
The Magic Number Three

We were out in the world again, the outside, constantly on the move. At this point, it felt like this is where we were meant to be. Every place we tried to call our own would never work out for us. Part of me seemed okay with that for now. I knew this feeling wouldn't last, but after being reunited with ninety percent of our group, I felt safe. Even though we had no shelter, no guarantee for food and water, and our ammo would run out eventually, I could still sleep soundly at night.

We settled on a sheltered patch of grass for the night, most of the trees swallowing us whole for the time being. Tyrese put together a small fire, enough to keep us warm, but still tiny enough that it would be hard to spot by any lurkers. I believe I was one of the first to fall asleep, the hot flame ricocheting off the right side of my face with the comfort of Carol sitting next to me. It wasn't until Daryl woke me up for the second watch that I had to rub the sleep from my eyes and snap back into reality.

"Didn't want to wake you up," Daryl said as I sat down against the tree beside him, "You haven't slept for days."

I propped my gun between my legs, making myself comfortable. "And you haven't slept at all yet," I responded. "Besides, there's enough of us now, we only have to be on watch for an hour."

Daryl didn't respond, instead, he fell silent and I could feel him studying the side of my face as I stared at the treeline ahead. The glow of the fire only just reached our faces, allowing my peripheral vision to see that same look on his face like he wanted to ask something, but I knew he never would. Still, by now I knew Daryl well enough. He was wondering why I did what I did earlier in front of everyone. His face turned red hot when he realized everyone had seen.

"I don't want to talk about it," I said first, knowing what was on his mind. I glanced over at him quickly to see him chuckle.

"Didn't say anything," he shrugged, laughing at me.

"You didn't have to say anything," I scoffed, "besides who knew Mr. Dixon knew how to laugh," I sent him a glare, but he knew just as well that I was teasing.

"I'm only laughing at you Red, not with you," he said, a snort coming from him.

"I am not the one who went beet red," I stood my ground, "Merel would have said you lost your head." For a moment my heart sped because I realized I spoke without thinking, that I might have been out of line bringing up Merel.

"Nah, Merel liked you. In his own fucked up way," he answered and I felt relieved. "He definitely would have said I lost my mind though," he chuckled.


Daryl then held a finger up, silencing me. He stood abruptly, reacting to the same rustling I heard coming from the bushes ahead of us. We were silent as he slowly stepped forward, his crossbow raised as he studied the trees. There was no sound following the first one we heard and he dropped his weapon.

"Have you noticed it too?" I asked as he retreated back to me. "Something has been watching us," I said.

He looked over at me, the light playful air between us just seconds ago completely evaporating. "We keep that to ourselves for now. I'll talk to Rick about it tomorrow."


We were on the move again, as soon as the sun rose we continued through the forest. We weren't sure where we were headed yet, but for right now our only focus was putting as much distance between us and Terminus. Daryl set out to go hunting today, breaking off from the group and heading East to find any game. Although, water was becoming scarce and we would need to return back to the open road to stock up on supplies from a nearby town.

"So what exactly did happen between you and Daryl when we were all separated?" Carol snuck up from behind me, causing me to jump.

"Jesus Christ," I huffed, throwing my hand over my heart. "Nothing happened," I lied and a small smirk crawled up her face.

"We all called it, you know? I'm glad Daryl was able to find someone. Seeing how much he has changed since I first met him." Carol babbled on and I was beginning to deeply regret my bold and unprocessed action of kissing him in front of everyone. "Well, you know what he was like back in Atlanta, but he was even worse before you arrived."

A part of me deep down inside was happy to talk to Carol about it. As embarrassed as I was now with all the jokes of me slowly beginning to melt the block of ice that is Daryl Dixon, Carol was just easy to be open with. She made me feel like I had a motherly figure back around. It pained me to think this way, but she felt like the mother I never had. She was accepting of anything I chose to do or be. And although my mother would have loved to hear me talk about boys, never in a million years would she approve of Daryl.

"We didn't find each other. We just get along," I said, desperately trying to downplay the situation.

She laughed out loud, "You are a lot like him, you know? Never admit to any feelings."

"Yeah, well, feelings get you killed these days."

"You also know better than anyone that feelings could save your life too."

We all stopped dead in our tracks, our weapons raised at the sound of someone approaching.

"We surrender," Daryl said, holding his hands up as he held a rope with seven squirrels tied to it.

We all dropped our weapons, returning back to our conversations and continued moving forward. Although, the peacefulness did not last long. The sound of faint shouts coming from up ahead caused us all to perk up.

"Help! Anybody, help!" A man's voice echoed through the forest. Rick raised his hand, signalling for us to wait.

"Dad, come on," Carl pressed, insisting that we go help him. Rick pursed his lips, reluctant to go. "Come on," Carl fought, grabbing Rick's arm and pulling him along. Rick finally rushed forward into a jog, leaving us to follow close behind. Carl led the way, following the voice of the man who cried out for help.

As we got closer to wherever this man was hidden, it became very clear why she was screaming. The sound of multiple walkers groaning and hissing grew louder as we approached.

"Anybody, help, please!" He screamed once again. Our attention was brought up to a large boulder, a priest sat on top, his leg in the grasp of a walker trying to yank him down. A small herd crowded around him, trying to grab onto any limb that stray too close to the edge. He was defenceless, inexperienced, flailing around and kicking his free foot in every direction to try and get them away.

Carl's gun was the first to go off, sniping the walker that held onto the priest's leg through the side of the head. Michonne then lunged forward, ripping back the hair of another walker before slamming its head against the boulder. Carol sunk the base of her knife deep into the skull of another, leaning against it as she tried to jimmy the blade back out. A fourth walker stumbled from behind the boulder, making its way for Carol who struggled with her knife. My own knife slipped through my fingers without a second thought. As soon as my eyes landed on the walker my blade hurled in circles before making direct contact with its forehead. The walker crumpled underneath itself and the groaning along with the priest's shrieks had ceased.

Once I retrieved my knife I looked up at the trembling man. He held his knees to his chest like a scared little boy, his eyes darting back and forth at the dead walkers.

"We're clear. Keep watch," Rick shouted to those of our group who already stood at the outskirts of the boulder. "Come on down," Rick then brought his attention back to the priest.

The man hesitated for a moment, his eyes scanning the area for more walkers as if he didn't believe we killed them all. Finally, he slid down off the rock, his breathing still staggered from shouting. He took in a deep breath and held it, his face clearly showing signs of discomfort.

"You alright?" Rick questioned, narrowing his eyes.

Just then the priest hurled up everything he had eaten that day. I winced and turned away from the sight of it until I knew he was done.

"Sorry," he murmured, "Yes. Thank you. I'm Gabriel-"

"Do you have any weapons on you?" Rick cut him off, wasting no time getting to his three determining questions.

Gabriel chuckled in disbelief, "Does it look like I would have any weapons?" He held out his arms. He seemed like an odd guy, uncomfortable and out of place with us.

"We don't give two short and curlies what it looks like," Abraham spoke up, his tone annoyed.

"I have no weapons of any kind," Gabriel said loudly like he was declaring it to each of us. "The word of God is the only protection I need."

I rolled my eyes immediately wondering how it was that this guy had made it this long.

"Sure didn't look like it," Daryl made fun of him.

Gabriel's face turned optimistic and excited, "I called for help. Help came." He motioned to all of us. There was a silence among us, no one knew how to respond. And Rick only looked skeptical. "Do you have-- have any food? Whatever I had left, it just hit the ground."

"We have some pecans," Carl immediately offered his food. That boy was way better than all of us combined. Always tried to find any good he could in people until they proved him wrong. I guess that was the kid that still remained in him.

"Thank you. Do you have a camp?" Gabriel asked.

"No. do you?" Rick was quick to answer.

"I have a church."

"Hold up your hands above your head," Rick ordered and Gabriel immediately obeyed, his face now turning pale. Rick patted him down, finding nothing on his front side. He turned him around. "How many walkers have you killed?" He asked, there was the first question.

Gabriel let out a breathy laugh, "Not any, actually."

"How many people have you killed?" There was the second question.

Gabriel was shocked by the question, turning his head to look at Rick, "None."

"Why?" Rick asked the final question.

Gabriel shook his head, "Because the Lord abhors violence."

Rick was silent for a moment, he narrowed his eyes. He had the same feeling we all did, something was off with this man.

"What have you done?" Rick whispered. "We've all done something."

"I'm a sinner. I sin almost every day. But those sins, I confess them to God, not strangers." Gabriel smiled.

"You said you had a church?" Michonne questioned.

Gabriel nodded his head vigorously. We finally figured out where we were headed next.

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