"Are you always such a dork?" I ask, as I continue to examine his room. "What makes you think I'm a dork?" He asks, amused. "I don't know, you just are," I say. He chuckles and the sound brings a smile to my face. Snap out of it, Rossita. He's not your type! --- In Rossita Jenkins's world, there was only one boy who seemed to fit the role of her bad boy type and somewhere along the line, she gets lucky and starts dating him. She meets Prinse Gomes, a boy who to the naked eye seems to not be her type, but somehow ever since he arrived, her world has been a rollercoaster. And just when she thought she knew what she wanted in life, her heart seems to be fighting a battle between which boy she should be with.
Back to school is such a drag. I'm not ready to see the meanest girls at school or the hottest boys with their amazing abs.
Maybe I am ready to see the boys with their tanned skin looking all sweaty as they practice for their upcoming game.
But being a neutral is cool.
I'm not a nerd or popular, so my high school life is at least drama free.
Juliet is the head cheerleader and also my sister's best friend. She isn't at all bitchy, at least from what I can tell.
I sometimes envy her confidence.
She easily makes friends and always attracts the hottest boys.
Now that leads me to Zack.
He has a body of a supermodel and a face of a charmer. With his matching brown chocolate eyes and hair, every girl is ready to have him in their beds. And that includes me.
But I'm not at all an extrovert like my sister, Chloe.
And I think that is for the best.
I don't want to end up having all the attention over night.
Being popular comes with all it's drama. The stares and talking can really get to you especially if you're an emotional person. And I for one, am an emotional rollercoaster, so I would definitely break down easily in front of all the wandering stares and silent gossips.
After ending the first day with no drama or any interaction between Zack and I -- I knew that the week would pass by like a breeze.
My Type of a Bad Boy
Today is really a challenge to get out of bed.
Chloe comes in with a wet towel to try and get me up and ready for school.
"I totally understand now why you are always in bed," she says.
"And why is that?" I mumble as I try to adjust my pillow from underneath me.
"You don't have a LOVE LIFE!" She exclaims.
"If Zack showed interest, I would, but he hasn't," I whine.
"Zack is with Juliet, you realise that?" She rhetorically asks -- giving me the accusing stare.
"Zack is with who?" I jump out of bed and stare sadly at Chloe.
"Juliet," she repeats herself.
"I heard you, but when did all of this go down and WHERE was I?" I fold my arms angrily.
"Yesterday, the first day back at school during lunch break. And I don't know where you were, probably in the library with the books enjoying each other's company," she says bluntly.
"But Juliet knew that I like him. Whatever happened to Girl Code?" I cry out.
"Girl code only works when the girl is your friend, and Juliet is my friend, not yours. And anyways Zack is a bad boy." She says, thinking that will make the situation any better.
Great, it seems like everyone knows my type except for me.
I was so angry when I got to school that when Juliet waved hello, I didn't acknowledge it.
I move quickly to my locker and grab my books for the first and second period.
As I make my way down the hallway, somebody stops me.
"Hi, I'm kind of new here and I was wondering if you would tell me where to go from here," the blue-eyed boy says nicely.
I'm a nice person but today, I'm so moody that I would even snap at a wall -- for being a wall.
The blue-eyed boy in front of me looks like a dork with these round glasses. The type I would never fall head over heels for.
"You could go straight back where you came from. And when did my face start saying I'm a GPS and I give people directions?" I rudely ask, without expecting an answer and I continue to walk without glancing back.
That was totally rude of me, and so not me. So I retrace my steps back to where the dork had approached me.
I find him staring at the paper in his hand with boredom. I take a deep breath before approaching him.
"Tell me where you're heading?" I ask, still annoyed.
"You're back?" He asks, amused.
"No, this is my twin sister," I say, sarcastically.
"So do I have to ask you again or are you fine on your own?" I ask, nonchalantly.
"Here's the paper," he says as he hands the paper to me and shifts closer.
We walk side by side in silence and I for one am not interested in starting a conversation at the moment.
We finally reach his class and I leave him without saying a word. I groan as I realise that I am late for maths class and that teacher wasn't one for excuses.
"Rose," somebody yells as they approach me from behind.
"It's Rossita," I harshly say as I turn around.
"Well Rossita, get used to me calling you Rose 'cause you're my rose." He smirks.
"Zack?" I blush.
Why is he talking to me? Okay maybe he's lost, he has to be -- it's the only logical explanation for all of this.
"Or you could call me your bad boy, I don't mind," he chuckles.
I swoon -- I've always heard how Juliet would gush about how much of a jokester Zack really is, and now -- right now, I get to experience it first class.
"So why are you not in class, little girl," he says, moving closer to where I was standing.
"I... I was on my way," I gulped, stepping a foot back.
The closer he got, the more excited I became and I definitely didn't want him to think I was some weird freak -- I have my moments.
"Are you nervous?" He stares at me.
"Umm... of course not," I say, staring everywhere else but his face.
"But I love it when you're nervous," he smirks.
Oh he did not just say that! - My mind starts running a marathon while butterflies do endless laps in my stomach.
I gasp as I try to take in what he had just said.
"This is the first time we've actually spoken," I tell him.
"We need to change that, and that doesn't mean I don't see you around," he steps closer. "I've seen you stare at me a couple of times, I'm not blind you know."
I hope he didn't think I was a stalker -- Gosh no!! If he did, I would run, looking for the closest casket to bury myself in.
He takes another step towards me and this time, I don't move back, I could have moved back or walked away, but I didn't want to. I was enjoying his presence way too much.
But then I remember the conversation I had with my sister, and I feel sick to my stomach. I move two steps back and he raises his eyebrow.
"Is something wrong?" He asks.
"No, nothing," I quickly say.
I don't want to ruin this moment because I'm an over thinker-- I know myself well, I think too much, I ruin things and if Zack was to not speak to me after this, I would not forgive myself.
"I hate it when people lie to me." He clenches his jaw.
"Are you not dating Juliet?" I ask him. I place my hands behind me as I secretly cross my fingers, hoping that he wasn't with her.
"I don't date," he says, nonchalantly.
It should have made me happy -- that means he wasn't dating her - but hearing that he doesn't date form his own mouth tainted with my plan. The one where we would kiss and immediately start dating after and get married straight after high school. I sigh, thinking back to how long I've had this girl crush.
"And as for Juliet, we only kissed. So if you consider that dating then I've dated probably this whole school's population of girls," he smirks.
I've never heard him speak like this, or maybe I have but never paid mind to it. If this was anyone else I would have given them the stanky eye, but not Zack. He was not worthy of a stanky eye, just one shaped into a heart.
"Well not me," I say proudly.
Was I proud? -- Let's be serious for just one second. we all know I wanted him, it's no secret between you and I. Guys like Zack want a challenge and since he has never been with me, that should be his challenge to change that and I wish I could tell you that I will make it harder for him, but damn -- I've waited too long for this.
"I did say almost, but we can change that right now?" He moves closer and cups my cheeks.
The clouds could come and take me now -- swift me away as I recover from this level of proximity.
I could feel his breath on my lips as he tilted at an angle. I wanted to push him away but I couldn't. I was under his spell and I was loving every moment of it.
As I close my eyes, waiting eagerly for him to kiss me, the bell rings, indicating that the first period is over.
I move back with him staring deeply into me. Oh boy, you can take me now.
"I should... go," I point in the direction of where my next class would be.
Now that's the problem with my mouth -- it doesn't know when to stop and talk to me first before it speaks -- it does it at its own accord and I have to face the aftermath.