
What's The Plan?

Astrid POV

"I know you dislike Fionela but right now we need her help" Cohen says sitting across from me. We are in the library waiting for Fionela to arrive, as I am in an urgent situation. I roll my eyes crossing my arms "yeah but I don't see why we can't ask someone else for help" I say bitterly.

"Astrid your situation is very... unique we need all the help we can get" Cohen says sternly. Finally Fionela arrives wearing an all black suit, her white hair pulled back into a low ponytail. "Finally she decides to grace us with her presence" I mutter already feeling irritated.

Fionela rolls her eyes and turns towards Cohen "so what is this urgent matter that I had to suddenly leave my combat training". Cohen gestures for her to sit down next to him on the brown sofa.

Once Fionela sits down he dives right in. "Alright so we have a situation... Astrid here somehow got her powers removed by her father what I'm trying to understand is how is that possible he isn't a white witch".

Next chapter