
149. Cinzia's story (5)

A mechanical machine with a black tiny vial in the center attached to several wires glimmering in blue resembling a nervous system connected to a metal rod on the top of the pillar-like machine which possessed circular electric plates around the rod. It was constructed inside the middle of the large hall and it was extremely towering.

Opposite it stood a group of ten, each of them was chained. In the front of the crowd, stood the warden and two jailers.

"Is everyone from basement one here?" The ugly warden asked.

He was fat like a pig and was possessing hair in the sides which he grew long enough to cover his bald head. His button was barely holding onto his body as though they could burst open anytime soon. Nevertheless, he was an ugly bastard in a warden uniform that possessed a trident symbol to his left pocket.

"Yes sir!"

The young jailer saluted and left.

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