
Chapter 198: Immensely Unimaginable Proportions

"Contrary to that eventful landing of ours, this place is rather peaceful, so it seems…" Shinsuke commented as he, Aya and Satsuki strolled through the small town in the middle of Never Isle. "It's also surprisingly organized that this place is supposed to be crawling with outlaws."

Even if the three FSG prodigies were clad in hooded cloaks to conceal their identities, walking through the streets snaking towards what was assumed the guild hall gave them the feeling of ease that there was no need to hide their faces.

Builds of different specialities, mostly centered around seafaring, carefreely did their usual business. Blacksmiths pounded on several equipment that needed repair while apothecaries mixed potions they were ordered to do so by their patrons. Aside from that, those individuals who were regularly found fighting monsters in the field simply carried on with their morning chit chat like there were no threats around.

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