It should come as no surprise that three days later, the Benapongo let us know we were "rescued".
<This smells fishy.> Kismet said.
It wasn't fishy; the "merchant" boat was flying a black flag.
"Captain Harcourt of the Jasmine Jade." the Black Hound said. "You wanted Danton, that's one of his crew."
"I thought the vessels never split up." Gamilla said.
"What, like twins that go everywhere together?" he asked. "Vessels need to resupply, especially with Winter coming on."
"Unless they try to rape us in the rowboat, we try talking first." Madonna said.
"That's a mistake." the Hound said. "Danton's got the nastiest crew this side of the dragon. Hires people I know better than to touch."
I sighed. "Just once, while we're here, I'd like to deal with some civil pirates."
In fact, the fools did try to wrestle with Gamilla; we weren't even in the deep water. Four of them, seven of us. It wasn't hard to understand why that didn't work.