
Wishing Mermaid Lagoon

Rowena and Prince Liam traveled together on foot to reach the Wishing Mermaid Lagoon. Since it wasn't exactly that far away from Verona's city proper, Rowena wasn't expecting much but similar to her encounter with the valley, her breath was taken away.

The lagoon was a beautiful deep blue, with large boulders surrounding it. Rowena could almost imagine lovely mermaids perched on the rocks as they sang enchanting melodies.

There were a lot of people around, but once she and Prince Liam arrived, the people gave way for them to approach. It was strange, but she paid more attention to the lagoon.

"This place is..." Rowena started.

"Beautiful isn't it? I come here—" Prince Liam bit down on his tongue. "People come here when they want to make wishes and hope that the Mermaids grant them."

"But it's not like they're really here, right?" Rowena said as she gazed at the deep blue lagoon.

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