
Friend or Foe

It was the third day, as we were swinging west of Hattan (for reasons I've already said, though I didn't know them at that time), when everything went wrong. Or right, I suppose.

I'd thrown up a lean-to within a wrinkle in the earth, and was busy trying to get to sleep.

There were horns. Two short blasts, two long. Some manner of inspiring blatting. Two short blasts, then two long.

I sighed, then rose enough to stick my head over the edge.

There was another force of soldiers marching toward the company I was shadowing.

Some three hundred soldiers, gauging by the banners. Banners which were white with a red axe upon them. Beneath that, a black hawk-head on red.

What were troops from Rakkal's Glory doing HERE?

I grew suspicious, but curiosity had the greater hold on me. The battle had been joined by the time I came into view of the rear guards.

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