
Chp 21 : Crashed Dream?

Another year passed and another new year's party was held in Hope Institute Orphanage. This time, a lot of people invited to this party.

From Steven Spielberg and his girlfriend, Amy Irving, Robert Zemeckis and his wife, some crew of <E.T.> and <Sixth Sense>, Drew Barrymore and her parents, Sigourney Weaver and his boyfriend, Ari Emanuel, Sharon Stone, and others who have a close relation to Alphonse.

And surprise surprise, his crush has also come. Not only she comes here but also meets his big sister.

Yup, you're right, finally what Al fear has comes true. Jodie Foster came and meet with Mary Gárcia.

This New Year party becomes his nightmare. They tease him until he could die from embarrassment. Not only that, but Mrs. K also teaming up with them and bring his baby picture and everybody almost passed out due to laughter.

Not only that "again", Annie who has been quiet finally asked questions to her. "Are you Jodie Foster?"

She answered, "Yes sweetie, I am, Is there anything I can do?"

"Al always screaming your name every time he sleeps." Bang! Al got another critical hit and escape from everyone's attention while another laughter was heard.

He did not forget to kidnap Alice and Drew, his favorite sisters to escape from here.

Finally Al and other kids playing in the background with their 2 dogs, they can stay awake until 12 because today is an exception.


1982 has passed, 1983 has come.

He feels he needs to check the town called Hawkins if there is any a girl in psychic ability or not. (❤11)

At the party, Robert was talking with Al about their next film cooperation.

The main role of this movie is must at least in their first-year high school and Robert said he would wait for him.

Robert was really grateful to Al who has given him the last chance. Robert has already seen a few of the rough-cut from Spielberg's editor and the result was amazing.

He was sure that this film can become another classic. The film trailer will be out in February.

Also, Al soon will be 14 and he needs to enter public or private High Schools in 1984, so he needs to keep a low profile a little.

The orphanage only provided them the education until the middle school stage. Also, the school is one of the facilities that forbids any paparazzi or media without school permission come there.

So Al's private life won't be disturbed by then.

Al also published another novel this year with his pen name Edward B. Ephron. Because he wrote <Jurassic Park> with "Al" name, he immediately went to the publisher to change his pen name again.

So in 3 years, he published <Jurassic Park>, <The Matrix>, and <Inception>.

Now <Jurassic Park> book has sold 100 million copies worldwide, translated into more than 50 languages. Although <The Matrix> and <Inception> only sold 20 million copies in total, it is a must-see sci-fi book that recommended by the New York Times.

We can see that he was already rich with <Jurassic Park> alone.

He also started to write the framework of <A Song Of Ice and Fire>. Sorry, George, hope you are all happy and healthy in that parallel world.

The great recession also ended, thanks to Reagan-Bush in late 1982, but mostly thanks to Donald Regan who stabilize the market.

With this, the investor now more confident to invest and of course, the stock market price begins to soar, same as Al's stocks.

Maybe in the future, he'll try the presidency and fight with Donald Trump in the 2020 election.

He enjoyed January's vibe without any disturbance but some bad news comes from Steven.

"Al of my God, I should have listened to you Al, now I'm screwed." Inside Steven's house, he was holding his forehead with one of his hands.

"Chill out Steven, what's the matter? Are you losing the <E.T.> lawsuit?" He asked because of the success of <E.T.> many people take chance to get a share of its success proclaiming that <E.T> was plagiarizing from their work.

Steven has counter suing most of them and has made some of them applying for bankruptcy protection.

Most of these cases have filed the report for the alien ET form. What? Do you think the alien is made by you?

Too "many" cases like this have appeared in Hollywood many times, so Al will make sure to check any copyright and a dozen lawyers before making a film.

Spielberg shakes his head, and said, "It's about the game I told you before."

"Oh, you mean that? Yeah, the game is shit." Al has no constraint when speaking to his Godfather, and Steven himself was glad that there is someone who could talk to without any formalities.

Steve amused "Yes, the game is shit, Atari told me they have printed 5 million copies. Only 1 million sold but 75% of them were returned that game to the store. I am afraid they would destroy the remaining 4 million copies in the warehouse." Steven said weakly.

He thought he could be one of the main players who bring the modern gaming era. But suddenly, heard his first step was destroyed in front of his face really ruin him. He really loves games.

Al sighed, "We can't do anything, Steve, even if we force them to recreate them again, they won't be made it. Have you played Pac-Man on an Atari console? It's a disaster, the game is nothing like in the arcade. Steven, don't invest anything in-game industry these days. With how the video game market run, I believe in 1 or 2 years, the video game market will crash."

Steven surprised heard that, if somebody else saying that, Steven would ditch it as pure nonsense. The gaming industry is pop culture now, if there is a bad game, there's gotta be a lot of good games. How can a booming trend collapse easily?

Al was right, with the lack of market experience in the gaming industry, this booming gaming market was just like a growing bubble that going to pop.

"So what should I do Al? Is there anything we can do to save it?"

"I'm afraid nothing we can do Steven, just wait and see. The gaming market was so overestimated and the value is rising too quickly. The only way is to wait until the market collapse and rebuild it slowly with a good console and high-quality game. We can make a game company Steve."

Steve was excited after hearing Al said, he can make his own high-quality game, but he remembered something and collapsed again.

"No Al, video games are my hobbies and business, but make movies is my job. I will this task to you my Godson, now go and create good games that we can play together!" He said, regain his happiness again.

"Shit, old guy, do you think making games is my job, don't you forget I also have a film company and definitely made you bankrupt, you heard me bankrupt!" He said faking anger.

Steven was just amused with his unique Godson, the weirdest and quirkiest kid he has ever known.

They have another dinner in his house and Al, Toby, and Jon are going home with John Mick.

He also did not forget to build another prototype for his other novel, but this novel is created as a framework for his games that he's going to make in the future. <Tomb Raider>, <Warcraft>, <Biohazards>, <God of War>, he wrote these words in his notebook.

He also heard that trailer of <Sixth Sense> will be released soon and he can't wait to see it on TV.

To Be Continued...

I'm kinda pissed since this reader (a level 1 reader btw) frame me with plagiarizing this one of novel that clearly has different story but same year setting as mine with a little bit similiarity.

As fellow author, I don't want this reader made us turns out at each other and happily write this non profit story.

So I just want to suggest that critics is good but frame and bad mouthing is a no.

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