
216 - Mason's Nightmare

Plotline: Main

Type: Social

We put up tents, but the mosquitos still got to us in our sleep. Remember how I almost never bothered talking about them with my nice level two skin and scales?

Yeah, humans don't have those.

We slept where we had to. It was something called a forced march, a mixture of jogging and marching. Then, at the end of the day, we put up floorless tents, threw our mats on the ground, and ourselves on the mats.

"You complain about very little, Ping." one of the soldiers said.

"Would complaining remove whatever I would complain about?" I asked.

"Ah-ah. Very true." Then, in a more conspiratorial tone, "It gets cold at night. Mang has the second guard shift tonight. You could come to my tent."

"Why would I do that, rather than sleep?" I asked.

"Fine." he said. "I shall come to yours."

"I don't understand." I said.

"It will all become clear tonight, Ping." he promised.

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