
New Body

Mira felt her ethereal soul form being dragged to another location, but she wasn't too worried about where she was going. Actually, she was looking forward to reaching her destination. There are only two places that she can think of, that could possibly be her destination. Either she's going to the next test this wretched place has to offer or she's going back to her body.

If she is going towards the next test then all she has to do is complete it before going back to her body. That's why she's looking forward to her destination since it doesn't really matter where she's going, she just wants to be back in her body.

And just like she thought, her ethereal form soon landed in front of her still mangled body. Actually, now that she got a good look at it, this body was basically dead. The heart stopped beating and it was already cold and a bit shriveled. Though Mira can tell that she actually hasn't been away from her body for too long. Maybe a day or two.

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