
Part Fifteen

Jada and her boys watched the warehouse from the car, the whole place was lit up with activities, they were like the busy bees everyone doing one thing or the other not care that they may be caught.

She turned to look at her second, he nodded his head and we all got out.

Jada had five of her boys with her, with gaze hard and steps determined, she marched towards the warehouse with the boys behind her.

One of her boys kicked the door open with his boot, causing the two-door entrance to crash with a loud noise startling the occupants, and before any of them could react they were dropping to the ground, with bullets flying from our guns hitting any part of their body it could reach.

"Leave one of them alive, I need him to carry a message to Daryl Smith for me," Jada ordered loudly taking out a guy who was about to draw his gun.

Next chapter