
Baby Steps

Pearl recovered yet again, faster than in Bolivia because it had been relatively minor. Jesse made his best effort to ensure that she didn't have to strain herself.

The weekend came around again and the two of them went in search of an apartment for Pearl. Jesse's long stay with the famous research institution was coming to an end. His initial invitation had been a simple tour of all the facilities and an interview but it had transformed into a medical information exchange opportunity. Somehow, while giving him an extensive look at their current projects, they had convinced him to conduct a series of lectures on the various aspects of his own personal experiences and research that overlapped with the Como Rosario Institution's interests.

It had been wonderful and eye-opening to be involved but he was glad to be going home, he told Pearl.

"Even though I'll be leaving you here alone," he frowned.

After hearing him admit that, Pearl smiled at him and told him she'd be fine.

"I know. Just don't hesitate to use this," he said seriously, holding up her inhaler. She promised that she'd keep it on her always.

They'd had a long talk about her antics the day of the video chat. He'd reminded her that she needed to be well to live out her calling. That seemed to be an effective way to get through to her.

The day Jesse left, Pearl offered to take him to the airport. He readily accepted and let Helena know that when they met it would be just so that he could hand over keys. As expected there was a little disappointment in the lovely Brazilian's tone but she didn't push Jesse to explain himself. She also said she'd let the director know that he'd be stopping by with Pearl Guthrie.

"Thanks. I'll see you later."

Pearl arrived before Helena, so they waited for her in the living room.

"Jesse," Pearl said, turning to look directly at him as they sat down.

"Pearl," he said teasingly.

"I just want to thank you again for coming to get me in Bolivia. I know you did it because your family asked you to and that you wouldn't have done it for just anyone."

Jesse tried to wave off her gratitude but she grabbed his hand. "No, I'm serious. I would've been in a lot of trouble if you hadn't come to stop me from being so independent."

That made Jesse smile. She kept talking. "You reminded me what it was like to rely on someone else and not get hurt in the process. And for that you have my thanks. It was nice."

Jesse's smile faded but he managed to say lightly, "Have you been hurt in the past?"

Pearl grimaced. "I guess you could say I have. Thankfully not often- only one boyfriend managed to stick around long enough to do that."

He feigned surprised. "Reverend Guthrie dates mortal men?"

At that Pearl burst out laughing. "It doesn't happen too frequently, but yes, I assure you mortal men are all I've dated."

Jesse chuckled. "Good to know that the standards are attainable in this lifetime."

Before she could say anything, Helena knocked and let herself in calling, "Dr Murray!"

Jesse looked up with an easy smile. "We're in here, Helena."

Still holding Pearl's hand, Jesse stood up and then pulled her to her feet.

After saying hello to Pearl, the leggy Masters student from a local university turned back to Jesse and said that everyone he'd worked with was going to miss him.

"I certainly had a great time here. If I find myself back in Brazil it will be entirely your fault."

Helena lit up like Christmas lights but dimmed slightly when Jesse kept going "You have all been wonderful to work with."

After a swift goodbye, Pearl and Jesse got in the performance coach's car and headed to the campus so Jesse could say good bye to the head of Como Rosario.

At the airport, Jesse turned to Pearl and smiled.

"Take care of yourself," he said for the umpteenth time.

"I will," she promised, patiently.

"A lot of people need you to be okay."

She wrinkled her nose. "I know."

"Not because they want anything from you, Pearl. They- we care."

She smiled.

Jesse leaned toward her and softly kissed her forehead. "Alright. I'm going now before I change my mind."

Pearl hugged him and wished him a safe trip.

He was so glad they were now comfortable enough with each other to show such affection.

A part of Jesse's heart jumped for joy when he turned back and saw Pearl still standing there, watching him. She waved. He waved back and went through to the waiting lounge for his international flight.

A week after Pearl had said goodbye to Jesse at the airport, she was sitting in front of her computer, having just had a chat with Monty online. The icon next to Jesse's name turned from red to green. Just seeing his name made her smile a little.

Just as she was about to call him, Todd sent her a message.

You free to chat?

Automatically, she typed in 'yes' and for the next forty minutes, Pearl gave her long-time friend her full attention.

"I should let you get some sleep, now," Todd said, glancing at his watch guiltily.

She gave him a wry smile and said, "Yeah, if I was a good patient, I'd have gone a while ago."

Todd frowned. "Have you been feeling alright?"

"Yes, I'm okay," she said quickly, "but if I want to stay okay, I should sleep."

Todd leaned back and smiled. "Good. So I'm as smart as Jesse in as far as your bedtime is concerned."

Pearl laughed a little. "You're a nut. Good night, Todd."

"Sleep well, princess. Let me get back to shooting things."

Her screen went blank and a few seconds later his icon went red. Remembering Jesse's, she noticed it was now busy. So she typed a message and signed out.

When Jesse ended his chat with Mrs Henry, he noticed he had a message in his inbox.

Hey there, I hope you're having a great time in San Francisco! Back to the leisurely life of the retired.

With a chuckle, he typed out his response. As soon as he was done, he shut his laptop down and left the apartment for his morning run and swim.

He'd gotten back to his routine of waking up, checking his mail. Every other day he'd had a chat with Pablo either on the phone or a video chat online. After that he'd have breakfast and then go about his rounds to his friends' practices to help out or do whatever his mother, Aunt Gen or grandmother needed him for.

On one such afternoon, Jesse had just dropped his mother off at her house and he was heading out her front door when he literally bumped into someone. It happened quite quickly.

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