
Emmelyn's Letter

Mars closed his eyes. His mind was conflicting about what he should do.

He thought deeply about what happened and, finally, his longing for Emmelyn won. No matter what was written in the letter, he wanted to see her handwriting. He missed her so badly. Any words from her would mean so much to him.

Those words, written in her letters were what kept him going during his travel to Wintermere. He kept her letters he received with him, and he read them over and over again.

So, it was hard not to read this one.  Finally, Mars relented and opened the letter.

Two drops of tears fell down on the letter as he started reading.


Dear Mars. I am sorry that you have to know this through a letter but I have no other choice. Before I go, I want you to know the truth. Yes, the final truth.

I came to the capital to get my revenge. You know this.

I never love you. You don't know this.

I guess now you do.

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