
Chapter 5: Meanwhile in Paris!

(Mari's pov)

The day after Ann joined the Phantom Thieves as Panther, we discovered the location of Kamoshida's treasure and a good infiltration route. I was surprised that we couldn't steal the treasure yet, but I understood that we couldn't take a gleaming, golden blob. Mona told us that we needed to send a calling card first. Ryuji originally wanted to make the calling card himself, but I knew he would mess it up in some way. So I volunteered, and it was by majority vote that I do the calling card.

Akira sent the instructions, and I got to work. The Kwamis helped out too. I had told them everything when I got home from my first day as a Phantom Thief. They expressed their concerns, but they stopped when they saw the look in my eyes. They said that as long as I stay safe, I could do as I please. Back to the calling card making, I read aloud what Akira sent to me to the Kwamis.

"Suguru Kamoshida, The Great Sinner of Lust. We know what you do to the students of Shujin Academy. We know that you force your distorted desires onto the innocent students that are in your power. We have decided to make you confess your crimes with your own mouth by taking your heart. Be prepared!


The Phantom Thieves of Hearts."

I decided to go with a red and black color scheme to match the leader of the Phantom Thieves! The logo also was based on Arsene, Joker's persona. When I finally finished the card, the Kwamis duplicated it into a few dozen copies. I told the Kwamis to post the calling cards on all of the school post bords in the morning. I couldn't wait for the next morning! I think I did a good job.

(Time skip! Brought to you by the Kwamis freaking out over Marinette joining the phantom thieves!)

I waited for my friends in front of the gates, greeting everyone who passed by. Ann was the first to show up, then Ryuji, then Akira. We all walked in, wondering what kind of reactions people would have to the calling card. We all noticed the students gathered around the post bords. I saw the calling cards I made posted all over the bords. The Kwamis do like to go overboard.

"I like the design," Akira whispered behind me. A shiver went down my spine. What the hell?

"Yeah, very on the theme," Ann said. I blushed at all the praise. I was jumped at the sound of yelling.

"WHO DID THIS?!" Kamoshida yelled, storming into view.

"Was it you? Or was it you?" The students scattered at the sound of Kamoshida's voice. He then stomped over to our group.

"It was you! You did this!" He shouted.

"Did what?" Akira asked with his signature Poker-face.

"Don't play dumb with me, I know you did this!" Kamoshida huffed.

"Where's the proof, sir?" I asked innocently.

"Well..." Kamoshida started. He paused and looked like he was searching for an answer. When he came up empty, he looked even more pissed off. He stormed off, muttering about how he'll get us expelled.

I giggled, thinking about how he would be able to do that with close to no proof.

"So, after school?" Morgana meowed. We all nodded in agreement and went our separate ways to class. I was very nervous and jumpy throughout the school day, but I hid it very well. My first heist as a Phantom Thief, what a rush! My life can never settle down, can it? I wonder how things are in Paris? It has only been a week or two, I'm sure everything is alright! I need to call Kagami and Luka soon, I need to check up on them!

(Newscast style!)

(IDK pov)

*Author-chan appears in a news girl outfit sitting behind a desk in front of a green screen showing an image of the Eiffel tower*

Good day everyone! It's me, Author-chan! I am personally here today to share what kind of shenanigans those charming Parisians have been up to. Here's the recap (you can skip this part, folks): Mari, even after the fall of Hawkmoth and Mayura, was being bullied pretty severely by Lila and her classmates. So with the help of Kagami and Luka, Mari escaped to Japan. They even faked her suicide to make sure that no one follows her, and with the added bonus of flipping her bullies the little bird. It has been almost two weeks since then, and I am sure all of you want to see what became of our cast of bullies and bystanders in Paris! I'm gonna have to warn you, my dear readers, s*** get's real. Let's pick up where we left off! Elija to you, my friend!

*A man with dark eyes, white hair, white clothes, pale skin, and fish-like lips appears, taking the place of author-chan and her desk. He is standing in front of a green-screen with an image of Françoise Dupont on it.*

Thanks, Author. Now, the April morning of the Monday after Mari's funeral service, there was a significant shift in the atmosphere at Collège Françoise Dupont, Mari's former school. Everyone was silent, and if reports are to be believed, some of the students were crying or had shown signs of crying. We were also informed that one of Marinette's bully, Lila Rossi, was treated as if she wasn't there by both students and teachers alike. Let me tell you, us over here at Creator's news were surprised she showed up to school at all! But the following day, my goodness! Here's a video we secured recording the events of that madness!

*Phone recorded video starts playing and shows the following*

There was a commotion in the courtyard of Collège Françoise Dupont. A ring of people, both students, and teachers, formed around a group of people. Those people were Felix, Adrien, Bridgette, and Lila.

"Bridgette, calm down!" Adrien yelled, holding back the enraged girl.

"Adrien is right, Marinette wouldn't have wanted this!" Felix shouted, helping his cousin hold back the girl.

"Please! I didn't know she would go jump off a bridge!" Lila said with tears.

"I DON'T CARE! YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY FAMILY!" Bridgette screamed. The hatred, anger, sadness, and grief in her eyes spoke more than her voice ever will.


Lila stuttered something nonsensical, which only enraged Bridgette even more. She struggled against the two boys even more and screamed profanities at Lila in a mixture of Welsh and Scottish.

"Please stop! What would Marinette say if she saw this?" Rose cried. Bridgette whipped her head around to where Rose was standing.

"You were part of Mari's class, right? I bet you either stood by and watched my cousin get bullied by this b***h!" She yelled at the small girl.

Bridgette proceeded to call out everyone in her line of sight.

"Mr. D.J! You have known Mari since you were little! Why didn't you stand by her?!"

"Ms. Jornalist! Why did you betray my cousin, who was your first friend in France?!"

"Adrien! I know you were under threat from your father, But you could have at least provided some support to my sweet cousin!" This goes on and on until Bridgette brakes down into tears and collapses onto the ground. Felix and Adrien carry her away.

*Video ends and Author-chan appears with her desk*

Wow! That was intense! Don't worry, everyone! Bridgette and everyone in Paris will make a reappearance later! Sorry I haven't been updating often! I am currently having some writer's block. I will update whenever I finish a chapter! It may not be consistent, but I think it will get the story out faster! Until next time goodbye, everyone!

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