

AS the last string of notes come to a close, the teenager standing barefooted on the beach with his feet submerged on the sea slowly looked back.  There, a girl with hair the color of peaches stood.  The skirt of the white dress she was wearing was flowing around her with the gust of wind.  She reached out her hand to him and smiled. 

The teenager standing on the shallow water seemed startled.  And then, his whole expression changed.  The slight smile that showed that he had already accepted his situation and he's now ready to move forward became a full-blown bright grin.  As if the girl in front of him was the one he had long been waiting for.

He laughed, full of happiness, and ran towards the girl.  His whole being was simply glowing.  Like a small sun that finally shone after such a strong and dark storm.  Completely lighting up even the darkest corner. 

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