
A step closer

On the second day, the rest of the list is announced.

The Empress makes a fool of herself by complaining before the herald has time to start the declarations. She says it's unheard of that the ladies of the court are not suited for anything, especially for staying by his majesty's side.

After she's vented her frustrations, his majesty nods to the herald who starts his declaration. He adds three names to the shortlist, explaining that some more time was needed to value the ladies from the court.

His majesty then agrees with the Empress, telling her she's right about them being suited.

It looks like an exchange full of love, but the Emperor is making everyone realise, once again, how that woman doesn't have a say in anything. Let alone who's going to become an Empress after her.

Once the formalities are over, Alexander and I take a stroll in the imperial gardens. We're approached first by an aide of the Grahms.

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