
Chapter 98: Bending the Rules

Explosions of different colors engulfed the massive walls of Gamekh, indicating the many different elemental spells hurled by the rebels at the Orcish city. Along with magic, a continuous rain of arrows seemed to fall on the frontlines as the revolutionaries' warriors made their way up the gigantic obstacle. The rebellion's numbers far exceeded what was originally anticipated.

Commander Hayama peered down the wall from his station while shooting down a few rebels with his guns. "Lieutenant.. can you give me the new estimated count of the enemy."

A soldier in his twenties stopped from shooting arrows as he glanced at his commander nervously. "That's about a hundred thousand strong, commander.."

"A hundred thousand?!..", reacted Hayama in surprise before he resumed reloading his buccaneer guns. "Looks like this siege is going to be longer than expected. When did they get that much support?"

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