
Worth Waiting For

He pulled out a velvet box. Pearl's eyes widened.

He was supposed to be sharing his testimony to a boy's polo team! She looked around to see how everyone would react.

The boys saw him step down from the stage and walk toward Pearl, but they didn't start shifting excitedly. No, they actually started humming a song in perfect unison. Monty was grinning next to the smug-looking polo coach, Denver.

Pearl turned her wide eyes back to Jesse, who looked calm and amazing as usual. He had stopped a few yards away, but now he moved toward her, sure he had her full attention.

When he was in front of her, he got down on one knee. Taking her trembling hand, he smiled at her. The familiar butterflies took flight, but she smiled back.

Suddenly, the humming stopped.

"You are beautiful. You're strong, smart, kind, patient…absolutely incredible. I love your character, your personality, your dress sense on a Saturday. The way you love my son who happens to love you to bits, the way you smile directly at me and set my heart on fire." Jesse looked down quickly. When he looked up, his eyes were bright. "You've stood by me through the legal proceedings for Pablo, knowing you were almost second until I had him, but you never complained. You have become my best friend, Pearl and I love you so much."

Tears welled up in her eyes.

"It's your turn now. I made a vow to you on the beach in your home town that I would devote my life to you, so I want to make it official, love." He smiled and reached out to wipe tears off her lovely face. "You should've known I wouldn't wait long," he chuckled fondly. She giggled, shaking her head. "Pearl Guthrie, please will you take your place by my side as my wife? We'll still travel the world and impact lives, but I need to know that you'll be the one by my side where I can take care of you, protect you, hold you…" he suddenly stopped and held his breath. With an expectant look, he waited.

Pearl nodded, "Of course, yes! I'd be crazy to say no," she half laughed, half cried.

"Yeah," he grinned, "you would!"

Just when she was getting ready to scold him for vanity, he said solemnly, "No one- no human, loves you the way I do."

Pearl couldn't stop herself from grabbing his face and kissing him soundly.

When they both came back down to earth, the air was filled with applause and whistling.

Once they'd settled down, Jesse called Pearl on stage.

Standing beside her, he said, "Here's my gorgeous testimony, gents."

There was a low whistle.

Jesse laughed. "I have been around the world and seen many women, but this lady right here was right at home. My mother's house, to be exact. From being almost family, we became friends, and the romance unfolded over time and I still waited."

An incredulous laugh sounded somewhere.

"I know, she's stunning, how did I do it right?" he chuckled. "There's something about wanting to respect and honour her before claiming her as mine." Pause. "If you dedicate that kind of commitment to your schooling and relationship, I promise God will honour your heart's desires."

From there Jesse let Pearl sit down and he spoke for a little while longer but she wasn't listening anymore. She was thinking about how the word 'blessed' didn't feel sufficient to describe how she felt. Overwhelmed by the abundance all she could do was smile and thank her Maker.

Watching the boys stand and clap after Jesse spoke made her feel so proud. She couldn't have asked for a better man.

As soon as he sat down, she leaned into him and whispered, "You know what?"

He turned curiously. "What?"

"You're pretty awesome."

The love on his face was palpable but he threw his head back and laughed. Looking back into her eyes a moment later, he murmured, "You and me both."

It's my birthday today, so I decided to share the final 3 segments of this story all today! Thank you all for reading and voting...


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