
Ch42. New development

The dynamics between Natasha and Tony changed slightly after the contract was established. Natasha got a bit more touchy-feely. She clearly knew what she was doing since Tony did not feel she was being clingy but the 'distance' between them also lessened.

If this change came about without any sort of overly dramatic event, Tony would have been very suspicious about her intentions but as it was, he was just a bit exasperated. Natasha clearly knew what she wanted and she was definitely not the passive type.

Not that she had it overly hard. Tony was also not exactly a passive or the shy type either.

Their relationship progressed gradually, starting from a small kiss when they met in the morning, and over the weeks, it slowly changed into Tony pulling Natasha into his lap and starting a make-out session when he felt like it... after all, she still did spend a lot of time lounging in his workshop as he worked so when he felt a bit frustrated with this or that new project, Natasha proved to be a miraculous relief.

Tony wasn't the only daring one though.

Natasha also initiated her fair share of those sessions whenever she out of nowhere decided that she felt like it.

Tony wondered if women should not be a bit reserved when it came to the intimate stuff... after all, his only proper experience with long-term relationships was Pepper and she was helluva reserved most of the time... but Natasha seemed to be almost more demanding than Tony in this case.

Yes, Tony might have 'used' these make-out sessions as a relief when he felt frustrated but every single time, he had some kind of tell from Natasha that she wanted it. In fact, Tony ignored more of her tells than he acted upon! If it was up to her, he would have done no work at all!

It was already hard enough to focus on inventing when the gorgeous redhead was intently staring at him. But when she started to ooze sex appeal and start seducing him with small clues in her body language...

Tony could not count how many times he noticed Natasha's shirt having just one additional button unfastened, showing a bit more cleavage than she would usually do, and just barely meeting the unofficial requirements to keep her look of proper classy secretary but also giving the impression of invitation for some sexy time.

How she could pull it off, Tony had no idea but he knew quite a few ladies that would be green with envy because of that skill.

Fortunately, he had extensive training in ignoring seduction attempts due to his years of promiscuous life so he barely managed to not ravish her yet.

Much to Natasha's exasperation.

Natasha had her own share of sexual experiences but all of them were either training or work-related.

She never liked this part of her job. While some girls in the Red Room took solace in this training from the hard combat lessons, Natasha was the exact opposite. She took solace in the combat lessons, dealing with her frustration and bad feelings from the seduction training through the combat lessons. That was a significant part of why she became the best Red Room ever created.

For her, sex was just a part of the trade and she never felt good while having to resort to that. She never felt the emotions one expected when being intimate with someone else.

So now that for the first time she felt this exhilarating anticipation, this desire to just plant her lips on Tony's and never separate. Now that her body and mind actually wanted to push the man into bed and give him the best night of his life... Natasha relished the emotions filling her whole being.

The only reason why she held back was that she tried to stretch the moment, enjoying and marveling at the fact she felt aroused. For the past few days, Natasha was willingly drowning in her desire and lust, loving every second of it and not really wanting relief.

She loved looking at Tony and feel the deep-seated need for him. It was such a weird thing for her to feel.

And when he finally decided to give her what she wanted and the kissing started, Natasha did not want it to end. She felt like a bottomless pit, having never enough.

And when neither of them advanced past that stage, Natasha felt a pang of disappointment but also found Tony's hesitation adorable.

Emotional satisfaction was a very rare feeling nowadays for her.

As long as it wouldn't interfere with her duties as Tony's assistant, Natasha would take every moment and every last bit of his attention he would grant her.


Pepper arrived at Tony's house, looking around and trying to find out if something changed after she left.

She noticed that the house was mostly the same but the change was in the small details. Like the fact, the kitchen seemed to be regularly used.

Which was totally not weirding her out from the imagination of Tony Stark cooking something. No. That downright terrified her. It was something taken straight out of a horror movie, in her opinion.

Taking solace in the fact there was a woman living in the house and she was most likely the one using the kitchen, Pepper headed to Tony's workshop.

She wasn't visiting because of work. She just felt... she felt it was a long time since she saw Tony. A few months, to be exact. Her work as SI CEO was demanding and she was kept busy a lot. Then there was her husband and the rest of her time was spent with him.

There was simply no longer time for Tony now that she wasn't his full-time nanny and Pepper felt slightly bad for that.

Hence, her visit.

She finally reached the door leading to Tony's workshop and her jaw almost dropped when she saw shirtless Tony seated in his chair with similarly shirtless Miss Romanoff straddling him, both passionately making out as Tony's hands roamed all over Miss Romanoff's back almost lovingly while she was pushing her chest into him, only her bra separating their naked upper bodies as her hands affectionately played with his hair.

At that moment, Pepper felt like fainting from sheer shock.

It took her a moment to recollect her wits and even then, it was only because her temper flared as she pushed the door open and almost frantically pleaded, "Please, don't tell me you are sleeping with your assistant Tony!"

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