
Love Advice from the Taken Guy

Lily was stunned to put it lightly. 

Stopping herself from squealing in joy, she blinked. 

"Yes, of course, I'd go out with you," she answered swiftly, no nervousness clear in her voice. 

"You will?" Connor asked again, thinking this was a joke and that she actually had plans to reject him. 

Lily smirked. She couldn't suppress her feelings of joy any longer. 

"Of course!" She exclaimed. 

"To be honest, I thought you were never going to ask, Connor," she said next, saying it seductively, to Connor's utter shock.

Connor's eyes widened. 

"W-what? You did?" He asked. 

"I'm only joking," Lily said, laughing.

Once she realized she was the only person laughing and finding his initial reaction funny, she stopped. 

Coughing lightly before she spoke.

"So, does 7 work for you?" She asked next. 

Connor nodded, surprised it was her who was handling this so well and taking the reins. 

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