
The Thigh-Enjoyer Teacher

Being the President of the student council of Tracen Academy, the most prestigious school in Japan can be many things. For Symboli Rudolf, it is both her pride and countless responsibilities. That it is the end result, and the concrete evidence of the efforts and the time she put in to achieve this, with the help of the school.

Tracen took her under its wing when she was still a simple horse-girl with big, yet vague dreams like many, discovered her talent, nurtured and guided her towards where she is today:

The crowned "Emperor". The Undefeated. The Challenger Slayers. Holder of the Triple Crown Winner. More importantly, she is one of the best, if not the greatest horse-girl in all of Japan; and an unquestionable icon that defines an entire generation of Japanese horse-girl racers.

It is natural Symboli Rudolf wants to repay her debt by being the utmost diligent and serious in her position as the head of the student council, as well as proving herself to be the kind of person which students and horse-girls alike wish to become.

Being the president herself, she has to admit there are loads of duties to attend to. Two of which, arranging and giving speech in the crucial entrance ceremony, and learning more about the new mysterious teacher who was recently hired by her boisterous chairman. Though, to be fair this is more of a surprise, as though a whimsical decision on the part of the chairman herself.

Since Tracen hasn't recruited any teacher for years, it would be expected for Symboli Rudolf to take interest in this matter, especially if it concerns the school's future.

Moreover, Henrik Kaiser, whose name full name, and details are sparsely detailed on the report she received from her "source", is the first male teacher in the history of Tracen Academy, where it is considered basically an all-girl school, with 99% staffs and teachers are female.

"Are you still reading your reports on our newest teacher, Symboli Rudolf?"

Symboli Rudolf lifts her gaze up from the papers on her desk, noticing a brown-haired horse-girl walk into the student council's room with tray of a set of tea in her hands, dressing in the school uniform with her bangs covering her right eye. The undefeated horse-girl places the papers down, as she smiles fondly as the sweet fragrance of the tea in the morning fills her nose.

"Thank you." Symboli Rudolf takes the steamy-hot tea cup to her mouth, blowing several times, before gently sipping the aromatic brew, with a hint of honey and ginger, warmth engulfing both her cheeks pleasantly. She beams blissfully. "Great tea as always, Air Groove."

The Vice President simply smiles in return, playfully, keeping a certain gracefulness in it. "Flattery gets you nowhere, president. But I always accept an honest compliment."

Though, the face on the one-time Japanese Horse of the Year winner falls. Her eyes land on the small photo at the top corner of the report, going unnoticed by Symboli Rudolf. As she puts her cup down, tilting her head and facing Air Groove wholly. Gone the beam, as it is replaced with a hardened gaze of her magenta eyes directing at her vice president. With an air of dead-serious surrounding her, making Air Groove flinch under her no-joke gaze.

"Air Groove, do you have anything to say, regarding our chairman's decision?" Symboli Rudolf questions; her tone seemingly harsh. "Or are you allowing your personal matters obstructing your view towards her decision?"

Air Groove, gulping a lump down her throat, shakes her head and composes herself. "N-No. I... don't have anything to say, president," she replies, breathing out a tight sigh.

"Good." Symboli Rudolf nods—with the air disappearing—softens her gaze to an understanding one, no judging. "Yayoi-san, despite not acting like somebody in her age, and her call to hire this man seems out-of-no-where, is the reason why this school has such prestigious in the first place. I am certain she would not do anything to harm its reputation and students. So, if she believes this is the man for the job, then we, as the student council, must show our support and welcome him. Should he show any unprofessional behaviors, or his teaching doesn't meet our standards, you are free to complain. Until that time, we watch him."

Air Groove, after a long moment of silence, plops her head solemnly, reluctantly.

"Old friend—" Symboli Rudolf takes and holds Air Groove's hand, squeezing assuredly "—I know what you went through before joining team Rigil, but that doesn't give you the privilege to judge a man you have yet to meet, just because of your unfortunate experience with one. We represent the entire school. If we are to assess him through our personal experiences, what good will it do? We need to be fair, Air Groove. YOU are better than this."

"...I'll try," Air Groove simply replies, biting her lip.

Symboli Rudolf smiles lightly as she releases Air Groove's hand. She gets to her feet, turns back, and walks to the sizable Victorian window, gleaming the room with the sun's soft yellow through the lucent glass, providing a clear sight of the school's front yard. Symboli Rudolf watches horse-girls, walking through the front gate from the campus road and the dormitories that is just across the road, and greeted by a woman in a green skirt suit with a hat in the same color atop her head. The school president smiles to herself, brushing her caramel hair over her shoulder.

"This year is promising," Symboli Rudolf notes, pleased, folds her arms. "I've gone through the files. There are several raw talents whom we need to keep a close eye on. I, personally, can't wait to see what they have to offer to our legacy once they finally reach 16."

"For the time being, it's our duty to hone their skills and strengths," Air Groove adds, walking to Symboli Rudolf, with a paper in her hand. "Do you have any particular horse-girl that you want Hana to scout out? Rigil always has room for more winners."

"There are several already in my mind..."

Symboli Rudolf pauses, with her gaze scans across the green carpet, before she stops at a cherry blossom, one of the many that is embellishing the school with its falling pink petals, gliding and descending to the grass, the grey clay-bricked-footpath, in the breezy wind of April. In the shade of its limbs and branches, a man sitting on the grass, with his back on to the tree; a cane, and a bag placed next to him; wearing a beige trench coat over his white dress shirt and black waistcoat with his pants in the same color as the waistcoat, red tie tied neatly around his collar.

"Oh. That must be our new teacher," Symboli Rudolf realizes, while he glues his stone-blue eyes to the journal, scribbling, running his fingers through his greyed slicked-back hair. "I must admit, seeing him with my own eyes, there are... certain charms about him. I think he might be a good addition to the school, but that's still too soon to determine. Though, I have a question which has been lingering in my head since I first laid my eyes on his report."

"Which is?" Air Groove asks, standing next to Symboli Rudolf, spotting the said man.

"Have a look at his background."

Air Groove, obliging, has her eyes on the report, quickly skims over the mentioned section. She blinks, slightly frowning. "It said here... he dropped University of Cambridge out of the blue to... join the British army, when he was one of their best students?! I don't understand. Why?"

"Why would a top student in the world's top university suddenly drop out...? You're not the only person who wants an answer for this question," Symboli Rudolf says, deep in thoughts. "Strange, isn't it? He was about to graduate, find a high-paying job, then start a family. Then that happened, all just so sudden. He turned away the dream life that many wanted to have."

"Apparently, he served for about ten years, before he resigned. He found a job as a teacher in a local high-school afterward, worked for two years, and here we are. But there's a five-year gap in here. He 'disappeared' for half a decade until he started got into that local high-school."

"Regardless of how you see it, he is... full of mysteries." Symboli Rudolf hums, thoughtfully. "Air Groove, would you mind escorting him to the student council room after the entrance ceremony? I'd like to directly speak and get to know him more—"

The man raises his eyes up, suddenly staring straight into Symboli Rudolf's eyes. Stunned, by the abrupt motion, the horse-girl's breath falters for a moment, as cold sweat creeps across her cheek, but she soon manages to compose herself, coughing into her fist lightly.

"Symboli Rudolf?"

"...I'm fine," Symboli Rudolf assures. "Just recalled something. About my request...?"

Air Groove affirms with a nod. "No problem. I shall take him to you after the ceremony."

"Thank you." Symboli Rudolf turns around, fixes her pleated skirt and her bow. "Let us go. The entrance ceremony is expecting to begin soon."


Chapter II: The Thigh-Enjoyer Teacher


Henrik's eyes lingering on the center Victorian window on the second floor, as his favourite horse-girl—which definitely has "nothing" to do with her thighs—walks away, following by the one whom he assumes to be the vice president.

"Even from here, those thighs still look hella gorgeous."

He turns his attention back to his journal, grinning, glancing past some sort of a roofed outdoor walk-path that is shaped like a horseshoe connecting to the school's main building. As he quickly putting the finishing touches to the drawing of Tracen, on the right page, satisfied with his work, before he switches to the left, carries on with the few unfinished remaining lines to complete the morning's journal.

Then a shadow casts over him, prompts him to look up. His eyes meet the ever so familiar beam of the first horse-girl he met since he woke up in this Earth, as she stands just before him, wearing the school uniform with the skirt barely covers half of her thighs.

"Morning, Henrik-sensei~!" Tokai Teio greets with a peace hand sign. "You look dashing today~! Ready to impress everybody, heh~?"

Henrik smiles. "And I see your thighs got a bit nicely thicker. Been training hard lately?"

Tokai Teio's face flushes red. As her horse-ears droop slightly. "S-Sensei~!" she groans bashfully, almost a whimper. "I know I'm used to your antics, but this isn't the time and the place to display your thighs' obsession—!"

A sudden gush of wind slowly blows into the pair of teacher and student while the latter is still in a blushing mess, lifting up the bottom of the horse-girl's skirt. In a split second, Tokai Teio quickly has her hands to her skirt, pushing it back down. Shakily, she turns to Henrik with her eyes and her mouth trembling, hopefully. Yet it is already too late.

That split second is more than enough for a man like Henrik to see the universe.

"...Quite cliché, but why not?" he notes dryly, has his full attention to his journal. "Let's see here. The wind of the Lord has... answered my prayer. Today's color is white. White like snow. White like wool. White like his hair. Oh, nice taste, by the by—"

"Erase that image in your head now, sensei!"

Tokai Teio, dropping her school bag, immediately tries to chokehold his neck, as her horse-tail shifting frantically. Henrik seems unfazed, uncaringly continues writing down what he said. "That is not possible, even if I want to. But don't worry. Your sensei is not the type who judges. Even though, I don't believe your Symboli Rudolf is really into that—"

"You're not helping heeeeeeere!"

The so-called teacher-student bonding time is cut short, as the pair notices a black car stops before the school gate. An aged man steps out of the vehicle, dressing like a butler, walks to the school's main footpath with a red roll of carpet in his arm. Gracefully he lays the carpet on the ground in a smooth and swift motion. Then he opens the passenger door with a small bow.

A petite horse-girl, standing slightly higher than Tokai Teio, places both of her feet on the carpet, elegantly rises to her feet as she stands up from her seat. As her long, bright lavender hair blows lightly in the wind, she glances at the school front yard, where she manages to garner a whole lot of attention from other students, and proceeds with a gracious bow, smiling lovingly.

"It's a pleasure to be attending school with all of you," she says softly.

Some horse-girls squeal in delight, their tail wagging like puppies, as the newcomer starts to walk past them, as the butler bows once more and heads back into the car, driving away.

"You can tell she's from the Mejiro family!" one states in awe.

"And she's supposed to be a great racer like Tokai Teio-san too!" another adds.

Henrik, meanwhile, grins knowingly, wiggles his brows at a flustered Tokai Teio. "Huh. It appears like you already have some fans, champ," he says.

Tokai Teio shakes her head. The horse-girl looks at the lavender-haired horse-girl thoughtfully, a moment of silence, let go of his neck. "Sensei, as a thigh-enthusiastic, what can you tell me about her?" she asks earnestly, appearing serious.

Humming, Henrik stares, before long he bobs his head. "The lass has more lots of potentials to be one of Japan's best horse-girls. Those legs and thighs of hers might not look impressive at first, but them are perfectly built and trained for long-distanced races." To which he ends his valuation without not spotting the subtle twitching in his objective's horse-ears.

"Whoa," Tokai Teio murmurs, seemingly delighted. "She's pretty cool~!"

"That, she is—"

Another gush of wind appears. This time it targets the Mejiro horse-girl, making her skirt show a large portion of whatever universe is underneath. Like Tokai Teio, she instantly pushes her skirt down with both hands, yelping cutely. Her face turning red, trembling, horse-ears drooping. She hesitantly turns to Henrik and Tokai Teio, looking straight into his eyes with hers. Her tears threatening to drop, forming around her violet eyes. Which seems adorable in a way.

Henrik's face remains the same. "Today's color is white, alright—"

His face meets the entire surface of a shoe before he even has the chance to finish.

Later on, he finds himself in the hall where the entrance ceremony takes place, hearing Symboli Rudolf, as the student council's president, giving a speech. Henrik takes a seat with his co-workers in a row for teachers, ignoring their concerned faces as he focuses on his favourite horse-girl and the way she speaks. Her overall gesture, soft, with a bit of authority within it, as she is addressing the crowd of students before her.

"New students are always united in their thoughts and desires," Symboli Rudolf says, "while each having their distinct resolve, which I, with all my heart, hope will be the very source of boundless determination for all of you."

The said horse-girl smiles softly, softens her gaze. "Congratulations on your enrollment."

Henrik, along the entire hall, claps, as Symboli Rudolf bows before leaving the stage for another horse-girl. Along the first row for the students, he notices Tokai Teio is already fangirling, though he manages to spot she starts to refer to the undefeated horse-girl as "prez" with how she mouthed the word just now.

"I'm not surprised if she applies for a spot in the student council today," Henrik remarks.

"And now, representing the new classes, an address from Mejiro McQueen-san."

To which the horse-girl who sent a perfect flying kick to Henrik's face steps to the platform. She makes her way to the microphone, flattening the fabric on her clothes and bowing to the crowd. Before she opens says anything, however, Mejiro McQueen sneaks a quick glare at Henrik, who raises a brow, and clears her throat, smiling beautifully at the crowd.

"As of today, we horse-girls have become students at Tracen Academy, where our new lives will begin, similar to the budding of cherry blossoms," she says. "While we dedicate ourselves to daily learning and training, we will now be running the same halls as our great forebears."

As Mejiro McQueen speaks, Henrik, from the corner of his eyes, spot a pout on Tokai Teio. The man couldn't help but chuckle to himself, realizes the evident jealously plastering across her face as Symboli Rudolf folds her arms and inclines her head, agreeing with the girl's words.

"That said," Henrik mutters, looking across the hall uneasily, "am I seriously the only dude here? Is this what it feels like to be the sole male in a practically... all-girl school?"

Eventually, the entrance ceremony comes to an end. Students and teachers alike start to pour out of the hall in hubbub of voices and laughs, smiles. As Henrik moves along the flow of the people, breathing a sigh, many cannot help but stare at him. Finding his path to his assigned class—10C—he stops in his track, as standing in front of him, the horse-girl whom he saw with Symboli Rudolf earlier is looking at him intently, even a bit hesitates for some reason.

Henrik tilts his head over his shoulders, then pointing his finger at himself, prompts the horse-girl to curtly nod at him, seemingly growing impatient, unamused.

"How can I help you, uh...?"

"Air Groove," the horse-girl replies. "The President wants to meet you, Kaiser-sensei."

Henrik blinks once, then smiles lightly. "Ah, the Empress. My apologize for not recognizing you sooner," he apologizes earnestly. "Well then, in that case, lass, do lead the way."

Air Groove says nothing, only turns around, prompting Henrik to follow after the horse-girl. The walk, attracting a lot of attention, is mostly in awkward silence, as the vice president of the student council guides him to the second floor, to the middle section. Soon they stop in front of a double door, with a sign reading "Student Council" attached over the door frame. The horse-girl knocks on the door a few times, before long she is answered with a "come in" from the other side.

Air Groove opens the door, revealing the student council's room to Henrik. Stepping inside, his nose picks up the faint scent of cheery old wood, as the floor creaking softly with each step, and a small touch of ripe apples. With glass-fronted bookcases and Victorian panels on either side of the room, in the back of the room is a set of ebony desk, setting in front of the broad illuminating window. In the middle is long couches, one occupied by a certain Symboli Rudolf, above her is plaster-medallioned ceiling.

"Kaiser-sensei." Symboli Rudolf puts the papers down, stands up with a small smile on her bright face. "Allow me to officially welcome you to Japan Horse-Girl Training Schools and Colleges as the current President of the Student Council, sensei. I sincerely hope the entrance ceremony was not too boring for you."

"It was fine. No need to worry, lass," Henrik assures with a chuckle. "Air Groove-san here said you wanted to see this little old me, is that correct?"

"It is. I merely wish to get to know you better, sensei. It's been a while since Tracen took in new teacher. Please take a seat." Symboli Rudolf gestures Henrik to the couch opposite hers and looks to Air Groove. "Air Groove, would you mind preparing us some tea?"

Air Groove bows slightly. "I shall be back shortly, president."

Henrik watches the short-haired horse-girl leaving the room, closing the door. Promptly, Henrik gets to the couch, and has himself a seat, setting his bag on the floor. Symboli Rudolf, instead of taking her seat, locks his eyes with hers, soon afterward her gaze seems slightly concerned.

"You already got hurt, in your first day no less, Kaiser-sensei," she states, gestures to the red shoe mark that is imprinted on Henrik's face. "May I ask what exactly happened?"

"A convenient Spring wind and its victim, panties," Henrik answers dryly.

Symboli Rudolf sweat-drops. She tilts her head to the wall clock. "Normally, I would suggest you going to the infirmary to let the doctor have a look, but..." Her gaze tenderizes. "I guess it cannot be helped then. We should not let you get to your class late in your first day, but neither let your new students see you in such state."

Symboli Rudolf heads to the desk, holds a first aid kit in her hand after she opens a draw, before she returns to the couches. Yet instead of choosing the couch opposite him, she softly flops down next to Henrik in a respectful distance, not too far away nor too close, enough to feel the warmth radiating from her body, with the first aid kit on the coffee table.

Henrik raises an eyebrow but says nothing, only follows his gaze on her magenta eyes, keen and sharp, which appears to be seemingly always fixed with a soft glare at the first glance. Although, he sees something more within them. The frank warmth, the genuine concern. Just the same, her scent is surprisingly, and pleasantly soothing.

"Stay still, sensei," Symboli Rudolf requests, as she holds a wet cotton applied with some alcohol in her hand. "This might sting a tiny bit, but it will go away soon. I promise."

Gently, Symboli Rudolf touches the red mark on his cheek with the cotton, slightly tapping a few times. Her horse-ears twitching lightly, looks surprised at the lack of reactions. Moreover, Henrik looks to be enjoying this, smiling contentedly while he closes his eyes and let her do the work.

"You are smiling, sensei. May I ask why?" she wonders with candid curiosity.

Henrik draws up his eyelids, blinking. "Am I now? Hmm, must have been quite some time since I last had somebody do stuffs like this for me, let alone a beautiful lass," he replies, his tone filled with a jovial sense of nostalgia. "If I'm to be honest here, you do remind me of my mother. May look a bit cold and hard to approach at first, however once you know her better, she is the kind of woman that any man would feel lucky to have her by his side, like my father."

Symboli Rudolf makes a brief pause, eyeing the smiling eyes on Henrik's face as he stares at the ceiling. Which she herself allows a beam creep on her face. "I am honored to be compared to a wonderful woman like your mother," she says, continues applying the cotton.

"That said, there's one thing bothering me." Henrik frowns, his gaze troubled. "I wonder if I did anything to offend our dear Empress here. Don't tell me it is about accidently seeing the color of the panties of that Mejiro McQueen lassie..."

"...That explains the glare before her address," Symboli Rudolf discerns, whilst she offers Henrik an apologetic smile. "Please do not take it to your heart, Kaiser-sensei. Air Groove used to have an unfortunately bad experience with a man, before she transferred to our team. I hope you will forgive her for any inappropriate earlier attitude towards you, should they make you upset in any way."

Henrik faces Symboli Rudolf, chuckling wholeheartedly. "Noted. And don't worry, I never take things like that to heart. Never in a billion years," the man assures.

"My deepest gratitude, sensei."

Just then, the double-door opens. Air Groove walks in the room, sparing a quick glance at Henrik and Symboli Rudolf, and puts the tray of tea pot and cups on the coffee table, which the student council president mouths a quick "thank you" while she places the cotton down. Symboli Rudolf pulls out a tube from the kit, squeezing out a small amount of paste, and gently applies along the outline of the shoe, rubbing lightly.

"The marks will settle down soon. You only need to give it a few minutes." Symboli Rudolf wipes her fingers with a handkerchief in her skirt pocket, smiling.

"Thank you, lass. It was... unde-neigh-ably pleasant," Henrik comments, grinning ear to ear.

Which Symboli Rudolf snorts, manages to stifle a giggle, as she covers her mouth with her hand, shaking her shoulders. At the same time, Air Groove turns completely deadpanned, planting her hand on her face, groaning. "Give me a break. Now there're TWO of them."

"In any case, I think I took enough of your time. And I do have a class to attend to soon." Henrik let out a small sigh. "I figure you don't want me here just for the pleasantries alone, so if either of you have any question, go for it."

"Why did you apply to this school, Kaiser-sensei?"

Henrik looks to Air Groove, humming, tapping his finger on his cane. "Why, you ask? It is quite simple, really." His gaze suddenly becomes serious, startling both horse-girls in the room. "There are two answer to your question, lass."

"Which are...?"

"The first one is for the thighs, obviously."

Symboli Rudolf and Air Groove blinks, until both utter. "Eh?"

"Yes, why thighs, you might ask?" Henrik locks his fingers together, places his hands on the cane as he rests his chin on the back of his hands, setting his gaze straight to them. "Breasts can always go sagged. Ass can be faked. But thighs like yours, my dear Symboli Rudolf—" which the horse-girl in mention uncharacteristically, yet also cutely flushes red "—they take time, and a butt-ton of efforts to get them to that shape. Not overly macho. Enough meat, and fat to achieve the ever-so godly skindentation when you put on those thigh-highs. And not to mention, great, perfectly thick thighs also mean great ass, which is a bonus. Overall, I love every inch of a woman, but thighs... they always hold a special place in my heart."

The horse-girls grow speechless, understandably. An awkward silence between the three, before Air Groove coughs into her hand and places her darkened gaze on Henrik. "Sensei... if I may. You honestly sounded like a true degenerate."

"A-Air Groove! That is rude!"

"Ha!" Henrik laughs. "Jokes on you, I'm bloody into that!" Which he soon calms down, as he let out a sigh, noticing the conflicted look on his favourite horse-girl. "Don't fret. I was only 'horsing' around. Well, kind of. You could say appreciating thighs is a small part of the whole reason why I decided to apply for a position in this place in the first place."

"I... I see." Symboli Rudolf composes herself. "Then may I ask what is the real reason?"

Henrik closes his eyes for a moment. "Searching for a sense of belonging," he replies.

"A sense of belonging—?"

"Well, would you look at the time! I should go now." Henrik suddenly rises from the seat, grabs his bag as he turns to Symboli Rudolf. "Has to cut short our conversation, lass. Time is of essence, as I should be in my class by now. Now if you will excuse me, I have a place to be. Oh, and my apologies. I forgot your tea, dear. Though, I can make it up with a good old British teatime, miss Empress. Do contact me if you like me to hold one for you two~."


"Miss Emperor, I hope we can take our relationship to the point you'll let me sleep on your lap," Henrik says playfully, winking. "Take good care of yourselves, all right?"

And with that, Henrik strides through the door, leaving the stunned horse-girls to themselves. An awkward silence, again, until this time Symboli Rudolf breaks the ice.

"I have to say... our new teacher is an odd one," she remarks, her eyes still lingering on the place where he left, smiling slightly.

"I say he's a pervert, and a threat to our students. Should I call the police, president?"

"You are making it sound like he is a criminal, Air Groove."

"The way he talked about thighs? Yes, he sounded like one."

"Well—" Symboli Rudolf giggles "—at least he is honest about his fetish."

"Have you seriously taken a liking on him just because he made two puns?" Air Groove asks, as her eyes growing blank.

"I neither confirm nor deny." Symboli Rudolf smiles. "Having said that, despite his... uniqueness, from the short time I spent alone with him, it feels like he is a good addition to the school. I... do think he is going to help a lot of horse-girls here."

"And your reason being...?"

"His eyes. They remind me of hers."

"That's not possible," Air Groove disagrees. "They are the polar opposite. How can someone be that perverted, somehow got accepted in the school, remind you of her, Symboli Rudolf?"

"Perhaps he was teasing with us? She tended to mess with us a lot, do you not remember?"

"Maybe. But that honestly didn't sound like teasing."

"Besides," Symboli Rudolf continues, holding her hand to her chest, smiling softly, "you may call me biasing at the moment, yet when I looked at both his eyes, they gave me comfort... and relief, as though they allowed me to be truly myself, similar to whenever I'm with you, and her."

Air Groove stays in silence for a moment. "If you say so, president," she says indifferently. "I just hope your feeling about him is correct. Because it's hard to find someone like her for Tracen."

"True. Perhaps he is the person we need, after her..." Symboli Rudolf trails off. "Either way... we should head back to our class, Air Groove. Sensei is waiting for us."

Air Groove notices the minute somberness in her president's tone, patiently waiting for Symboli Rudolf to put away the first aid kit and grab her school bag. Before long, she closes the door.

"I will not forgive him if he breaks her heart," Air Groove mutters, under her breath, gritting her teeth, as she follows Symboli Rudolf from behind; yet she soon breathes in deeply, calming down her nerves, and smiling sadly with her ears droop slightly. "One time is already enough..."


First of all, my apologies to the fans of Umamusume, since I feel like I'm chopping the characters for the plot. My intention is that every horse-girl Henrik knows and met has to have some sort of a background that makes them... them nowadays.

My biggest obstacle would be Air Groove. In her official bio, it is stated she "bares an uncompromising hatred to men because of something unfortunate that happened in one of her past races." Not much information after that, so I thought, "hey, why don't I try to make sense with it by adding some real life elements into this?" in order to explain why she has the impression "all men are beasts" or something like that.

Or I might be a dumbass who's making things compliated :v

As for Symboli Rudolf, I'm still trying to figure out what kind of role she's gonna play in the series.

That's all for now. Hope you enjoy the chapter :D

JustS_RandomWritercreators' thoughts
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