
188 - Lady Kismet

Chapter Type: Social

Narrator: Hoo Long

"What sort of brain damage is that imbicile lord suffering from?" Lady Kismet exclaimed, her fists crumpling the edges of the urgent message in her hands.

"Perhaps if you told me our new orders, I would have some clue how to answer that?" I asked.  "I am an archer, it helps to see my target."

Pure bravado, of course.  I have never been able to strike a target… Well, okay, once.  I've fired at an unseen target exactly once, and then only in defense of my younger sister, and while I hit that target, I cannot be certain that I slew them, especially as I suspect her current husband may have been that same intruder.

If it was you, Hanzo, I'm so sorry.  Know that you truly terrified us all that night, when we thought your goal was to kill her.


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