
Chapter 26: Oh No, Makoto!

(Marinette's pov)

It was Saturday, June sixteenth, lunchtime at Shujin Academy. I stood next to Akira as Ryuji rambled angrily about Akechi. He was being a bit too loud. Ann then came up behind him, holding a cup of chips, and smacked him.

"Ow!" Ryuji exclaimed.

"You're being way too loud!" Ann said, mouth full of chips.

"Who cares? Everybody's talkin' about this stuff anyway!" Ryuji said.

"But not like that, Ryuji-kun," I said. There was silence for a moment, then Ryuji started to bug Ann for some of her snacks. I just sighed... there can never be true peace, can there? Morgana scolded the two about being too laid back. He said that the police will get involved soon.

"So you think it's true? We'll be okay if we keep doing this... right?" Ann asked.

"Ann-chan, if we don't do this, who will? We just have to be careful... the power to change hearts is something we have been gifted with... let's use it for good..." I told her.

"Yeah! And besides... we can't let the cops scare us outta bein' Phantom Thieves!" Ryuji said.

"But, what about that weird guy from Madarame's Palace? Isn't there a lot we don't know?" Ann asked. I was about to answer her when the flash of a camera interrupted us. We turned to the source to find none other than Miss student council president herself taking a photo.

"The h***?" Ryuji said.

"You four seemed to be having so much fun. I'm a little jealous." Makoto said.

"Do you want to question us again? Makoto-senpai, we don't know anything." I said, praying to whatever God above that she wasn't eavesdropping.

"Why do you think I'm here to question you? Could it be you're hiding something? My ears are always open to the troubles of my peers, you know." Makoto chided.

Oh ho! That is rich!

"The past begs to differ, doesn't it, Ann-chan?~" I asked my friend. My comment caught Makoto off guard.

"Don't remind me, Mari-san..." Ann said. She then turned to Makoto.

"You are that desperate for a letter of recommendation? Who am I kidding? Of course, you are..." Ann said. Makoto looked like she was about to say something, but I cut her off.

"Is that what you want? Mon Dieu, Makoto-senpai, you are the student council president! I'm more than certain you can get into a good college without doing the school's dirty work!" I told her.

"Ch-Cheng-san, I'm flattered by your faith in me, but it's my job as the student council president-" She started, but Ann cut her off.

"You ARE the student council president! You would have known about Kamoshida, right?" She asked

"O-of course not! He was a good teacher until..." Makoto started again, but Ann cut her off once again.

"Oh, you take the teacher's side. That's what a good council president does, right?" Ann asked sarcastically.

"Then... how about you? What did you do for your friend?" Makoto asked. Okay... that was low!

"Makoto-senpai!" I said, getting between her and Ann.

"It was a complicated situation! She was a victim as well... what could she do?" I asked. Makoto looked surprised at my action but tried to collect herself.

"There is no need to shout..." Makoto said.

"If those Phantom Thieves are out there helping people... I'd root for them, no questions asked. They've gotta be more dependable than... some people I know..." Ryuji commented. I internally chuckled at his comment.

"... Just make sure you show up to your classes, all right?" She sighed, looking defeated and tired. I felt sorry for her... she walked away.

"You know what I said earlier? I take it back! I would be ashamed if we stopped now!" Ann said.

"H*** yeah! It's about time we find our next target too!" Ryuji cheered. I nodded along with my friends.

"I'm gonna go check on Makoto-senpai," I said, turning to leave.

"Seriously?" Ryuji asked.

"I want to see if she's okay..." I said.

"Mari-san... you're too kind for your own good..." Akira sighed. I just smiled at my friends and trotted away to find Makoto.

I found her a few minutes later, standing in the halls, mumbling something. I walked up to her.

"Hey, Makoto-senpai?" I asked, tapping her shoulder. She whipped around in surprise and looked a little displeased to find me.

"Do you need something, Cheng-san?" She asked with strain in her voice. I just sighed.

"look, I don't know what's happening in your life, and I won't pretend to. But, just know that you are your own person. You are the only thing in life you can control. Don't let others get you down... I know you're stronger than that!" I told her, trying to be encouraging.

"You really mean that?" Makoto asked desperation and surprise in her voice.

"I can speak from experience... I have faith in you..." I told her.

"... Thank you, Cheng-san... that means a lot..." She said.

"No problem! I like to help!" I told her. I waved goodbye to her, and she did the same. I then trotted off to find my friends. I wonder who our next target will be?

(A/N: I did it! It is short, but here it is!)

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