

Father: Let us get your pet and want today, books and other stuff can be bought tomorrow after you get your trunk.

I nodded.

I started moving towards Magical Menagerie shop for my pet, hinting him of my choice.

In the shop, there were many pets in cages. But I was searching for a black cat so that I can get my wampus cat.

I asked, "Any black cats in the store."

He brought 2 black cats in my store. I watched eyes of both the cats. I get a slight headache by watching the second cat and I knew its a wampus cat.

I bought the cat and named it 'Shadow' and wrote in the paperwork.

I had to form the bond with it before getting my wand. I took note of my father as he was paying, I quickly put my left-hand finger in its mouth for Shadow to form a bond with me.

After paperwork, we went to Ollivanders for my wand.

He was not able to identify any of us, as my father did not buy his wand from Ollivanders.

After asking my name, he stared at me and his eyes glowed and he smiled.

Ollivander: Finally! A wizard worthy enough to try wands made from acacia wood.

He brought two wands. He gave me one as he explained, "13", acacia wood, thestral hair".

I waved it and nothing happened. He started smiling harder as he gave me a second wand, " 11", acacia wood, dragon heartstring. This dragon was at its last breath when it gave its heartstring willingly. And acacia wood make wands which refused to be used by any other than it chooses for."

As I waved my wand it gave a very strong dragon roar. And Ollivander started laughing like crazy. After a minute he explained, "As I thought, dragon left its consciousness in that heartstring, if formed a bond properly, your wand can regain its dragon knowledge."

And I was surprised that I felt 5 heartbeats at the same time for very short second and then only 3 hearts, like normal. I guessed I have to turn animagus quite early for forming a bond with my wand.

We paid 13 Galleons for the wand and returned home as it was getting late.

We returned tomorrow, to collect my trunk, robes and buying books, plants and other supply for trunk and Howgwards.

After buying some plants which have vast uses, first-year Hogwarts books, potion materials. Thenwe went to collect our trunk and placed every thing in it.

I started buying food for Shadow and Blaze, collected my robes. And returnd home.

After every thing was settled, my father called me to ask question for my robe.

Me: Father, I want to become animagus very soon, in proper guidance ofcource.

Father: Okey, but I warn you, I will punish you very harshly if you rashly try to become animagus without guidance.

Me: Of cource father. And I want your permission to read some books from library if I feel its interesting, before going to Hogwards.

Father: It can be agreed.

Next chapter