

THE recording of the talk show – [New Star] – finally ended. This episode would officially air on the weekends. Just a day after the episode of [Fieldtrip] aired. With this, the heat that Astrid would receive after [Fieldtrip] aired would continue on with [New Star]. 

This was one of the reasons why Ellis didn't refuse when [New Star]'s program team invited Astrid. Because she knew just how much public recognition her artist would get with these two programs. 

It had only been a week since [The Sleeping God] premiered. It's important to keep this momentum. [The Great War] would start airing next month. So, there would be a month of inactivity for Astrid. 

During that month, Astrid's presence to the public should be maintained. And she could only think of one way to successfully accomplish that – advertisement.

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