
Multiple attempts

I sneak into the camp as cautious as possible and head for one of the weaker heat signatures. The carriers don't get tents so they often lie around unprotected. I approach one of them and assess the situation.

No guard has a direct line of sight and they are all close to dozing off. If I want to make sure the carrier dies I have to deal as much damage as possible so I decide to go for the neck.

This also seems like a good opportunity to try out my new skills. I position myself as optimally as possible and then I sink my fangs into his throat pumping in as much weak sanguine venom as I can. Simultaneously, I wrap my body around the neck and active blood-stealing construction.

Some of my red scales stand up like little barbs and pierce the carriers flesh drawing blood. It feels like each of these scale barbs is extracting minuscule amounts of blood from the carrier.

The poor guy wakes up and begins to struggle feebly. I scoff at his futile attempts to loosen my hold on his neck. He may be stronger than me stat-wise but he is only using his hands while I am using my entire body.

Then a shadow falls on me and my neck light up with pain. The carriers struggling must have alerted the guards and they managed to finish me off with one blow. My mind sinks into the pain and all goes black.

<Congratulations, you have killed a carrier and received a tremendous amount of EXP. You level up once and are now level 2.>

Send me back in!

<Going into the same dungeon repeatedly isn't allowed unless it's an emergency. But if you insist I can send you to another dungeon.>

Same conditions as before then. Actually, no, do I get experience for killing tamed monsters? If yes same conditions as before but with tamed monsters.

<They do give experience but much less than humans is that fine?>

That's fine. I didn't think dying a second time would be so painful. Can I retreat from a dungeon?

<You can in fact but it takes time and you must be undisturbed. I found a few targets. I'll send you into the dungeon now.>

This time I come to in a large dirt tunnel. I've never seen this type of dungeon before. Is it a rare one?

<It's an earthworm dungeon. It's a new type that has yet to be conquered even a single time. The main tunnels are made by giant earthworms that constantly move around and change the dungeon's layout. The smaller tunnels are made by small earthworms that connect monster spawn points with the main tunnels.>

I open the dungeon map and see the complicated maze of tunnels and images of giant earthworms shaping new ones or collapsing old ones. Elaborate design!

Come to think of it, will the monsters here attack me?

<Unless you initiate an attack they will never show aggression towards you. If their intelligence is high enough you can even talk to them and coordinate attacks.>

Yeah, I've had enough of teamwork for my next 100 lives. I'm already satisfied if they don't get in my way.

<Dying a hundred times doesn't seem so far off for you.>

What did you just say? I have only died once so far! A hundred times is way off if it ever happens.

Navi chooses to remain silent. My arguments are just that great. I navigate through the maze of dirt tunnels until I find the group of adventurers. It's a small one since the tunnel's size puts larger groups at a disadvantage.

Using my thermal vision I spot two carriers and four adventurers. Additionally, there are around 20 smaller heat signatures patrolling around their camp. Those must all be tamed monsters and my new prey.

I make sure to move with extra caution to avoid alerting any sensitive monsters. Finally, I get a good visual of some of the patrolling figures. Turns out my caution was well advised since I quickly make out three fanged rabbits.

Those rabbits were experts at sensing vibration from the ground so I could have easily been discovered if I approached normally. The other monsters I see are hawks sitting on an artificial perch and attentively monitoring the surrounding.

I can tell that this is going to be hard. There are no blind spots in the dirt tunnel so I have no chance to sneak up on them. What I need now is a distraction. If I were still human I would simply chuck a rock or something but now...

Just at that moment, a part of the wall on the side of the tunnel collapses, and a group of large centipedes rushes out. Immediately the hawks take to the sky and swoop down on the scurrying insects. The bunnies merely turn and observe as the centipedes struggle to combat their avian predators.

This is my chance to strike! Taking advantage of the intense vibrations the centipedes create I rush forward and approach one of the rabbits from the back. It only notices me when I'm right on top of it and before it can scream I sink my fangs into its neck and wrap around it.

I use weak sanguine venom, sanguine bite and blood stealing constriction simultaneously to do as much damage as possible. Before one of the other two rabbits can discover me I feel the one I'm currently constricting go limp.

<Congratulations, you killed a tamed danger rabbit and received a moderate amount of EXP.>

Figures that such a weak thing gives too little experience to level me up. I uncoil myself and go for the next rabbit. I coil myself around it and use my full skill combo again when the third one notices me.

I still need a few more seconds to squeeze the life out of the one I'm currently holding so I'll have to tank a few hits.

And now that I look at those overly big and sharp teeth of that fanged rabbit, I begin to think that tanking such a hit with a constitution stat below 5 was a really dumb idea.

Dear readers, I'd like to hear your opinion on something. I have prepared three paths of evolution for Jade. Bone snake, sanguine snake, and camo (camouflage) snake. If you had to choose solely based on those names, which path would you take?

djarchercreators' thoughts
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