
Chapter sixty one

Jada stepped out of the car and walked confidently towards the warehouse she could see from a distance, her two guns hanging off its holster in her leather jacket.

When she got to the door two goons stopped her giving her a nasty smirk searched her. It was more of groping her than a search.

Jada knew they were trying to humiliate and intimidate her but her face remained blank not giving away the anger that was surging through her veins especially when one of the idiots felt her breast.

She had to wonder what she could possibly hide in her breast.

When they were done they came away with her two guns, staring back towards their leader who gave them a nod, they turned back to move her at gunpoint further into the empty space. 

When Jada reached the gathered crowd her sight first search for the brown ones of her mother and when she caught them she released a sigh of relief.

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