
New Guy More Like New Girl

Author: Aaliyah_Vega
Completed · 111.1K Views
  • 93 Chs
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Alison Walker a talented singer and songwriter, a student at the Arts Academy, capable of so much but she has a couple of things holding her back, like her stage fright and the fact that she is an introvert. But soon everything changes... Dean Ozeata a singer and songwriter as well transfers into the Arts Academy, hoping that the year will be drama-free. But sadly that is not the life he was meant for and he finds interest in the girl who is always in a corner writing not communicating with anyone. What happens when their worlds collide? Will all be well or will their worlds come crashing down?

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Chapter 1Part 1 : The Beginning

The Arts Academy is a well known high school because it is where many fine actors, dancers, musical artists, and painters went before they reached stardom.

It was a usual day at the Arts Academy, the halls filled with students dancing, singing, and talking about art in general. Tina, the classic popular girl in school, she's a redhead with beautiful locks that fall to her waist, her eyes were ice-cold blue matching her heart, she came from a wealthy family and her mother is a well known Broadway star so as expected she is at the academy of arts. Then there is Alison, she's a talented singer and songwriter but her fear as always gets into her way. Alison was blessed with auburn locks that fell to the middle of her back and she had bright hazel eyes that shine with passion.

Alison was in her usual corner writing her songbook when she saw Tina approaching her with her followers. On good days Tina would ignore Alison and carry on with her life, but sadly this wasn't a good day. As Tina passed she took Alison's songbook and started to rip out the pages that held Alison's recent creations.

"Leave it to Alison to get in my way again, haven't you learned to keep your lame self out of my hallways by now?"

"It isn't your hallway, but like most days you choose to make my day miserable."

"It's not my fault you don't have anyone to defend you."

"I don't want nor do I need anyone to defend me, so can you give me back my book and carry on with your all so glorious life?"

"Why do you keep wasting your time writing when everyone knows you're not talented enough to be in this school you probably only got in because the principal took pity on you."

Alison's face turned bright red as her eyes filled with tears, she took her book from Tina's hands and hurriedly picked up the torn pages off the hallway floor and ran to her dorm. As she reached the door she fumbled with the keys a bit but after a minute she finally opened the door and she ran to her bed after locking the door behind her. As she cried her eyes out she felt something on her bed, it was a note from Principal Wayburn.

Alison, I need you to come to my office at 1:30 pm. today, I need to have a word with you.

- Principal Wayburn

After she read the note she wondered why her presence was being requested by the principal of all people. She checked her phone to see the time and realized it was 1:25 pm. she wiped her face then rushed off to the office, which was five buildings away. She tried her best to concentrate on her steps but somehow still ended up tripping as she entered through the wooden door that led to the office.

"Alison you're right on time, Principal Wayburn is waiting for you," Ms. Margret warned.

Ms. Margret's the school secretary and her job is very important to her thus, she takes it very seriously. She had burgundy hair and she always wore office dresses and light makeup.

Ms. Margret then stood and opened the door that led to the principal's office.

"Alison is here to see you, Sir"

"Oh yes come in Alison, take a seat" he nodded towards the chair facing his desk.

Alison took a deep breath and stepped into the office, it had dark wood-paneled floors and pale yellow walls. The principal sat behind a mahogany desk and on it sat a Mac computer and two picture frames along with a coffee mug and a book with a pencil holding the page.

Principal Wayburn, a man who constantly smiled but was a serious man at the same time had dark hair and was always seen in a suit and tie, stood up from his leather chair and shook Alison's hand.

"May I ask, why did you call me in today?"

"It has come to my attention that your social life could improve a bit."

"And what do you mean by that exactly sir?"

"Well you hardly leave campus, you're always alone, you sit farthest away from people in class, your father is paying for you to stay in a dorm ALONE and you don't talk to any of the other students."

"Sir I choose to be alone and I am quite content with my social status."

"Very well, but we have a new student and I would like for you to show him around campus."

"No offense sir but can I decline your offer?"

"No you cannot you are a top student but you don't like showing others what you can do, and by doing this I believe both you and our new student will learn something from each other?"

"Sir thank you for showing interest in me but I am fine on my own sir thank you."

"I'm sorry Alison but you're doing it."

"Fine" she sighed in defeat," so where is this student?"

"He should be here any minute," with that he stood and walked to the door and called," Ms. Margret, where is our new student?"

"He is right out here sir."

"Okay then, send him in, I want to speak with him before Alison shows him around campus."

Alison tried her best not to look defeated or angry as she watched the door stretch open and Principal Wayburn took a few steps back as Ms. Margret walked in and the 'New Guy' walked in behind her with a confident look on his face. He had chestnut hair, freshly trimmed, defined jawline, and amazing hazel eyes. He seemed to have a muscular build and was tall, taller than Ms. Margret and she wore heels. Then Principal Wayburn broke the silence.

"Alison why don't you wait outside while I speak with Mr. Ozeata."

At that Alison simply nodded and exited behind Ms. Margret. She sat in one of the waiting room chairs as Ms. Margret sat behind her desk and began to type on her desktop. The waiting room had wooden chairs lined against the walls, the floors had light brown wood panels and the walls were also yellow. Alison crossed her legs and took out her songbook and she began writing and humming to herself as she got absorbed into her writing.


"Take a seat Mr. Ozeata, no need for you to stand there like a statue all day."

"Um, sure okay, if you don't mind my asking, but who was that?"

"Oh well, that was Ms. Alison Walker, a very talented student of ours though she is very, hmmm how should I say this .... shy."

"She doesn't seem very shy."

"Well, she for some reason likes to keep to herself, she doesn't really socialize with anyone."


"Anyways, I see you are interested in our music program, brilliant, and which instrument do you play?"

"Well, I play both electric and bass guitar, the violin, and my favorite piano."

"You are very gifted my boy, here is your schedule, and I will formally introduce you to Alison, then she will show you around campus and your dorm room."

He then stood and went to the door and called Ms. Margret.

"Ms. Margret please have Alison come in"

She nodded and went to Alison who was not seated far behind and called her name but she didn't react. Ms. Margret then shook Alison lightly and spoke;

"Principal Wayburn is ready to see you now."

Alison sighed then nodded and walked into the office and waited for Principal Wayburn to take his seat. She then turned to take a seat when their eyes met for a perfect second it was as if he could see into her soul. Then she put on a serious face as Principal Wayburn spoke.

"Okay, Alison this is Dean Ozeata and Dean this is Alison Walker."

"Nice meeting you Alison," Dean commented, " I like your eyes."

"Thank you," she blushed, for no one had complimented her eyes before apart from her mother.

"Okay, Alison well as we discussed before you will show Mr. Ozeata around campus and to his dorm room," he stated with a very stern look.

"Yes sir, will do."

As they exited the administration office Alison sighed for there she was, Tina, and alongside her beloved followers nonetheless.

"Oh why hello there," Tina said with a flirtatious smile, "Alison who is this? And why is she with you?" She directed the last part to Dean.

"Tina this is Dean Ozeata and I'm about to show him around campus."

"Well why don't I show him around instead," she turned to Dean and batted her eyelashes, " I bet you'd prefer it if I showed you around instead of Alison."

Alison already knew what he was going to say, of course, he would pick Tina, anyone in their right senses would pick Tina the queen bee over Alison. So she simply looked to the floor and as she was about to turn and walk away Dean spoke.

"Well um, Tina was it, I'd very much prefer if Alison showed me around, besides I bet you are very busy with your friends."

"Nevermind them I could show you around, only us," she winked.

"No thanks I still prefer Alison," he turned to Alison and winked, "shall we?"

"We shall."

At that, they turned and walked down the hall. As they were walking Alison was wondering why he had chosen her over Tina, he was surely lost and made a mistake right?

"What are you thinking about?"

"Well, I was wondering why didn't you pick Tina?"

"I sort of got the feeling Tina just wanted to hook up with me.... but you're different, you don't seem to like most people."

"And what do you mean by that?" Alison stopped causing Dean to stop as well.

"Well, first of all, you most definitely aren't a follower of Tina's but you don't seem to have anyone around you, as in friends and you don't seem to be showing me around to make a new friend, why is that?"

"What did Principal Wayburn tell you about me? I know he told you something." She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Nothing much he Ummm... he said that you don't like to socialize."

"Well there you go now you know I'm classified as the school's introvert, now hurry up and give me your schedule so I can show you the classes then u can leave me in peace." She started walking as he gave her his schedule.

"I don't want you to be upset with me."

"Too late let's just get this over with."

She showed him each of the classes and only spoke to tell him which class is which and where his dorm is. She ignored all of his questions and after she showed him his dorm she walked away and didn't say a word to him nor did she turn back.

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Table of Contents
Volume 1