

Pearl went to the door, opened it and saw Jesse. The only thing that registered was a great amount of joy. She launched herself at him and he caught her with a little laugh. Before he could even say hello, her lips covered his and her hands slipped into his hair.

Jesse didn't need a second to respond. His arms moved over her back until she was moulded against him.

Tasting her and smelling her and feeling her soft body against him filled Jesse with happiness and a measure of desire he couldn't deny. Her sweet hot tongue coerced him into letting out a groan as she welcomed him home. Her breasts were pressed up against him, asking him a question he couldn't possibly answer now.

On her doorstep.

In broad daylight.

Reluctantly, Jesse started the descent back to sanity. He broke off the kiss and Pearl translated that into several little kisses.

"I missed you," she finally breathed after another slow, hot greeting.

"Quite a bit, I'd say," Jesse teased in a low voice, resting his forehead against hers. "It's entirely mutual."

She giggled, her fingers playing with his hair. "Welcome home."

"Thank. Honey, you need to let go of me for just a moment."

She almost pouted. "Why?"

He smiled broadly. "Reverend Guthrie, is this you telling me you don't want to let me go?"

"Most definitely," she smiled back.

"Well, you have to. I have a little surprise for you."

"A surprise?" Her eyes brightened up and Jesse's heart almost melted all over again. Slowly she released him, allowing him more space to move.

"Stand still," he said.

"Okay," her curious smile broadened.

"1, 2, 3…" Still holding her hand, Jesse stepped aside.

It took Pearl just a second but when she shifted her gaze down, she saw an excited little boy, hopping from one foot to the other in uncontainable delight.

Pearl's eyes widened considerably. "Pablo!"

The moment she said his name, he came running toward her. She moved, letting go of Jesse's hand to catch him just in time, as he launched himself at Pearl, much like she'd done to Jesse.

"Oh, hello little one," she crooned, hugging him to her.

He threw his small arms around her neck, exclaiming, "We made it, we made it!"

Jesse watched them, emotion rising up in him as he watched the boy he adored embrace the woman he was crazy about. When she finally stood up, the child still in her arms, Jesse gave her an apologetic smile.

"I know you weren't expecting me to come with him."

She laughed and waved it off. "That's true but this is a great surprise." She leaned close to Jesse and kissed him on the cheek. "Let's go inside."

Pearl sat Pablo down on the kitchen counter and went to a nearby cupboard.

"Is this where you live?" the little boy asked in awe.

"Yes, I live here," she smiled over her shoulder, where she was looking for a plastic tumbler.

Jesse chuckled when the child said, "It's nicer than Papa's house- his is okay, but yours is better.'

"You think so Pablo?" Jesse asked in Spanish, pretending to be hurt. "You want to stay here?"

Pablo suddenly stopped and looked at Jesse. His eyes widened and he shook his head.

"No?" Pearl asked softly.

"With Papa Jesse," he said shyly.

Jesse grabbed the child off his perch, threw him in the air and hugged him tightly. Kissing the top of the boy's head then ruffling his hair, Jesse smiled at Pearl.

"At least we know the kid is loyal," he said in English.

Pearl laughed and handed him a cup full of orange juice for Pablo.


"How do you say it in English?" Pearl challenged him gently.

"Thank you!" Pablo shouted excitedly.

"Very good, chiquito," Jesse said, handing him the cup.

Jesse motioned to the living room with his head and started in that direction. Pearl followed with two glasses in hand.

Placing his young charge on his lap as he settled, Jesse watched Pearl put the glasses down on coasters and sit down on the sofa near him. Her first few sentences were to Pablo who eagerly told her everything about the flight, saying good bye to Mrs Henry and the others at the only home he'd ever known, seeing the ocean (which he thankfully related to the one in Bolivia) and getting home last night.

She listened with amusement due to his excitement clear on her face. When he wasn't talking, he was bouncing on Jesse's lap. Jesse was the official cup holder after the child nearly spilled juice everywhere when he first spread his hands to describe the plane.

In a slight pause, Jesse would give him the cup and let him take a gulp. When the juice finished, Jesse asked if he could put Pablo down to roam around. Pearl said it was fine. She watched as Jesse encouraged Pablo to look around but to stay in this room.

Pablo squirmed off Jesse's lap and hugged Pearl's leg before shyly looking around. She couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her. Getting up, she took down a model airplane on her bookshelf.

"Is this like the plane you were on?" she asked, kneeling in front of him.

He shook his little head, covered in dark curls.


"Ours was bigger," he said solemnly, involuntarily reaching for the toy.

Pearl didn't laugh. She agreed that it must have been bigger. Then she said, "Play here while I talk to your papa, okay?" she handed over the plane. He took it and nodded his understanding, his eyes already gleaming at the prospect of playing.

Pearl got up from the floor and sat right next to Jesse, her feet tucked up under her bottom, her knee touching his thigh.

Jesse took her hand and kissed her knuckles. "Thanks, I left his toys at home," he laughed. "I was in such a rush to get to you."

Pearl laughed. "Wow, Jesse."

"Well, I missed you, honey. I won't deny that. And based on how I left you I just had to see you- since I wasn't worried about Pablo anymore."

"How did all of this happen?" she finally had a chance to ask.

"Mrs Henry applied for him to travel, his visa process was successful. She signed me as the temporary legal guardian and I bought plane tickets."

Pearl nodded. "So God told you to bring him home?"

Jesse shrugged. "In a way. I want to show him a better life. If I had my way he wouldn't go back."

An almost imperceptible lift of the eyebrow but Pearl didn't speak. Jesse continued, "For now, he's on a big holiday. I'm not really sure if God approves but…" he shrugged again.

Pearl's eyes warmed as she watched the little boy watch his reflection in the glass door that led out to the patio. His hand waved up and down with the plane while he made faces at himself.

After a few seconds, she turned back to Jesse. "He's going to love it here."

"I hope so," Jesse said, a bit of concern clear in his voice as he too watched Pablo.

"Hey," Pearl brought her hand to his face, "he's going to love it because he's with you," she assured him, her brown eyes searching his green ones. "And he adores you."

"Thanks, babe." Pause. "The feeling is wholly mutual."

"I know."

"Are you okay with that?" Jesse teased. "That you have to share?"

Pearl scoffed. "I had practice at the Gutin camp."

Jesse burst out laughing.

Pablo came back to them a few moments after that. He handed Jesse the plane as the man was asking Pearl how she was really feeling.

Hoisting Pablo up onto Jesse's knees, she said, "It's been a little rough. Haven't had time to discuss with the doctor but the plan I am on doesn't seem to be working."

"We should get you a peak flow meter, honey," he said frowning.

She wrinkled her nose.

"You can make faces but I'm serious. I think having one might help."

"Help what? I'm either having an attack or not."

"It'll help me," he admitted humbly, shifting Pablo in his arms. "I don't want to feel so helpless."

"You help me more than you know, Jess. Don't worry."

It was his turn to make a face. "You say it like it's easy."

"I understand. But don't worry. God won't let me go through unnecessary distress."

Jesse shook his head. "I want to believe that."

"I'd discuss it now but we're clearly boring Pablo," she said humorously.

Jesse looked down. Pablo was fast asleep. Chuckling, "Something tells me it won't always be this easy."

"You'd be so lucky!"

He sighed. "I should get home- or to Mom's… I need to give her time to get used to this before tomorrow night."

Pearl nodded.

They both stood up. A few minutes later, Pablo was settled in his car seat, still fast asleep.

"Well, you've domesticated swiftly…"

"Ha, yeah. I had a friend, Jill, pick up some stuff for me."

"Oh, that was nice of her."

Jesse closed the back door and took Pearl into his arms. "I'm sorry we couldn't prolong that welcome at the door," he murmured against her lips.

"Me too, Dr Murray. Me too."

He groaned. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Next chapter