Renee is a fun loving girl who meets up with Kevin and falls in love. What she doesn’t know is that Kevin has a dark past. It comes back to haunt him in the worst way. Unfortunately, Renee is caught up into it and it makes her own life a living hell. She is forced to become another man’s prisoner. She spends her days and her nights being tortured by him, until one day, things change. Will she ever see the man she loves again? Or will the rest of her life be one long running nightmare?
The man sat down at the bar and looked around. There were so many people here tonight. He ordered a drink and just sat back and watched them come and go and flirt with each other. After a while, a beautiful woman walked up and sat beside him.
"Care to order me a drink?" she asked with a purr in her voice.
"Who can resist a request from such a beautiful woman?" he asked as he smiled at her.
He ordered her a drink and they sat there talking for an hour before she asked him to dance. What he didn't know was what he was really getting into with this woman. He didn't know that she had a psychotic stalker. Not until halfway through the dance.
"What the hell do you think you're doing with my woman?" a harsh voice asked.
Kevin turned towards the voice. There stood a man almost his height and well-muscled. Kevin wasn't worried though. He knew he could take him as he was in great shape as well and this guy looked really drunk. However, he was hoping it didn't go that far.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know she was taken," Kevin answered.
"Billy, I am not your woman. You are obviously drunk and I have told you repeatedly that I am not yours. We broke up six months ago. It's time for you to move on. I am tired of this. Now go away."
"We didn't break up. You just decided to give it some time and never came back. I have been here. You belong to me. And I refuse to let a punk like this get his hands on you."
Kevin let go of her and started to walk off when Billy stopped him.
"Where do you think you're going punk? We aren't done talking yet."
Kevin looked at him and said, "We are done and you are going to let go of my arm. I am not going to fight you over anyone. It isn't worth it. The lady obviously doesn't want you and has said as much. But on top of that, I didn't know she was with anyone in the first place."
"You think using some big words on me is going to stop me from pounding your face into the ground? Come on outside, Mr. Bigshot, so we can settle this," Billy said.
Kevin just shook his head and knocked the guy’s hand away. He walked towards the bar and paid his tab. Then, he proceeded to leave the bar with the man and woman arguing. He thought it was over until a few minutes later when he was unlocking his car he felt a blow to the back of his head. He fell on the ground, feeling his head spinning. When he was rolled over, he saw Billy over top of him with a knife in his hand.
"I told you we were going to settle this, punk. I meant it. You can either fight like a man or I can cut you up right now," Billy snickered.
Kevin kicked out and landed his foot square in Billy's knee. Billy cried out in pain and crashed to the ground. He dropped the knife and Kevin dove for it. But Billy grabbed his leg and pulled him back. The man flipped him over and started punching him in the face and gut. Kevin fought back and landed a good blow to the man's gut. He rolled off and Kevin saw him grab the knife from where he landed.
Kevin got up and turned to punch the guy but the guy was there slashing with the knife. It caught Kevin's arm and he felt a sharp, hot pain go through his arm. The man slashed out again and Kevin dodged it. Then, he punched the guy in the chest and went for another blow when the guy kicked his feet out from under him and rode Kevin down to the ground. The knife came up and Kevin grabbed his wrist with both hands. He managed to turn the guy’s wrist so the knife wasn't pointing towards him at the same time the guy thrust his body down to shove the knife in Kevin's chest.
Kevin heard the guy make a shocked sound. He shoved him off and looked at him. The blade was sticking out of Billy's chest and blood was gushing out. Kevin took off his shirt and started packing it around Billy’s wound. He screamed for help. A man came running and when he saw the blood he started screaming at Kevin.
"You son of a bitch! That's my brother! You killed him! You killed him!"
"I didn't do this on purpose. He attacked me and I was just trying to stop him from killing me. Stay here with him. I will go get help," Kevin stammered.
Kevin ran back in the bar and told the bartender to call for help. The lady saw the blood on his hands and ran outside hollering Billy's name. The bartender called the police and Kevin slumped against the bar in shock.
When the police got there, Billy had already died. The ambulance carted him off. Billy's brother came into the bar escorted by the police. The minute he saw Kevin, he flew into a rage and tried to get to him, but the police held him back. They took Kevin's statement and took him to the jail where he was held overnight.
The next day he was arraigned and a trial date was set. In one months' time, he would know if he was still a free man or not. What was he supposed to do? Was he supposed to let that man kill him? And over some woman he had just met? Kevin was afraid for his life. That man's brother had threatened to find him and kill him as revenge. Had threatened to torture him in ways he couldn't even begin to imagine. All he could do was wait.