
You Must Not Play Favorites

Emmelyn was wondering if Mars would love her that much to also change the colors of his country for her.

"So, the colors of black and grey are from your father and mother?" Emmelyn asked. "What was the color before?"

"Before, it was only black," Mars explained. "Black is the Strongmoor's color."

"Oh..." Emmelyn nodded in understanding. Now, she could see King Jared differently. Yes, the man was her enemy and he was blood-thirsty for all the invasions he planned and conducted in the past.

However, behind that reputation, he was a loving husband and a good father. His decision to include grey in his coat of arms and army uniforms showed that he considered his wife as his equal, that he was sharing this kingdom with her literally and figuratively.

"Your father must love your mother so much," she said. "Will you change the colors after you ascend the throne?"

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