
"Frolicking horse"

While Tim and Skendus swam through a wide area of shallow water, the both of them had one thing in common, they got bored really quickly! The sea was wide, massive even, so it was very common for a fish to swim for hundreds of meters, miles even, without actually reaching an important location. It would take a while for them to escape these uncomfortable, shallow waters!

Since they were pretty bored, Tim decided to browse the rest of the upgrades that the system had to offer. He was offered a list of the available upgrades, and got really excited only moments later, because he realized that he could buy at least two of them! He did a lot of math to figure that out, the math made his head hurt, inevitably, and this resulting irritation that he felt helped him decide which upgrade to buy first.

Tim decided to buy an intelligence upgrade. It was a hardy and useful upgrade, promising thirty-five points of brain power!

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