

Our trip to Loguetown took three days as we sailed in a more relaxed manner now. When we made port away from the main entrance, we split up after I gave Nami the money to split between those that needed it and the gold to exchange for berries or cash as it were.

Sanji volunteered to go with her and I didn't see why not. I went to a ship building dock and supply place first and sold off what they could afford which was about half our cannons and supplies I'd stolen.

With some bargaining I got a total of eighty-six million berry for it before heading to catch up with Zoro at the sword shop. There I sold off all the low grade swords for a great price of thirty million berries. The sheer numbers is what earned me so much money.

I got to see Tashigi help Zoro find his proper swords before leaving ahead of him. I found a decent gun shop and sold off all the low grade riffles and pistols along with all the extra cannons I had left over for another two hundred million berries all together.

After leaving the gun shop I went a bought a bunch of baby transponder snails with the telephone gear sets included and a ton of snail food, aka lettuce and pellets. I then snuck into the marine base and their personal ships and 'liberated' their supplies and weapons.

All in all it was a good haul as I even got one of the named swords, Yamaoroshi. I left the base after that as I definitely didn't want to get caught there even if I could escape. Next I went to look for smithing supplies.

I bought proper blacksmithing tools and a good blast furnace before stocking up on charcoal and soap stones as well as a pressure grinder for more bladed weapons. After getting a ton of granite, I left the smithy and wondered the streets until I saw Luffy and the rest being chased by Smoker and the marines.

Snorting, I intercepted the logia marine captain and told the crew. "Get back to the ship, I'll stall him and meet up with you!"

Luffy looked at me seriously and nodded before telling them to run. I squared off with the logia user and drew my gun, loading the special sea stone bullets I'd made. He wasn't expecting them at all and ended up with a wounded shoulder and forced into his solid form all the way.

While he kneeled down weakened, I told him coldly. "You logia users are all the same. You think nothing can harm you but you're all wrong. Maybe this will teach you not to take people so lightly."

I lifted him up and plucked the bullet out of his shoulder while my hand was coated in haki around his throat. His eyes bugged out when he realized his powers were back and still useless against me as I could kill him with one squeeze of my hand.

I stared into his eyes and told him. "You're lucky you're a good guy so my captain won't like it if I kill you like I did the mouse marine captain."

I backhanded him, sending him flying and crashing into his officers. "Follow us at your own risk Captain Smoker!"

I used Soru and left just as Dragon showed himself to Smoker. I couldn't care less about the revolutionary leader one iota at the moment anyways. I arrived back on Merry before the crew did and was getting the ship ready when they got here.

I raised the anchor as they boarded and told their startled faces. "Let's go! I don't know how long my intimidation efforts will last against the marines."

They hopped to it and we cast off quickly, heading for reverse mountain. I took the rudder and guided us in, ignoring Nami's words and orders as I made it as smooth as possible with my observation haki guiding me as best it could.

I guided us until we came to a stop at the island whale Laboon. When the ship came to a sudden halt, I heard Luffy yelling about his favorite seat before Nami screamed and we were suddenly moving again. I patted the rudder sighing. "Merry, I'm sorry for that, I'm sure I can fix it so just be patient with us."

It may not have reacted but I could sense a happy shift in the atmosphere and soon enough more yells and screams until we slowed to a stop. I left the control room and headed outside to find the others talking to Crocus, the lighthouse owner and former doctor on Gol D.Roger's ship.

Seeing the old man made me think of grandpa and when he dived in because of some loud banging starting, it wasn't long before Luffy arrived with two baroque works members.

I recognized the first one as the princess of Alabasta, Vivi Nefertari. Seeing her partner, Mr.9, I frowned and went back inside to sleep for a bit. A while later I woke up to a party going on. I went outside to see we were at the lighthouse now and Luffy was listening to Crocus's story of Laboon.

When he got up, I opened a portal and dropped out a spare mast I'd taken from the black car pirates. It was one of the few supplies I'd set aside in case something like this happened. "Use this Captain."

Luffy nodded and grabbed the mast before bouncing his happy ass over to Laboon and yelling. "Gum Gum Flower arrangement!"

He planted the mast in the head of Laboon and the fight was on. They went back and forth until Luffy called it a draw before promising to come back to settle the fight after we get back from the grand line. He painted a horrible likeness of our flag on it's head and warned it. "If you don't take care of it how will I know you're the one I promised to settle our fight with?"

The giant whale seemed intelligent enough and became much more chipper and friendly. Crocus even smiled a bit while telling Nami about the log pose. Nami looked to me accusingly and I shrugged. "I sorta lost mine in the calm belt. I figured we'd wing it until I could steal another from the marines or pirates we run into on the grand line. Besides, I looked all over Loguetown and even the marine base there and they didn't have any."

Crocus chuckled. "They wouldn't either. When the marines get sent to the four seas they're left with only basic compasses and maps unless specifically requested from the marine HQ in the grand line. When HQ sends you to a sea they expect you to stay there and do your job. They just don't actually check up on you while you're there so long as you're sending in the proper reports or there isn't a visiting celestial dragon in the area."

I shrugged it off. "Log poses can be found all over the place in the grand line so anyone we meet is likely to have one we can take. It's no big deal so long as we have a talented enough navigator to get us through the storms."

Crocus laughed. "That's living dangerously kid! Hahaha!"

Nami frowned and accepted the log pose from Crocus until Zoro and Sanji got into an argument and broke her new toy. She beat them both down with tears in her eyes until I tossed her another after taking it from the baroque works agents. "I found it on our new friends. Keep that one safe if you don't want to drift until we find land or enemies."

She guarded the log pose like it was a treasure horde of gold and jewels. Each time Zoro and Sanji came close her eyes narrowed dangerously. Luffy laughed and sat down to join us for lunch which was giant elephant tuna sushi.

Each time he reached for my plate he backed off as his instincts flared that death and danger came from eating my food. Every time I saw his hand try to take my food I'd release a bit of killing intent or bloodlust if you will.

He learned that Zoro and Usopp's food was an easier target while I ate in peace. It got loud as they tried to stop him with varying degrees of success. Standing up, I went to patch up Merry's figurehead and get it looking nice again.

If it were Usopp's work then he'd simply use metal platings to wrap around it to hold it in place but I had the proper tools and at least a decent amount of knowledge towards repairing ships thanks to grandpa Ray. I sanded down the cracked areas and used a polymer wood glue and tar mixture before sealing it with special nails, aka screws and bolts, and wrapping it in an air proof putty to let everything set back in place evenly.

By the time it was set, everyone was ready to go. Luffy tried hopping back to his seat and I cracked him in the head with a haki coated fist. "Idiot! It's still drying. Once it's dried and Merry is properly fixed up you can sit there. Until then either stand beside it or sit elsewhere!"

Luffy rubbed his head and sighed. "I got it, Merry's injures and needs to heal."

I nodded and sighed. "One day and it should be set and fine to sit on."

I packed up the supplies and Usopp asked. "Where did you learn to do that?"

I smiled. "My grandpa. He's a ship coater but he knows a bit about maintenance. I can patch and do minor work like that, but I'm no shipwright so we'll still need one. If anything major happens to Merry before hand we'll be screwed. Then there's the fact that we'll need a Doctor as well. The grand line is merciless and other than some minor treatments I'm no doctor either."

Luffy laughed. "We'll get one, but first we need a musician!"

I bonked him on the head and shook my head sighing. "One or more of us could die from any number of things Luffy. We'll need a Doctor first or we won't live long enough to get a musician."

He nodded safely. "Ah huh ah huh, then it's settled, we'll get a Doctor first then a shipwright before getting a musician."

I actually sweat dropped a bit before looking at my hand. "Huh, I wonder if I can actually beat sense into people."

The others sweat dropped now except Zoro who chuckled. I looked to him and asked. "Why are you laughing? I wonder if I can knock some sense of directions into you!"

I chased him around and we clashed a bit before Nami gave us both lumps on the head. I decided to go to the crow's nest and sleep it off as we had a while before we get to the next island. We made it to the grand line officially twenty minutes later and Luffy cheered.

For the next several hours it was boredom had by all except the occasional weather change that had us running around to Nami's directions like chickens with our heads cut off.

The next day we made land at a very welcoming sea port town on Whiskey Peak, the town of pirate hunters. The princes and her partner jumped off and swam to shore before we could dock. They disappeared into the crowd of supposed pirate lovers waving at us.

They welcomed us and we partied the rest of the day away with them. The only appetite matching Luffy's was mine as I kept using life return to convert all the food I ate into pockets of stored energy inside my body. I 'passed out' when Luffy did and listened to the pirate hunter's plotting as they slowly left the bar when each of the other members passed out.

After a bit Zoro yawned and stood up. "I wasn't the only one on guard was I?"

I chuckled lightly and sat up before standing. "Hardly. Nami's awake as well aren't ya?"

Nami lost her flushed face and I took off my ring, tossing it to her. "Take everything you can that's valuable or not nailed down, weapons and all. If you see any materials for ships or metal working take those to. I expect that back though. I locked it to only open to one place and one way so don't go trying to take out what's inside and don't stick any body parts through the portal, it's a one way deal so you'll be missing that part if it closes on you."

She gulped and nodded while I turned to Zoro. "Let's go see what they're up to shall we?"

He nodded and looked at Usopp, Sanji and Luffy. I waved him off. "Don't worry, Sanji's a light sleeper and he's barely asleep as it is."

He nodded and we went outside through the back before getting comfortable while they talked about cashing in Luffy's bounty and surprisingly my own. (Damn, it seems beating up Smoker and killing mouse head earned me a bounty. I'll have to take a look at that paper before Zoro has his fun.)

I went to move and Zoro asked me quietly. "Do you mind if I take them? I've been practicing my newest move and I need live targets."

I shrugged. "Be my guest just let me get that bounty paper first, I'd like to know what I'm worth dead."

He nodded and I used Soru, stealing the paper and coming back to our hiding place while the pirate hunters started looking around. Zoro made himself known while I read my name and bounty: wanted Dead or Alive Silver Eyed Damien Bounty: 20,000,000 for crimes of-

I didn't really care what they accused me of but I was fascinated that they'd give me such a weak ass bounty. (But then it was the East Blue no matter who I beat up and besides, the mouse head wasn't alive to say what type of biased threat I was and Smoker was more worried about Dragon I'm sure. Maybe I actually got off lucky.)

I looked over and saw Zoro was finishing up his fighting so I decided to loot the downed enemies as well and made several piles of wallets, weapons and ammo. Nami came out and took them into different portals. I could tell she wasn't used to using it so I took the ring back and we both snuck around stealing things together until Nami was begged to save Vivi from the newcomers, Mr.5 and Miss Valentine.

She tried to extort a billion berries from him but I was already moving and dropping them both with a chop block to the face and an extremely well placed punch to the throat. Both devil fruit users weren't prepared for an attack both faster and more accurate then theirs which relied on their devil fruit powers.

While they were unconscious, Nami ranted until Luffy came out yelling for Zoro to fight him and saying crap like he'd never forgive him. I patted Zoro on the back. "Tough luck with that one. I recommend you sick Nami on him."

Speaking of the she devil, she was annoyed that my interference cost her a possible billion berries. She looked downright ready for murder. I sighed as she came over dragging the royal guard in disguise behind her. "Damien! How could you? I could've had-"

I stopped her with a shake of my head. "They're from Alabasta Nami, they can't afford any price since their country is in the middle of a civil war that could break out into a bloodbath at any moment."

Nami lost her steam and I sighed. "Let's finish up here. Why don't you stop the two idiots before they destroy whatever might be of value that's left?"

She took off like a cartoon road runner and I headed to finish up looting the bodies and buildings. I even got a devil fruit pistol out of it. It didn't have a devil fruit in it but instead it worked like my Dragon Thorn does and will use devil fruit powers if I ever get any for myself which means it's primed to take in a devil fruit energy as well like my ring.

I looted the houses next and gathered a large crated supply of a variety of fruit before sending it all into a freezer storage in my den. Now I was sure I'd covered all my bases for now and Luffy had stopped fighting Zoro so things had settled down mostly.

Vivi's guard saw us off at the docks while he dressed up as her and ran off while we disembarked. He intended to create several false trails to Alabasta to give us a free shot to the dessert country. Vivi almost refused not to leave until I asked if I could have the duck beside her.

She refused and agreed to leave now that Carue was on board. We made it a few yards out before a big as explosion went off where Igaram, her guard had been. I ignored it as I could feel he was alive with my observation haki, if barely.

It was silent for a bit until Mrs.All Sunday, aka Nico Robin, came out and made her presence known. Luffy got pissy and even mad when she took his hat and disarmed everyone pointing weapons at her with her devil fruit abilities.

I ignored her and left, not paying attention to the happenings as I used Soru to run of the mast and land in the crows nest. I grabbed a nap while ignoring the eyes popping out of the mast to watch me. She clearly had a peeping fetish.

I closed my eyes for some decent sleep since I knew she wasn't a threat. A while later Usopp woke me up while glaring at me. "Why did you run off? We needed you-"

I shook my head. "She wasn't a threat and you all weren't interested in fighting her besides, what were you going to do? Lie at her?"

He stilled and snorted trying to say proudly. "I would've-"

I shook my head, cutting him off. "Screamed like a girl and hid behind someone stronger. That's your issue Usopp. You're not going to become a brave warrior of the sea if you keep depending on others to fight your battles for you. I get that you're afraid, fear is a natural instinct for most mortals. But some day you're going to have to decide to stop being afraid and stand for whatever it is that you want or you'll only ever be a burden on this crew."

My harsh words were like a slap to the face for him. He looked at me sadly then with anger. I sighed. "I'm not saying this to be mean or to cause you pain Usopp. I'm saying this so you'll grow the courage to fulfill your dream. Becoming strong depends on yourself, not relying on friends. We can stand by you and help you up if you fall but you must remember that we can't make you stronger, only show you how to do so yourself."

He gulped audibly now before nodding and I sighed. "As for the woman, don't bother. She's not a threat and I'd have killed her if she was. If you look at it objectively she was actually here to help us in her own way."

He muttered to himself before asking. "And Igaram?"

I snorted. "Who said that was her? She didn't that's for sure. It could've been those rodents that drew our pictures. If nothing else, I didn't sense Igaram dying. He survived it and is currently alive."

Usopp asked while frowning. "H-how?"

I smiled. "It's a trick you'll pick up if you're on the grand line long enough. For now though you aren't capable of doing it. It takes a strong willpower and determination to use. I myself haven't mastered it as it is and I trained for years off and on to learn it."

He nodded and sighed. "I-I'll get stronger I swear!"

I nodded. "Now go put words into actions and ask Zoro to train you physically. I got him some training weights from Loguetown and they should be suitable at their smallest for your basic training."

He looked reluctant but left, climbing down the mast to go see a certain green haired sword user. I portaled in a pillow and got comfortable once more and drifted off. Several hours later I woke up and stood up before yelling. "Land ahead!"

The others cheered as we'd apparently made great timing and smooth sailing. When we got closer, I jumped down to the deck saying. "Sanji, make my lunch a bento box. I want to explore this place."

Luffy cheered and agreed. "Yeah make me one too Sanji!"

I shuddered as Sanji muttered about Luffy emptying out most of the food supplies since we only left Whiskey Peak a hand full of hours ago. He yelled back to me. "Bring back something to refill the food storages."

I nodded. "Not an issue, especially here. I'll refill before we leave."

He nodded and headed into the kitchen to make our lunch boxes. Ten minutes later he tossed the gift wrapped packages at us and handed Nami and Vivi's to them like it was made of something as ethereal as love. Vivi had chosen to go with Luffy and Nami wanted to chart the island with cartography so she grabbed Zoro by the ear and dragged him off.

That left Sanji yelling at Zoro to keep her safe while he was left with Usopp to protect the ship. I took off on my own as fast as I could, exploring the dense Jurassic jungle and practicing my Fishman Karate as well as my Stargate fruit on any would be dinosaurs that tried to come at me.

When I was to drained for either mentally, I used Soru and Geppo to get away while I traveled deeper into the jungle. After six hours I was totally lost and night had fallen. I didn't mind it much as I could easily find myself with Haki if I wanted to but that would ruin the thrill and fun of adventure.

Seeing as it was night already, I found myself a cave of sorts at the bottom of a volcano near what I assumed to be the center of the island. The volcano was active sure, but the cave seemed to be untouched by the magma flows and there wasn't any magma inside so I, in my infinite wisdom decided to check it out and call it a night if it was safe.

Ten minutes into exploring the cave and a giant millipede tried to eat me. What's worse is that it was poisonous and armored tough enough that none of my more basic attacks worked on it. Smirking, I opened a portal to the middle of the calm belt between me and it.

I was even kind enough to leave it open until it was all the way through. Chuckling at the thought of the poor creature that decides to eat that bait, I headed in deeper, lighting torches along the way and leaving them planted by force into the walls.

I was grinning like a fool when I found the center which, while hot as hell, wasn't actually a magma chamber. It looked more like an old temple and even had a skeleton and a small chest beside it with a note laying in it's lap.

I read it out loud. ~I the great pirate Black Jack Roberts made it seven months on this hell hole of an island waiting for the log pose to reset so that I could finally leave. On the first night my crew and I were beset by strange animals and giant wildlife. Several of my weakest crew and long time friends were eaten then. But they got off lucky as it seems.~

~A week later our numbers dwindled from the original two hundred and fifty to just me and my first mate John Deep. He died four months later saving me from a pack of lizards that were far more intelligent and faster than they looked. The female and pack leader had me dead to rights when she came at me from the side.

If it wasn't for his sacrifice and saving me I wouldn't have made it this long. By Poseidon's beard I wish it were me. Unfortunately it was not and when I found this cave, I'd been led to it by a giant bug creature. I fell for the trap hook line and sinker. The real threat had been it's poison and the hundreds of smaller ones on the ceiling-"

I stopped and created a portal above my head that lead to the calm belt. I'd barely made it as I summoned another four more for each direction. It was straining but I grabbed the chest, skeleton and portaled the giant stone block I saw the man leaning against with me as I dropped to the shore by the ship. A few smaller millipedes made it through with me but I immediately crushed them and coated my body in haki.

It was my best bet to keep from getting bitten as I quickly closed the portals and stripped before jumping into the river. I used my observation haki and got the smallest ones out of my hair before leaving the waters and dressing in a new set of clothes while burning the old ones and continuing to read on.

~They were far worse as I discovered. The mother's venom only paralyzed me while the smaller ones felt more toxic when I got bitten. I used my haki and some burning clothes to fend them off for long enough to write this note. I found this chest inside the cave where I now lay. It's yours as it's to late to be of any use to me. All I ask is that you bury my body and if you find them, my crew's bodies as well. I hope you fair better with this treasure than I did my friend.~

I didn't even open the chest before I buried the old guy on Whiskey Peak using my devil fruit ring. When I came back, I found Usopp reading the note and Sanji looking at the poneglyph. Sanji looked over and asked. "Where did this come from?"

I sighed and told him about my little adventure and what I'd found ending with. "The walls and floors looked to have similar writings on them but I couldn't stay to check them out. The damned bugs tried eating me alive."

Usopp asked. "What's this treasure?"

I shrugged and leaned down, opening the chest. Inside sat a star fruit looking devil fruit. I offered it to them and they both shook their heads, neither wanting to eat a random devil fruit and risk never being able to swim.

I made a decision and took the fruit in hand before reaching into my pocket and taking out a regular black banded ring. I pushed the ring into the center of the devil fruit and waited. An hour later the fruit returned to normal and I broke it, taking out the ring.

I slipped it on and instantly knew what it did. I grinned like a fool and touched the chest. It disappeared in front of their eyes and Usopp's eyes went wide. "What was that?!!"

I chuckled. "That was the new devil fruit ring I made. It's called the space-space fruit and it's a special paramecia type. It can store items of varying size inside it but it's a complicated one. That chest was the largest I could store inside it as I need to master it first to let me store bigger things inside. It'll be my knew pet project it seems."

Usopp asked. "Can-can you make me a ring like that? Not with that specific fruit exactly but one with a devil fruit ability I can use without dying by water?"

I shrugged. "Sure. The next one we get that you like I'll make into a ring for you to use."

I heard several explosions from the forest and ran to check it out. Sanji came with us and we found the baroque works agents Mr.five, Mr.three, Mrs. Valentine and Miss Goldenweek attacking our crew and the two giants Broggy and Dorry. Most of them but Luffy were incapacitated by wax and severely injured.

I growled and told them. "I gave you a chance, now you die!"

I dropped several bags and crates of fruit out with my portal and used a haki covered Shigan, or finger pistol if you like, to press a bullet like wound into Mr.5 and Mrs.Valentine's head. They both died quickly. I gave the two new agents a death glare and they fainted thanks to my haki while I slammed a foot on the giant wax platform everyone was stuck to.

It shattered under my haki induced assault and as soon as they were free, Sanji kicked me yelling. "You bastard!"

I growled and punched him back while we fought back and forth until Nami and Luffy pulled us apart. Sanji asked. "Why did you have to kill her?"

I snorted. "No sympathy for the guy I take it?"

He didn't even dignify that with an answer so I shook my head. "This is the second time they've both tried to kill our crew. Not out of necessity or duty like the marines or other pirates, but because us being dead to them was profitable. Would you prefer I let them live a third time so they could actually manage to kill one of us? Perhaps Nami? Or Vivi since you clearly only care if they're alive or not! I gave them both a damned chance and I find them trying to murder the rest of our crew as soon as they were out of our thoughts and minds! I don't give a rats ass if they're a king or some random woman, if they come after my friends with the intent to kill them for no better reason then to make a damn profit, I'll kill them! END OF DISCUSSION!"

I pulled Luffy's arm off of me as I put away the fruits bags and crates, noting the two, one lemon and a bundle of grapes, that had turned into devil fruits. I stormed off to clear my head and get away from the suffocating atmosphere of the crew's judgmental looks. Even Luffy looked disappointed and he knew what I'd do.

Running a frustrated hand through my hair, I refilled the ship's food storage and forged two devil fruit rings, one the bomb-bomb fruit and the other with the kilo-kilo fruit. I waited by the ship for when the crew got back while I thought and replanned my choices for the future.

I left them two books on the dinning table. One of the six powers and the other about haki. Both detailing my experiences with them all and suggested training regimens. When the crew and both giants showed up as the sun rose, I tossed Usopp both rings and looked at Sanji's hardened expression.

Nodding, I sighed. "I'm leaving the crew."

Dead silence greeted me. No protests or claims of friendships, only dead silence. Luffy looked to be struggling internally but I made it easy for him. "I've refilled the ship's supplies and left all the treasure we've gathered together on it. This decision while hard for me, is final. I don't see a path to fulfill my dreams if I stay with you all."

I could see at least Luffy and Nami fighting back tears now. I shook my head and walked away. No one stopped me and I didn't want them to, not really. So why did I feel like I'd lost something important inside me then? I closed that door of my own free will and left them my last gifts on the ship.

I gave Zoro the named sword I'd taken from Tashigi. Usopp got all my blacksmithing materials and the two rings I'd tossed him. Nami got all the maps, log poses and sea charts I'd stolen over the years. Sanji got a new set of cooking utensils I'd forged for him along the way and was waiting for the proper time to give him them and Luffy, Luffy got a picture album I'd used the special snail press to make.

It had a picture of Shanks's crew and me in the back of it and every picture of us partying since Loguetown along with some random peaceful pictures of the crew I'd taken to remember them by in their natural relaxed states.

I'd even left Vivi and Carue something. An auto feed bag is made that was heat and water resistant as well as a training manual for Fishman Karate that I thought she'd appreciate some aspects of and theories on how to train a large platoon or country to pull moisture out of the atmosphere or deep underground springs.

The more I walked, the shittier I felt but I knew I did the right thing, didn't I? It didn't matter now though, it was too late for me to change my decision and I wasn't going to falter in my path now of all times. I sighed and took out a ViVi card I hadn't laid eyes on in a long time and used my transponder snail to make a call.

"Perda perda perda gotcha! Who is this and how did you get this number?"

I snorted. "This is Damien you dumb bird, put the old man on."

"Che. Always so rude you brat! Oi pops! It's Damien!"

After a bit of what sounded like laughter I heard Whitebeard answer. "What is it brat?"

I explained my predicament and my desire to outshine him one day and he laughed it off asking. "Do you want to be my son brat?"

I sighed. "I do.....pops."

With those words I'd secured my path and sealed my future. He chuckled. "I'll send someone to pick you up then. If you'd like there's an opening for the fourth division commander and since that brat Jozu won't stop bragging, you've got a chance to shine there."

I chuckled. "We'll see. For now I'd like to get someone to pick me up at Sabaody in a week. I've got some things to do before then and I'll meet you there."

He agreed so I portaled into the sky and began a series of Geppo/portal hops towards where I sensed my portal was at Sabaody. Along the way I stopped by sky island since running so far and portaling constantly wore me down. While I rested on angel beach, I felt Enel getting all uptight with my observation haki.

Once I was rested enough, I decided to practice my space space fruit on him. With a well placed portal, I took out my bags and crates of fruit and summoned him to me before sealing his heart in the chest I'd hid in my space ring. Instantly he fell down dead in an almost anti climatic fashion.

It seems even passively, if I cut off the connection to a logia fruit user's body they can lose organs and die. The space in my ring can't hold basic living beings as there's no air but that was fine. An apple turned into the lightning-lightning fruit and I stored them all away.

I walked around and traded dials for dirt I simply portaled in by the mound full. They called it varth here and it only took three mounds to have all the dial ship's dials in hand. I stopped by Enel's flying ship and took it. With the lightning-lightning fruit and this ship I was fairly certain I could make a great impression on Whitebeard's crew.

Then again the ship had a ton of gold I could simply replace with steel to achieve a lighter faster ship. Add to it that I could get the bottom coated in sea stone if I worked it right and there was no real need for all that gold.

I spent a day using my den's forge before making another and my final ring for now. Three was enough for now especially since I hadn't mastered and awakened the first one yet. With a thought and a wicked idea, I decided to make things a little easier on my old crew or harder depending on how you look at it. I borrowed grandma's old eternal log poses for Enies Lobby and water seven before making a trip.

I stole the plans for Pluton from Franky's internal hidden compartment using observation haki and a well placed portal. Next I slaughtered CP9 and all but the two giants of Enies Lobby, leaving only the giants alive with the information on their captains and their oaths not to tell anyone it was me.

I let them have the navy ships in port and even sent them through a portal to Little Garden. I got six devil fruit out of it and a handful of low grade named swords. The only devil fruit of interest was the door-door fruit. The rest were either zoan or the paramecia soap devil fruit.

None were appealing to me so I let it be and went back to my den where I replaced the gold in the Ark Maxim with tempered and folded steel that I refined repeatedly while replacing every bit of gold that wasn't necessary in the ship. The necessary parts I replaced with copper instead by the end of the week.

I barely had time to finish when I got the call and met up with Jozu and Marco at Saboady. They surfaced and I hopped aboard the small boat before I called Gramps out of the gambling casino he was in for a quick coating. Usually I'd portal to their ship, but it's on the move and I haven't a clue how bad that could turn out if I missed and ended up in the sea or in a sea king passing by.

The new world is on a whole other level as even the sea kings there have haki and some even know how to utilize a few of the six powers. Even with my power I could easily end up dead or worse. A shudder passed through me as gramps arrived. He took one look at me before sighing and starting to coat the small but fast boat.

By night fall it was ready and all he asked was. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "It was a difference of morals. They thought they could skate by on hopes and prayers alone and I burst their bubbles. They don't want me on their crew, not really. I'm too quick to kill it seems."

All three of the older pirates frowned at that before shaking their heads. I smiled sadly. "Do me a favor grandpa, help them if you can. Even if it's just once....please?"

He smiled like he always did when he wanted to cheer me up and agreed. "Of course!"

I smiled wider and jumped off to set the counter balance weights so that we could depart. Once the bubble expanded and Marco used his flames to speed us along, I began bringing in more air with my portals so the bubble didn't shrink.

We sped along at phenomenal speeds through expert passages only known to those who'd been through there repeatedly and knew the whole passage under the red line by heart. Three hours later we arrived at Fishman island and passed it by.

The long special boat wasn't in need of supplies especially since we were meeting up with pops in ten hours and Marco didn't have to keep it going all the time thanks to the underwater currents we rode.

I laid back and Jozu asked about my adventures and old crew. I told him all about it then about meeting an arrogant dick who was killing and enslaving sky island. I told him and Marco about my two new rings and my ideas for them as well as the shit ton of gold I'd gotten from the little venture.

Jozu asked. "So what's your gift going to be for pops as a new crew member?"

I smirked. "You'll see when we get there. While most may be bland, one has potential to be of real use."

Marco laughed. "Hohoho, coming from you that says a lot! Just so you know drinks are on you for the first party!"

I laughed it off. "Bring it! I've got a den full of rum and a literal mountain of gold to spend! I even had to expand my den upwards to accommodate it all without impeding my space."

They both laughed and I smiled while laying back and watching the sea creatures flee from the presence each of us were giving off. After a while I dozed off into a dreamless peaceful sleep. I was woken up by Jozu yelling. "Wake up kid! It's party time!"

I opened my eyes and grinned as I saw the Moby Dick, the flag ship of the Whitebeard's fleet. I jumped up and followed them as we loaded up the long boat and went to meet the crew and my new captain.

Next chapter