
Chapter 33: More talking...

(Marinette's pov)

"So... How is life in Japan?" Bridgette asked over the phone. I was on the phone with my cousin. She decided to call before I went to bed.

"It's great! I made friends with the student council president, Makoto Nijima!" I told Bridgette.

"The student council prez?" Bridgette asked.

"Yes! She's really cool! I think you two would get along well!" I said.

I had a flashback to the many times I visited my cousin in her many homes in the U.K. Her family moved around a lot before settling down in London. Bridgette spent most of her childhood in rural Scottish and Irish villages with bars in every other block. Her mom, my aunt by marriage, had a lot of family around the United Kingdom. Many of which owned taverns, bars, and other alcohol establishments.

Her dad, my uncle, had a hard time finding a job. So that's why they moved around a lot before he found a stable position in London. During her time moving around, Bridgette often snuck out of the house while her parents were busy working or fighting to visit her aunts and uncles working with alcohol. The girl has seen how alcohol is produced and its effects on people. She told me that, and I quote:

"Marinette, I have seen so many bar fights and tavern brawls... that I know how to defend myself."

Bridgette even told me about a few times (in her early teen years), she would even get caught up in the fights herself. I don't doubt it... my cousin is known for her hot temper. Like me, she's stronger than she looks. I don't know how she's strong, but she can wrestle a man twice her size to the ground effortlessly. I've seen her do it... There was this one time when we were eleven, and this thirty-something drunk guy was... never mind, that story is for another time... also Author-chan is giving me the sink eye.

"Well, as long as you stay out of trouble and avoid bad people, I'm happy," Bridgette said.

"Yeah, yeah!" I said.

"Mari, I'm serious. You don't want to run around with bad people who will ruin your future!" Bridgette said, sounding serious.

"I know, Bridgie! You don't have to be so protective!" I said.

"Well, that boyfriend of yours better be taking care of ya!" Bridgette said. I blushed at that comment.

"BRIDGETTE! I told you Akira is not my boyfriend! He is just a supportive friend!" I scolded with a red face.

"Whatever you say! You obviously have a crush on the guy. Why don't you just confess already?" Bridgette asked.

"I... I don't think he likes me like that... and, besides... we are really busy with other things in life for romance." I said.

"Marinette Dupain-cheng... only an absolute idiot would turn you down! But, I understand the "busy with life" thing... once everything settles down, you'll get everything sorted, ya?" Bridgette asked.

"I will don't worry!" I said.

"By the way... how are things with you and Felix?" I asked. I knew she likes him ever since she moved to London. I may not like him, but Bridgette seemed happy.

"Oh... yeah... that..." Bridgette muttered.

"Did something happen?" I asked worriedly.

"Well... Mari, I'm losing interest in him..." Bridgette told me.

"Ever since that stunt he pulled when he visited Paris, I saw him in a new light. I'm starting to wonder what I saw in him, to begin with..." Bridgette continued.

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that..." I said.

"I'm going to do some soul searching while I find a way to visit Japan without drawing suspicion. But, don't worry about me, alright? Focus on yourself!" Bridgette said.

"I will! I have to go to bed now, talk to you later!" I said.

"Alright, good night, Mari. Have sweet dreams!" Bridgette said. I hung up started to snuggle into my bed. As I fell asleep, I thought about all the happy memories I had made in Japan. When I finally did fall asleep, I dreamt of my friends. We were in a nice park, eating a picnic of some curry and homemade baked goods. We were having a good time, laughing and joking around. I sat next to Akira, putting my head on his shoulder while petting Morgana, who was in my lap. But, out of the corner of my eye, I kept seeing shadowy figures.

They were human silhouettes that I couldn't make out the details of. I could only make out their shape and their glowing eyes. I saw a short male with bright blue eyes, a petite female with light pink eyes, a tall male with yellow eyes, a female with pink eyes, a male with red eyes, and another male with lavender eyes. I didn't feel threatened by them... I was just curious. But, when I woke up the next day, the only thing I remembered about the dream was the picnic.

(Time skip! Brought to you by Pride Month!)

It was Saturday, June 25th, after school, at the hideout. Ann and I were making our way to Akira and Morgana. The boy and cat were talking about something when we approached.

"Are you two talking about something?" I asked.

"Something about Ann swooning?" Akira said.

"Akira!" Morgana yowled.

"Huh?" Ann asked.

"Ignore him! I have an idea!" Morgana said. He started to explain his idea for "finishers," and I had to admit... it seemed a bit farfetched...

"Really?" Ann asked.

"Is that a no?" Morgana asked, looking dejected.

"It's not that I don't like it. It just... doesn't seem possible... even in the Metaverse." Ann said. Suddenly, a light blue glow emitted from Akira's pocket. He pulled out the small blue star that was Jose's gift. It was glowing.

"What was that?" Ann asked.

"Was that... Jose's star?" I asked. Akira put it away, and we all wordlessly agreed to ignore it. Ryuji, Yusuke, and Makoto also arrived so, we quickly forgot about the star.

We were explaining everything to Makoto, and she asked about the nav on her phone.

"We have no clue how or why it's on our phones, but it's there! Akira-kun, do you have any idea?" I asked.

"A long-nosed man?" Akira said randomly. I internally facepalmed. But, I felt my bag shake a bit when Akira said that. I noticed Akira's, Ann's, Ryuji's, and Yusuke's bags shake too. Did... the Kwamis just react to Akira's words? I shook it off, taking a mental note to ask Tikki about it later.

We continued to talk, we all agreed to act fast. We can't let Kaneshiro win! And, this is an excellent opportunity to increase Phantom Thieve awareness! I have to say, I couldn't have asked for a better life in Japan! I have friends, good grades, doing superhero stuff (kind of)... I was so happy!

Why did it go wrong again?

(A/N: Happy Pride month!)

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