When the first snow shall fall, Then shall the kingdom, havoc befall As two of the same blood, purely royal That looketh not, but sees through all, forms immortal, Are made to be one soul. *+*+*+* An uninterpreted prophecy, A missing prince, A lost princess, A cursed kingdom And forbidden love... The perfect recipe for havoc. Farah happens to be the only one that can break the curse of the princess of NÀruniÀ's Betrothed kingdom. Something happened in the past causing the prince of TÀ-rinia to go missing the day after he was Betrothed to NÀ-ræl - the princess of NÀruniÀ, some days after his own sister was missing. Eighteen years later, the prophecy is interpreted. What would happen if the lost prince and princess is found? What would happen to the love between NÀ-ræl and Rapha? What would happen to the cursed kingdom? And more importantly, what would happen to NÀruniÀ? Only Farah knows, because she is the chosen one of the gods in the land of mortals.
Agatha Eugene Blackwell smoothed her evening gown and trudged on gracefully towards the chestnut tree which sat in the middle of the park. She held her parasol tightly in one hand - not like she needed it, but she always kept it with her.
There was something strange about her, as she walked her feet hardly seemed to touch the ground. She moved swiftly and gracefully, slowly when she wanted to.
As she approached the chestnut tree she inspected the ground carefully and sat waiting for the crowd of eager children which surrounded her in the evening to listen to tales by moonlight.
Agatha sat in the midst of eager children waiting for the usual tales by moonlight she told them.
She looked around her small and eager crowd. She cleared her throat and began. 'Farah is the most powerful of the eleven supernatural. She has all of their powers together and more. These supernaturals were the messengers of the gods. Humans couldn't talk to the gods, they could only summon the supernaturals, but these supernaturals could decide not to answer the calls of humans when they were summoned. Apart from having all the powers of the other supernaturals, she had wisdom and glamour. Something, not one of them even sorcery possessed.
Once upon a time, it was prophesied that the prince of Tarinia will be Betrothed to the princess of Narunia.... yes that prophecy came to pass a day two days after the young prince sister was stolen but what happens when the prince is missing, and the kingdom is cursed by an evil spell not to see the rest of the world again. An evil witch is behind this all but only Farah can break that curse by finding the prince and bringing him to his Betrothed but no one knows how to control or tell Farah what to do, no one knows if the princess of NΓ€runΓ―a Betrothed still lives... no one can see through Farah's her glamour except one that is born of a pure royal Tarinian blood. When the princess of Narunia begins to see through Farah's glamour questions begin to rise.....'
'Lady Blackwell.' CiarΓ‘n began. 'What are the names of the other supernaturals?'.
'Oh forgive me for forgetting that little detail.' She apologized immediately and continued. 'Fate, Time, Sorcery also known as Magicka, Nature, Past, Future, Present, Cupid, Bender, Karma, and Farah.'