in my body, I tried to stand but he turned me over and slapped me hard on my ass chick, I turned my head looking at him in surprised but he smiled, my face lifted up and I returned the smiles landing me yet another hard slap on my second cheek ass leaving my ass with tingling sensation. 

I made to move and my body jerk as the assault on my ass became harder and the stings became worse until I streamed out, I tried to hold my mouth sensing my environment, he stood up from his position on all four looked round and walked up to my cloth hanger; he brought out my camisole and a long scarf.

I looked at him suspiciously wondering what he is driving at, I wondered if he was into kinky; I for one do not think I am into that surf.

Back to where I was he motion for me to open my mouth and realization done on me, he is trying to make my morn really quiet. I scanned my brain quickly if I should trust him; but open anyway and he stuffed my mouth up with my camisole and used my scarf as a tie.   

"You like this don't you?" I close my eyes as a feeling I cannot describe takes over me at the sound of his voice. I nodded my head slowly, I felt his hand slips down to my clit and the second hand pinched hard at the already sore ass. I screamed into the handmade shoker.  

 Tears whaled up my eyes and I let it fall so much as pleasure waits, the pressure mounted all of a sudden he had me on all four as his hand continue to pleasure me. 

I let out a huge mourn into my restrain, creaming his hand, before I could clam down from my high horse he slammed in. 


 To say I was shocked at his move was an understatement; my whole body immediately jolted forward; because my clit at this time is overly sensitive, he grip my waist, and pull me in to have his entire dick.

"Where are you going with this pussy? This pussy is mine, I can't believe you are taking my whole 10 inches, I have it all built for you" I tried to make sense of what he was saying but his dick won't let me, as it fucking my brain out; the pain in my lower abdomen increases, I screamed and screamed but the restrain did not let out a sound. I lost count of my orgasms, as he took me in all positions possible to man. How he keeps going even when my body began to fight him to stop remain a mystery to me.  

At the edge of conscious, I felt him pouring his seed in me the second time; then darkness enveloped me.


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