
Private Talk With Mrs. Adler

"No.. I want to stay here with you," Lily insisted. "My husband can handle the kids for just one night."

Emmelyn felt so touched by the friendship and support that Lily Greenan was showing her. She felt grateful that, even though her life was wretched with an evil curse, she was still blessed by the heavens with a friendship as beautiful as what she received from Lily.

If she could free herself from the Leoralei's curse, she would pay back Lily's kindness. If not, she hoped there would be another life where she could be a good friend again to Lily. She would make up for everything.

Emmelyn finally realized it was futile to send this woman away. Her excuse wouldn't work on Lily. It was clear that Lily just wanted to stay by her side and help as much as she could.

Fine. Maybe Emmelyn should just be honest to Lily and told her she needed to talk to Mrs. Adler in private. She believed Lily would understand as much.

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