
Chapter Twenty seven

Jada felt that weird feeling of transitioning from slumber to wakefulness. Her eyes gradually opened as she took in the breaking day, the sun was not yet fully in the sky so it was still a little dark and chilly. The peaceful feeling inside was strange to Jada who has never slept a full night without nightmares filtering into her dreams. Wow, Jada thought in her mind, it felt wonderful to have a fresh night's sleep. She felt a warmth beside her and the feeling of content expanded inside her causing her to unconsciously break up into a wide smile as she turned to the body in her bed.

She stared mesmerized by the face of the young woman sleeping beside her. She watched as her chest rose and fell softly, smirking at the soft falling through those delightful lips that she couldn't get enough. Her smirk turned to an anticipatory grin as she watched the tale signs that the young woman beside her is about to join the land of the living.

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