
aggression leads to a newfound strength: the wrathful form.

it had been a few weeks since his fight at school and Kenichi was in the yard sparring with apachai.he began by first using the art of karate and then the art of muay Thai he then switched to his four Chinese kenpo styles using wing Chun for defense bajiquan for offense taijiquan to Grapple apachai's blows and Bague Zheng for close range combat apachai wasn't able to keep up with Kenichi because Kenichi was using his senpo-ken and zanzo-ken techniques to dodge apachai's movements, along with the footwork he used in Bague Zheng and wing Chun,as well as the foot work of bajiquan. crossing over into apachai's own foot work he delivered a powerful Shimon Chou Chuu .fallowed by a chain punch then a double palm. and finally he got apachai in a joint lock and threw the mammoth of a man witch was difficult at first but Kenichi was channeling his ki so he could preform it.

Takeda and Ukita watched in awe as Kenichi threw his master to the ground with the force of a thunder clap but because Kenichi threw him only to be gentle and because of apachai's skill Kenichi wasn't able to hurt him too badly.

apachai got up and came at Kenichi again but this time Kenichi delivered a different move he kicked apachai hard in the stomach then pulled back he shouted Ryuu-ken and drove a punch straight into apachai's stomach smashing him into a wall,as the visage of a golden dragon appeared in Kenichi's fist Bam! the punch smashed apachai into the wall.

the elder grimaced is it me or does Kenichi seem to have gotten stronger sense his fight with those boy's apachai got up and attacked Kenichi "Apa!" he cried in his patented Kiai as he knocked Kenichi flying with the chai kick he then raced after Kenichi delivering a rush of punches, but Kenichi smacked them away using his wing Chun blocks and right when he was cornered and apachai puled back for his Apa punch, Kenichi lunged forward and delivered a full power spirit punch to apachai's stomach then he let out a roar as he delivered a rush of punches to his vital points and then Struck him with a Kamina-Zuki and finally delivered a triple jumping roundhouse kick to his head all of witch he added the Kiai of Ata! to making there fight sound like it was between two Kenshiro's apachai and Kenichi fell to the ground exhausted Kenichi used his tail to offer apachai his towel as a sign of truce.

"Man oh man," Takeda said ",shirahama Kun is exceptionally strong, I don't know about you ukita but I'd say he could even whip Kisara's ass if needed."

once I had recovered my breathe i walked over to my two senpai.

"did you two see that sparring session." I asked.

they nodded.

I laughed "maybe I could make a few hundred thousand yen if I worked as a sparring partner in the school boxing club so takeda how's your arm."

"oh much better I've decided to leave Ragnarok and pursue boxing again."

"sweet and you ukita." I asked.

he shook his head I'm still in the gang and next time we fight it'll probably be ten to one.

kenichi nodded "welp I guess we'll be enemies then,"

" i was hoping to become friends but if that's the way you want it".

shigure came out then kenichi I want to teach you how to use a shuriken today.

later guys.

"is it me or does he have girls like that around him always."said ukita

"nay it's me too." said takeda

he had me give him my number.

kenichi finished the shuriken jutsu training just in time for him to get a call from takeda saying he was being fallowed unlike in canon takeda had learned to trust kenichi.

kenichi had enough points over the past week to buy the bikujutsu the power allowed kenichi to fly.

"miu come with me he said picking her up bridal style."

he flew with miu to where he sensed takeda's life force he and ukita we're being beaten by kisara.

kenichi landed superman style in front of takeda placing miu down you deal with kisara while I Handel the gang when kenichi suddenly saw takeda and ukita laying on the ground busted up.

suddenly kenichi let out a roar.

he boosted towards kisara's gang delivering sharp swift punches and kicks to all of them kenichi's hair stood up and his eye's we're golden as he hit all the boys then koga came out only to be smashed into a wall by kenichi's roundhouse kick

koga got up shaken he came at kenichi with a rush of thrusting kicks but kenichi pulled back then delivered a ryuu-ken to koga's stomach knocking him out.

he turned to see miu fighting kisara and winning.

kenichi saw two boys heading towards him.

he cupped his hands out in front.

ka-me-ha-me-...Haaaaaaaa!!! he shouted blasting a energy wave at them knocking them out.

kenichi was done he calmed down he ran over to his friends.

hey miu come let's get these two home.

I said.

kenichi what was that form you used.

"it's called ikari and well it's like a boost I can use." I said.

"I see" said miu smiling.

Next chapter