
Chained By The Shackles Of Marriage

  Emma scowled, separating herself from James' loving embrace.

She muttered to herself, 'I interrupt their one conversation and this is how she gets back at me.'

Lily grinned, before reminding, "I think it'd be better if we entered the reception together."

She looped her hand with James', shooting him a dazzling smile as both she and James came to an agreement.

Emma nodded, agreeing, "Good idea." 

"So, it's best that the soon-to-be crown prince and his countess girlfriend enter the ballroom first," Lily propositioned.

James shrugged, trying to seem calm even if his nervousness was as clear as day. 

"Sure," he said as he and Emma walked towards the ballroom, Lily and Connor in tow. 

They reached the outside of a ballroom, where a herald was waiting for their expected arrival.

Right before Emma and James entered the ballroom, a loud cry was heard, the cry being more of an announcement. 

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