Timothy ran at the front of the line, and hoped to protect his platoon of goblin slaves. Initially he didn’t care if they got killed or not, but at the moment, since he didn’t have a single drop of mana to his name, he understood that it was imperative to keep the goblins alive. He needed them for a little while longer, he needed them to get him out of these ruins.
“We can’t outrun the bird, we have to fight it. We have to kill it!” He shouted, as he tried to keep the goblins under control.
Then, he commanded, “Quit panicking, and listen to me! I need you guys to spread out, quickly! Try to make sure that you’re at least three feet away from one another.”
The goblins continued to panic, they were very nervous, but at least now they were given a couple of steps to follow. They heard their master, and tried their best to do what he told them to. They cooperated.