

me: I will be going now, see you tomorrow.

I said to the maester as I went out of the room with hawk still in his cage.

after I entered my bedroom and closed the door, I let the hawk out of the cage and he flies to my arm and stands there,

he looks at me.

the hawk: [you can talk? and in my head?]

me: [yes, its called telipathy]

the hawk:[you are the strangest human I've seen, and I've seen a lot of them]

me: [ thank you ]

the hawk:[ you should return me...]


the hawk:[ I'm cheated goods, I heard the merchants say that they have to sell me quickly cuz I will die in a few days, it seems I have some kind of disease ]

those damn merchants always doing what is good for their pockets, even dare to cheat a lord, well, it's about time anyway.

me: [ do you want to become my companion?]

the hawk: [did you hear what I said?]

me: [just answer]

the hawk: [ ok ]

and then I put the hawk down and I summon 2 immortality/regeneration serums.

the hawk: [how the f*** did u do that?]

me:[it does not matter, these serums will grant us immortality and regeneration]

the hawk: [what?]

he looks at me with a deadpan face that said"are we seriously doing this?"

it seems he does not believe me.


I take the serum and inject it on myself, while he looks at me like I'm some kind of idiot, then I get up, leave the room and after a minute I return with a knife, I sit in front of him and put the knife on my throat.

the hawk: [HEY!, STOP!!!].

and he flies to me or precisely the knife in my hands, I slow the regeneration so it became visible, and cut my throat, I suddenly felt pain and dizzy for a second before I'm back to normal, the hawk that is still coming my way sees this and lands on my shoulder, looking at me with a ridiculous face.

the hawk: [how... how did you do that?]

me:[ I told you]

I said while looking at the other serum.

he follows my line of sight...

the hawk: [so it's true]

me: [so what will it be? will you take it?]

the hawk:[you sure?]

me: [yes]

then I put him in the bed, and inject him wi with it, then his expression went from expectant to exited.

the; hawk: [i feel awesome, am full of energy again, and I feel stronger.]

me:[yes, it does that, from now on you will never feel tired, and it will be difficult to kill you, so what is your name?]

the hawk: [ i don't have one]

me:[well I can't keep calling you hawk now can I?, can I name you?]

the hawk:[yes, sure]

me:[from now on you will be called Azrael, what do you think? ] (Azrael is the name of the hawk from Arslan Senki anime series)

the hawk:[Azrael, I like it, alright from now on I'm Azrael ].

me:[ok Azrael, let me rest a bit, you can go out and fly]

and I put him down so I could rest, mentally of course not physically, it's not every day that you cut your own throat.

and he flies right off the window.

I get up, I change my clothes, and return to sleep.

as I was thinking about what to do with Azrael, I suddenly had a great idea, but I put it to the back of my head, and sleep for the night.


as I open my eyes I close them again because of the sun that hit my eyes.


I suddenly hear someone knocking on my door.

me: yes, enter.

I say with a sleepy voice.

the door opens and a maid enters.

me: what is it?

the maid: prince Arslan, your mother, lady Lysa is calling you for breakfast.

me: ok tell her I'll be there in a minute.

the maid: yes my prince.

she says as she gets out closing the door behind her.

I get up change my clothes and go to the dining room, I find my mother already sitting there waiting for me.

me: hello mother

Lysa: hello, my cute boy.

I stop just before my seat and look at her with a serious face...

me: mom, I told you to stop calling me that.

Lysa: why? you are my boy and you are cute.

she said not taking me seriously

me: mom I'm already 2 you can't call me that, it's embarrassing.

I said climbing my seat.

she just ignores me and starts eating while chuckling.

after breakfast, I said bye to my mother and returned to my room.

I sit in my bed and I send a message to Azrael.

me: [Azrael, come to my room.]

Azrael: [coming]


he enters from the window and lands on my arm.


me: [so how was your flight?]

Azrael: [ it was good, I never flew at such speed, and I did not feel tired even after I flew for hours, so what is it that you called me for? ]

me: [i have a mission for you.]

Azrael: [that is? ]

me: [ i want you to become my air marshal. ]

Azrael: [ your air what? ]

me: [air marshal, that means you will be the marshal of my air forces. ]

Azrael: [and what am I supposed to do?]

me: [ well I want you to lead my air army, it will have a lot of divisions and every division will be led by a general, and the generals will be under your command, the first division will be the messenger division, it will be made out of hawks their mission is to deliver messages, and it will be under your direct command, the second division will be the spy division, it will be made out of ravens, their mission is to spy on my enemies and will be led by a general from them, the third division will be the attack force, it will be made out of dragons and wyverns... but this division will have to wait, i also have other divisions but we will have those later, so try to focus on the first and second divisions. ]

Azrael: [why did you choose hawks to be the messengers? isn't it common that they use ravens to send messages?]

me:[cuz hawks will be intimidating, who is it that will be able to tame hawks to send messages... besides ravens are common so it is normal to see them lurking around, do you think its normal to see hawks that are not common suddenly start close to humans?, anyway, I have to go, I have a class with the maester.]

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